Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?

Remake it for the PSP with Dissida graphics, I guess the voice actor works for Terra and Kefka but please dont do the stupid japanease translation pauses >_< or at least give the option of japanease voices...Final Fantasy half the time is like Naruto where it sucks unless you hear it in japanease
I would like a Nintendo DS or 3DS remake.
I would give preference to having no voice acting and making the same difficulty upgrade the other DS titles got.
Well with the SDK still waiting to come out, I am writing my plans of a sequel. I have nothing else to do anyway, but here is a hint of what it will be about. The title will be, "Retainer Czar" based off the unused boss in the SNES Final Fantasy 6. My first plan will be to use the world of ruin map as the world of balance. I'll keep that the same but the rest will start from scratch. And lastly, it will be an SMC so you'll need zsnes, snes9x, etc. etc. etc. PEACE OUT!
VI does not need a spinoff. The story was complete at the end and I think a spin off or a sequel could just ruin the game. (Seriously, their entire world went to ruin! Leave the survivors alone! XD)
Actually, I think a prequel of the War of Magi would be awesome to see :x3:

Well with the SDK still waiting to come out, I am writing my plans of a sequel. I have nothing else to do anyway, but here is a hint of what it will be about. The title will be, "Retainer Czar" based off the unused boss in the SNES Final Fantasy 6. My first plan will be to use the world of ruin map as the world of balance. I'll keep that the same but the rest will start from scratch. And lastly, it will be an SMC so you'll need zsnes, snes9x, etc. etc. etc. PEACE OUT!
You plan on using the SDK as well? :nudge: Dargor lights the day for us FFVI fans. :)

But I think they mean only official remake/prequel. c:
I think they should make some Fallout-esque game set in the World of Ruin. By the way, where did this terminology (WOR) even came from?

what do you guys think of this remake it is not a rom hack, but actuly made entirely from scratch

It is a continuation built from scratch. Whay do you call this a remake?
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DS remake would be ok and is likely

PSP remake would be great and there is a possibility of it

PS3 remake would be absolutly mind-blowing and would be in the history books for being one of the best games...........But is extremely unlikely.

All these games which are released before the 3D era are underrated.......FFVI is definately one of the best games around in the world........the nly reason people don't play it would be once they look it at they think uh-oh this game looks crap.........I'd rather play Metal gear solid 4 or Devil May Cry on the PS3 which looks amazing.

But the only reason this game would be good for the PS3 is the looks of the world and the voices of the characters.

But that's not the reason I won't buy it I won't buy it for the looks I'd buy it for the story.......Definately one of the best stories in the series if not the best.

FFX and FFVII are known for their stories................

Definately would be one of the best games ever if not THE best.
FFVI's most likely platform to be remade on, will either be DS or a PSP...I don't think they'd ever consider making it for a bigger platform. :(

what do you guys think of this remake it is not a rom hack, but actuly made entirely from scratch
First, that's not a remake if it looks the same...second, is that a RPG game maker engine you are using?
Remaking it with a PS3 Xbox 360 feel would be a wise decision because this is one of the more stronger FF titles that can grab the player's interest from a demo. I mean COME ON! Don't tell me you wouldn't gravitate towards the screen with Terra riding a Magitek mech in the first few minutes of a 3D demo. That's the kind of hallmark that made Final Fantasy the giant it is today. As long as they look at all the angles of what made this game great, a 3D installment would be a money mine.
As long as they look at all the angles of what made this game great, a 3D installment would be a money mine.

Not as much of a money mine as an HD FFVII remake would be. :monster:

Let's just face it. FFVI is eclipsed by FFVII when it comes to fandom and popularity. FFVII is more well-known, more appreciated, even worshipped constantly online. If SE finally sees that they're potentially sitting on a massive gold mine, it would be more sensible for them to remake FFVII on PS3 instead of FFVI, because a FFVII remake will inevitably be a much bigger seller.

Business is business. A lot of money and resources are needed to make any big title game, especially a game on the HD consoles. If SE is willing to splash out so much money and effort on a remake, it would have to be on a game that they know will print a lot of money and FFVII would rake in more profits than FFVI would. Of course, I don't happily accept that, because I'm one of the people who do not want a FFVII remake.
I really do wish they would do a remake on the ps3 or some other popular game system. It is my favorite game of the series even though I have played VII - X. I think a lot of people won't play it just because of the graphics, which is unfortunate because they are missing out on a great game. :worried:
Out of all the Final Fantasy, I think FFVI is the one that deserves to be remade the most. I mean FFVII will probably get remade before FFVI ever does, but it would be amazing to see the characters, and mainly the scenes in beautiful graphics. ;3

But only if they don't remake it for the DS or PSP or anything hand held. That's a bust, imo.
Along with V, I think VI deserves a revamp.
I mean, III got a DS version, and III sucks.
I can't see a current-gen console version in the works for the same reason as a VII remake - too much work for them to create the graphics while maintaining the integrity of the game as a whole.
And I'm not sure how they'd work out the battle system on a console, either.

I'd happily settle for another DS remake, I reckon.
6 was my favorite hands down. i think it got kind of looked over in my opinion. i would love a prequel with the first mage war and a movie or book wouldn't exactly hurt.
Remake: Yes. This game is gold... even if the remake turns out gold-colored silver, it'd still be worth getting.

Spinoff: I don't know. I don't think they'll be able to do it well. Something manages to get lost in spinoff sequels, the new game ends up not being able to stand on its own that well but not being good enough to represent the previous game it's suppose to stand for.
I'm definitely for a FFVI remake, but I'd rather it not on the DS. To be honest, every time I see the characters from FFIII they all remind me of children, even the old people.

This game captivated me purely on the plot and characters, even though I highly doubted that I'd like anything that was on GB, and as long as they maintain the same standard I'll be happy. I suppose this could be a possibility after they do some other remakes?
I would prefer a HD-2D graphics,like Lunar for PSP,with moving battle sprites.
If they turned it on 3-D,wish it would have at least FFVIII or IX graphics. (IV DS graphics looked like something between VII and VIII,sometime even worse/better, it was strange and not the ideal to me,although I like the game a lot)
Out of all the Final Fantasy, I think FFVI is the one that deserves to be remade the most. I mean FFVII will probably get remade before FFVI ever does, but it would be amazing to see the characters, and mainly the scenes in beautiful graphics. ;3

But only if they don't remake it for the DS or PSP or anything hand held. That's a bust, imo.

[FONT=&quot]EXACTLY! There's no point in remaking for DS or PSP. I want something powerful and expensive. Not the same old cheapness :highfive:[/FONT]
Holy beans, YESSSS!! I want this one to be redone in HD.
I don't know about a sequel or anything, though. I don't think any more could really be done.