Would you ever eat broccoli on a pizza?


Jan 23, 2010
up in the air
I just had a delicious new pizza this weekend--it was a white pizza with black olives and broccoli, and it was really awesome :D Has anyone else ever tried broccoli on a pizza, or any other unusual toppings?

(I know there's another pizza thread out there, but hopefully this is different enough, if not it's ok if this gets deleted)
I don't think it will get deleted it's the spam place so it wont matter.

But I've eaten that exact same pizza. I do like broccoli on pizza. I think it was a Ristorante one I got from the grocery store.

The most unusual thing I think I've eaten on a pizza isn't really considered a food, it's the nasty tasting mushrooms, the drug ones that make you hallucinate. They are awful, disgustingly unbearable to eat alone. But I don't really like the regular kind of mushrooms that much anyway.
Bleh, I hate broccoli Dx

I had it on pizza once, thinking the cheese would cover it up, but nope I could still taste it, and I'm sorry, am not a fan of the flavour >_>

Actually, I bought some frozen dinner on sale, but I only realized there was broccoli in it when I got home, so now it's sitting in the freezer, likely never to be eaten >_>
I can't imagine broccoli would be too bad. I've had my fair share of strange pizza toppings.

The first was marshmellows. When I was little, I loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and they always had wacky stuff on their pizzas. Being so young, I was easily influenced by my heroes and one night I insisted on trying marshmellows on my pizza, and I really liked it. I used to put marshmellows on pizza all the time, but I kind of grew out of it. It's still not bad, though.

Then in middle school, I used to put dabs of mustard on the pepperonis of my pizza from the school cafeteria. For some reason, I was on a mustard craze at this point in my life and would try it on nearly anything. But the mustard on pizza thing was delicious, and I kept doing it.

Then a few years ago I was at a gathering with a few classmates because we were getting together outside of school to work on a project. We made pizza, and some guys were putting ranch dressing on their slices. I was all "what the heck you guys" and they were like "man it's great don't even give us that guff". So I tried it and it turned out to be really, really good.

So yeah, that's all I can think of at the moment.
I actually never had it a pizza broccoli >_> but, I wouldn't mind trying it out sometime for i like broccoli :monster:

I dun think i've eaten an pizza with unusal toppings tbh. :hmmm: Just your basic pizza for me. (at least topping wise)
I can't imagine broccoli would be too bad. I've had my fair share of strange pizza toppings.

The first was marshmellows. When I was little, I loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and they always had wacky stuff on their pizzas. Being so young, I was easily influenced by my heroes and one night I insisted on trying marshmellows on my pizza, and I really liked it. I used to put marshmellows on pizza all the time, but I kind of grew out of it. It's still not bad, though.

Strangely, to me that actually sounds pretty good. o_o I will have to try that next time I have pizza and marshmellows together with me.

As for broccoli on pizza, I think I will pass. I've never been a major fan of the stuff and I think I will pass on trying it on my already great tasting pizza.
Yeah, I would. I've had spinach on pizza and it is some of the most delightful tasting pizza in the world. I've also had fried egg on pizza whilst on vacation in France, so broccoli is hardly anything to freak out about.
Broccoli pizza doesn't sound too bad! I imagine it would get covered up by the cheese and tomato anyway. :) I'm not really adventorous (sp?) with my toppings, I just like cheese, tomato and pepperoni. Some times I like the tomato too much and actually put ketchup on. My friends find that disgusting but I love it! :-)

Now, what I don't like, is ... pineapple. >> Pineapple on a pizza is wrong.
Uh, no..not particulary, it's not nice combination. Probably make me sick
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Broccoli pizza doesn't sound too bad! I imagine it would get covered up by the cheese and tomato anyway. :) I'm not really adventorous (sp?) with my toppings, I just like cheese, tomato and pepperoni. Some times I like the tomato too much and actually put ketchup on. My friends find that disgusting but I love it! :-)

Now, what I don't like, is ... pineapple. >> Pineapple on a pizza is wrong.

I agree. I love pineapples and I also love pizza. However pineapples on a pizza is a big no no for me. I tried it once and somehow I managed to force myself to eat a slice. My mother loves it though and thinks I'm weird for not liking it. There are just somethings out there that should never be mixed in my opinion.
Just a reminder that this is a post count section guys and that one liners are regarded as spam in post count sections.

Could you please take the time to elaborate a little more on your posts so that they don't come across as spammish looking.

I love broccoli on pizza. My favorite kind of pizza is combination, so I guess you could say that I'm a fan of lots of and/or odd toppings. However, I've never tried anchovies or anything extreme like that.

I remember trying pineapple on my pizza once... and hated it. It was just so horribly disgusting I couldn't stomach it. xD It's really probably because pineapple is a fruit... and going on something hot like pizza is just too harsh of a mixture for me.