Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Would you like to see a sequel to this game, or maybe a movie....or a prequel? Maybe you'd like to see it remade on any platform of your choice

Discuss your thoughts, what you would like/dislike, or do you think that it should be left alone altogether?

Please remember no flaming, and people are allowed their own opinions, even if it seems like a stupid idea to you ^_^
I wouldnt mind a remake on the new gen consoles (ps3, xbox360) but i doubt id want a prequel or sequel as everything was told in the story and all lose ends tied up nicely without the need for another.

If they were to remake though I really want them to get some decent voice actors and not the garbage ones they have been hiring of recent, good voice acting = key to a character in the new gen console gaming era :)
I would love to see a remake of this game. I think VI could use an upgrade with the graphics for the characters and the battle system to give it a more real life appeal to it. Also, I have an interest with voice acting in video games. That is the main thing that brings the characters to life and would be a nice to hear the characters come to life in VI. Before we know it, they might put this game on the DS maybe? Only time will tell.
Remake definitely, but I'm not sure about a spinoff. Maybe something based on the Magi war? Could work.
I've always thought that VI was abound with the possibilities for if nothing else, then prequels...

The War of the Magi - Everyone's probably thought of this one. We're given hints as to what happened, but don't know all the details...The only thing is, I feel like this is just obscure enough that it'd just end up like any Summon-centric FF only with FFVI's World of Balance map again...

The Rise of the Empire - A detail of the Gestahl's rise to power (perhaps both before & after the raid on the Esper world), Leo's training (& generally being such a bad ass he didn't need Magitek power), Kefka & Celes' initial infusions...The one thing that would prosper from this would be seeing Kefka's delve into insanity (whether it be a slow process or something instantaneous). Perhaps we'd also get to see how Terra grew up under the thumb of the Empire, as well (she didn't always have that slave crown on, right?)...

The Adventures of Billy & Clyde - We know so little about Shadow's past as a thief, much less his friend Billy/Baram...It would have to end kind of sadly, but could also end by showing more detailed events that occurred in Thamasa with Relm's mother...

I would also love a big fancy AC-like movie...only maybe a retelling of some of the events of the game would be better than trying to extend the storyline of VI which finishes up rather nicely...Maybe because all of the characters are so awesome & I'd love to see them all given a nice graphical boost that they deserve.

As for sequel, the only possible thing they could do would be something generational like they're doing with FFIV: The After and use the kids (or students in cases like Sabin?) of the heroes...but the FFVI world is now Magic-less, so I wonder how that would work w/o including a horrible cop-out like, "now we have this other stuff that's exactly like Magic!" Or "oh, hey, looks like all the Espers & Magic didn't disappear after all!"...V_V But, hey, a FF w/o Magic at all might be interesting, especially with FFVI since there were so many cool abilities in it besides Magic.

I would also just settle for a DS remake ala FFIV DS...Maybe after Matrix Software finishes up FFIV: The After, they'll be able to get to work on FFV DS & FFVI DS!! *crosses fingers*
I haven't really completed this game so i wouldn't know what happens in the end. but in all honesty i think all of the FF games should be remade in one form or another (I.E movie, sequel prequel or straight remake) and from what i have heard FFVI is one of the best FF games to be made so if there was a remake or a different spin-off to it then i would be forced to buy the original (or the remade version) and play it to see what happens.
I would absolutely adore a re-make of this game, like they're doing with FFVII. Like Darkie said, I wouldn't want it to be the chibi style they did in FFIV, with some pretty teasers in the trailers to make you think otherwise. =P FFIV had great voice acting, and I did appreciate how nice it looked... but I think I would've preferred it being a PSP game or at least doing without the chibi forms... though they were hella cute.

Anyway, I think that FFVI should be re-made on PSP, Xbox360/PS3, or even PS2. I also don't mind the idea of a movie, the only problem with that is that there is a ton of room to leave out some awesome parts you can only experience through the game.
I guess a remake would be pretty cool as it would introduce new players to one of the best FF's (in my opinion). But I would want a remake to be on the PS3 or Xbox 360 so it would be on the same level as the upcoming XIII games (graphics-wise).

I really wouldn't like to see a sequel, because I think everything was wrapped up nicely, and going by VII and Xs sequels, I don't think Square Enix would be able to produce a sequel to FFVI that has a decent storyline.

A movie would be alright if it was based on the actual game. But I doubt it would be able to give the game much justice.

There are several options for prequels though, the war of the magi and possibly a story about Celes and Kefka would be pretty interesting.
I would definatly love to see a remake of FFYI on PS3 with super awesome graphics and (hopefully) awesome voice acting and with original compositions from the game. I agree that a sequel wouldn´t be a good idea but a prequel would be cool, perhaps explaining evants that lead to the game and finishing somewhere around the start of FFVI like Crisis Core did for the FFVII. About the movie, I dunno, it would be cool to have a movie version of the game but that would clash with the remake, and I would rather have a PS3 remake then movie. About a spin-off, something set in the war of magi would be nice touch, then there could be FFVI compilation, or something like that.
Nope. The game is perfect how it is.

The game ends at an epic scene where Kefka is defeated and the World of Ruin eventually starts to replenish itself over time and turn back into a World of Balance-like earth. The characters are moving onto their respective lives with some picking up where they left off, and others living differently due to the life-changing events they have gone through.

Graphics-wise, it would be cool to see it in it's full glory, but I relish the old-time feel of firing up FFVI on a PS1 and see it in its old-school vibe.
I would like to see the game at least be brought back to a more present system. maybe the DS with updated graphics, or even on the Wii as a downloadable game since it did first come out on the snes. the story line itself makes up for the old graphics so if it is updated it wouldn't mean too much.
Graphics-wise, it would be cool to see it in it's full glory, but I relish the old-time feel of firing up FFVI on a PS1 and see it in its old-school vibe.

How about Firing it up on a SNES? Using that controller, now that brings you back.

I have loved this game for a LONG LONG time. I like the way it is now, but, part of me would love to see an updated version. But done like no other, not one on the DS, but one for a platform system. Keep the story and everything the same, keep the color pallet and the Amano style and run with it. I don't even think it needs to be the full 3D experience, if they did it in the same way they did FFIX I think it would be incredablel.
I would love to see this game get a DS remake ala FF IV, complete with voice actors(preferably the same they get to voice Terra and Kefka in Dissidia) and a graphical face lift. I always loved FF IV even back when it was called FF II, but after playing the DS version I feel its easily the best release of that game. I love FF VI as well, but I think it could be even better on the DS.
I'd love to see a remake like the way they did FFIV for the DS. 3D it, voiceacting, a few extra scenes, etc. That would be awesome to see. I suspect there won't be recreations of the new dungeons but that's okay, because I have the GBA verison already.

Damn, I'm addicted to remakes. >__>
I am not the biggest fan of remakes of games like these to current generation platforms because they loose some of the appeal and magic...I love the expressions that you get in games like IV and VI, the the wagging finger or big eyes. I wouldnt mind one for say the ps2/ps3 if and only if they did it with cell shaded graphics similar to the new Prince of Persia game, to keep some of that cartoon feel and look. And I want more back story to some of the characters, I loved what VI already gave us and want more info on Locke, Celes, Terra, Setzer, the Fiagro brothers, etc.
A remake of this game would be amazing...

Seeing as this game has a great set of unique characters that fit perfectly into the story...there is no reason not to remake..it would do so successful....but anything, chances are the remake will be for DS rather than PS3(if there is one) just like ff3 nd 4 was....

If thers a remake ...ff6 is made for nintendo..than bam a remake of FF7 on the PS3 :)