Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

Then Genesis just needs to die for christ's sake. Who knows, perhaps Weiss can have another take at things, but I doubt he'd be another main villain. What's Denzel's backstory?
I would like a better spin off then what was done so far. Crisis Core was all right, but I would like a more complete free roaming game based on the ideas of FFVII
i agree with free roaming,crisis core was great,compared to DoC,but the thing where denzel is a main is really catching on/i think in the sequel,someone really drastic happens that finally ends the whole ffvii franchise,like when denzel is hunting down genesis with clouds help,genesis' army would come and attack,cloud telling denzel to run,then when denzel returns,he finds cloud,laying on the floor,dying,and cloud tells him to kill genesis,so the world can finally be at peace,then he dies,similar to the faith zack met at the end of cc,tahta would be a real tear jerking moment,where everybody playing just says "clouds last wish rests in my hands,and then they go to finish off genesis,but this only happens half way through the game,and can somebody tell me something,cloud was 16 in crisis core,and 19 in ffvii,ao,what happened in the 3 years between crisis core and ffvii??
another spin off or movie? well, that would depend on story...it's true that VII is a really great story with so many parts, characters etc. I think there could be another spin off or movie but the creators should be very careful about it because a lot of fans doesn't like these 'new things' about FF VII. So, I'm not against it but it should be made very well.
Well I feel like the FFVII universe has been expanded upon enough.. At least the events surrounding Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth have. Both Crisis Core and Last Order have been about practically the same thing, and Advent Children was focusing on Cloud and Sephiroth too... And to me I feel the expansion on the Nibelheim incident was pointless anyway, as it was almost fully explained in the original game anyway.

So I'm not really in the mood for any more expansions of the FF7 story if it is seen that to be an FF7 story it needs to be about Cloud / Sephiroth / Zack. Yeah, DoC wasn't about them so much, but it was however still about Hojo etc, and Vincent is still linked in with the whole incident..

So no more of that! I liked it in the original game, but the spin offs are killing that part of the story for me.

However, if they HAD to do another spin off, I wouldn't mind one set in the period of the Cetra.
I would quite like to see their civilisation at their prime. Their capital used, their temple also used, perhaps even Mr. Fish explained :-)awesome:)... I'd quite like to see their struggle against Jenova when she first arrived on the planet.

I think it would also be quite kool if it was revealed that the Cetra and Nanaki's race got along well as well. I think they would have similar mindsets enough to get along well. And perhaps, as a bonus, if that was to happen then that might explain why Hojo believed that
mating Aerith and Nanaki
would get results, as he might have found records of their co-existance. :D
hey Argor251,just saying this before continuing,a "generous" fanboy created scene with aerith and nanaki "mating",well,anyway,and i know to keep my opinions to myself,i just thought it should be said,ff vii should just die,its going too far,im tired of it,they should make a 5 minute video where genesis jumps out of the sky and kills cloud,then gets shot in the back of the head by vincent,and vincent suffers from a heart attack,so there,its done,somebody make a spinoff of ff viii already
Argor your idea about it being set in the period of the cetra is quite a good idea I think.

The reason I think people don't like the spin offs is because none of them were any good at all except for Crisis Core. I honestly did like Genesis, Angeal, and of course Sephiroth. Even that game was lacking though. Advent Children just flat out sucked and if I didnt like FFVII so much I probably only would have watched it halfway. Dirge of Cerebrus was truly an insult to the original and to Vincent Valentine who had potential though maybe not as a main character.

Before Crisis seems like a joke and The Last Order is something I have never heard of if you could give me some information either here or via PM thatd be great.
hey Argor251,just saying this before continuing,a "generous" fanboy created scene with aerith and nanaki "mating"

Lol, you mean to say someone made an explicit mating scene between them? :gasp:
I'm not surprised. It sounds like the kind of thing certain people do, and FFVII effectively handed them a scene on a plate. :awesome:

The Last Order is something I have never heard of if you could give me some information either here or via PM thatd be great.

It was a one-off anime episode about the Nibelhiem incident.
I'm sure it can be found on youtube or something.
I haven't completed Crisis Core yet, but I'm pretty sure it covers the exact same thing at the end.. And it's covered in the original game anyway. Last Order just deals with what happened in full.

And yes I agree, I didn't find most of the spin-offs as enjoyable as FFVII. Perhaps because I felt that the elements of the story they saw the need to expand I felt didn't really need expanding.
I have to ask, are they ever going to come out with just a plain FF7 remake on a next gen console?

We do have another stickied thread on remakes feel free to check it out, and no one knows the answer to that question yet

This thread is asking if you would like to see another spin off

Lets try to keep on topic please ^^
Argor251 is right,last order is just an animated version of the last half of crisis core,and argor251,the end of cc will make you cry,`but,maybe this should end,make a final game,not a movie,something that will be an end all conclusion to ff vii,there is a rumor,that aside from the after years,and the ff xiii universe,a spinoff will be made of a classic ff game(gee,i wonder what that could mean)and the guys who worked on the crystal chronicals is working on it(yes i know i spelt chronicles wrong),so,expect this to be a cutesy wutesy spinoff on the ds,like revenant wings,or a piece of crap on the wii(i still cant find a decent game for the wii,but,its a good console to have i guess),but,if this actually isnt a rumor,please let it be from ff viii,but,if make a sequel,make it for the ps3(so i have another reason to buy one again after mine broke)and make sure its long,full of amazing visuals,make it a hack n slash rather than semi turn by turn(or maybe not,i didnt like ff xiis,it was dumb,either make it hack and slash,not hack,wait 8 seconds for the bar to fill up,then slash,and use the full 500 gigs of space on the god damn bluray(sorry for my language to the younger and religous members)i can imagine it now,the story takes place 3 years after the events of DoC,cloud starts training denzel to use the buster sword in case he gets attacked making runs for tifas bar,vincent still puzzled,feeling that he never fininshed off weiss once and for all,(you would later discover after DoC,weiss' body was taken bye genesis,after vincent defeated omega weiss,which is only seen in the secret ending of DoC if you collected all 3 G reports,where he flies away with weiss,otherwise you would have just seen the ending with vincent and shelke looking into the sky which holds the fragments of omega)the all of a sudden,mako soldiers strike the 7th heaven from the sky,then,after the struggle,vincent cloud and denzel looks up to realize that genesis and weiss are stearing down at them,then they blast the 7th heaven and all its surrounding shops into a crater,where weiss comes with a smirk on his face,and says to vincent,"if you thought you ended this 3 years ago,your wrong,because its just getting started,and the him and genesis flys away,with a lifless body in there hands,cutting the fmv,and then putting the player in the role of denzel,or vincent to check and see if everybody is okay,only to realize cloud is missing,the only thing left in the huge crater is a single black feather,as denzel picks it up,and grips it in his hand,finds the buster sword,hops on clounds motorcycle,and leaves,thus beginnining final fantasy vii:the birth of a new moon(title was chosen becasue the birth of a new moon is a metaphor for denzels spirit of vengeance being awakened,as cloud would always teach him what he needed and he looked out for him),and just to clear this up,at the end of crisis core,there are 2 men that drop down from a helicopter bearing the deepground insignia,these are weiss and nero,genesis' 2 younger brothers,which then take him to the deepground,)i hope people like this idea,because ive pitched really dumb ones before,but this one im sure about
I'd like to see a spin off game with Barret, Cid, or even Red XIII as the main character. Or maybe a combination of the three.

I haven't played Crisis Core cause I don't own a PSP, do they make a cameo in it?
Eh... No thanks. I think the series has been milked enough. Yeah I liked the game but it's kind of like Faulty Towers. John Cleese knew it was awesome so he stopped making episodes to keep it a comedy legend. If the FF7 goes on for much longer it'll get a bad reputation for doing too much. Making a mobile phone game, animated series and movie... Enough already I say.
I'd like to see a spin off game with Barret, Cid, or even Red XIII as the main character. Or maybe a combination of the three.

I haven't played Crisis Core cause I don't own a PSP, do they make a cameo in it?
No, no FF7-playable character makes a cameo in Zach's story other than the three that are involved in it. Aeris, Cloud, and (briefly) Tifa.
i always give a decent idea then i get shut down,i get no respect,im up for a sequel,thats it,but not another spinoff,if the sequels starts off like my idea,it would be cool
i always give a decent idea then i get shut down,i get no respect,im up for a sequel,thats it,but not another spinoff,if the sequels starts off like my idea,it would be cool
No one shut you down. I really don't see what you're complaining about. But on the same token, what is decent about a passing-of-the-torch plot? I'd take a pan to Nomura's head if it suddenly went the cliche route of turning Cloud into some kind of mentor to Denzel, whose shown no such significance to be offered the kind of role above. FF7 started with Cloud, it should end with Cloud.

Anyway, I was initially against the idea of a sequal, but I'm all for one that's done RIGHT. I don't want some kind of fanservice to the cult legion of FF7, I want a sequal that offers the kind of qualities we loved from the initial game. I suppose that would essentially equate to more depth and well-roundedness than we received from work like AC and Dirge.

AC felt like its motives were to specifically pay dues to 2 requests by fans: Present the FF characters in the latest CG animation, and include an "epic" battle between Cloud and Sephiroth. As a result, many of the characters we fell in love with felt less like companions, and more like a background effort. And in addition to this, you had a plot that was rather a vague addition to a brilliant, key feature of FF7 - The Lifestream (kudos to ACC for expanding it a bit more).

Dirge took a once iconic character, fairly original in his time of creation, and rode hard on the cliche that his "type" has become today. I appreciate the backstory presented in the game, the fact that it expanded the story presented to us in FF (when you visit Lucrecia), and that it helped flesh out Vincent as a character. This kind of thing was completely contradicted by the man you played as throughout the game. Vincent of FF7 was very inquisitive and thoughtful, and they made it a point to make him at least slightly vocal about it. Here, it just felt like he was presented as some "badass guy with a mission". That very mission, being a very one-tracked element of the game that felt too linear compared to the kind of complexities the initial FF7 had.

All in all, I would love a remake, but I want a remake made to possess the great qualities of FF7 and its depth, not something meant to make the cult fans rave.
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No one shut you down. I really don't see what you're complaining about. But on the same token, what is decent about a passing-of-the-torch plot? I'd take a pan to Nomura's head if it suddenly went the cliche route of turning Cloud into some kind of mentor to Denzel, whose shown no such significance to be offered the kind of role above. FF7 started with Cloud, it should end with Cloud.
in my story,cloud dies,i dont know how it could end any other way,and highwind,you didnt read way back when i had posted the worst idea for a sequel ever,thats what i was complaining about beiing shot down for,and yes,somebody should take a pan to nomuras head,just smash it in his face,but,its always a cliche with final fantasy,especially the double boss ending,that pisses me off,but,what will you do,im going to be a 70 year old man and there still gonna be making spinoffs to ff vii,so,it really doesnt matter,square enix is going to dish out more crap about one of the worst games ever made,and we are going to keep buying,i think the only thing good about the game is the crappy spinoffs,but,what are you gonna do
I like CC but DOC was a very mediocre shooter, the story was alright but i agree that they might hav to make a spinoff, prob best for the psp so they can concentrate on the remake for the ps3 or ps4. I CAN live without anymore spinoffs tho.
I'd don't mind if they do another spin off. And for whoeversake the story doesnt have to be in line with the others. As a story the original FF7 will be the ultimate FF or game story anyhow. Because it stands out there will be never a spinoff that can undo that. So if you ask me if it sells do it. I just like playing FF anyway if its not total crap like Crystal Chronicles.
I don't want another spinoff. I kind of think they may do a remake followed possibly by a sequel to what DoC was about. With everything they've done with the franchise, I think its almost obvious that the next, possibly final step would be to remake the game on the PS3. Maybe after they're obligations with FFXIII loosen up a bit. I don't remember much of DoC storyline, something about an underground organization? I think a sequel might be to finish that storyline, along with possibly destroying all of Jenova's parts, destroying all of her cells/mako reactors, etc. Pretty much impossible to say without entirely guessing.

DoC could have been a lot better. Vincent is my favorite character from VII, I'm glad they fleshed his character out more, but as a main character, he deserved a lot more from that game. Crisis Core was great, DoC just okay. Because of that, I think they should just leave it alone. However, considering word from the company, it seems like they're done for now. I'm highly anticipating FFXIII anyway, so I'm fine with that.