Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

I may or may not have posted here before- I'll probably be repeating myself.

Dear Lord, no more FFVII sequels or spinoffs please! :gonk:

If we do need to fill in some gaps- a few books can do and maybe a revised encyclopaedia of everything to do with FFVII can remedy that, but that Compilation has been squeezed so much, you can't get anything more out of it.

SE should rebuild their reputation and focus on making new, good quality RPGs and not stupid cash cows such as Dirge of Cerberus which from my understanding, is rubbish.

Even a remake would be a waste of time and resources. I understand people may want an expansion to the Compilation, so I'll respect their wishes (while silently wishing it doesn't happen).
I really dont think remake would be a waste of time cuz in the long wrong theyd be making a whole lot more money with it because so many people luv this game like i would definetly spend money on a limited edition if they made a remake because i luv this game to death :)
Now if there was another spin off of this game i would like to see it about Genesis he seems like a preety pimp character. :) or Zack and explain his story instead of seeing it from clouds point of view.

Are you totally kidding me? Where you have been the last couple of years? They DID make a spin-off about Zack, all in Zack's PoV. It's called Crisis Core and it's for the PSP.
Now if there was another spin off of this game i would like to see it about Genesis he seems like a preety pimp character. :) or Zack and explain his story instead of seeing it from clouds point of view.
It's called Crisis Core, buddy. :P

you can't get anything more out of it.

SE should rebuild their reputation and focus on making new, good quality RPGs and not stupid cash cows such as Dirge of Cerberus which from my understanding, is rubbish.
It's not really squeezing anything new out of it, it's just improving upon a game that's been hailed as one of their best. I refuse to believe there will be a single member on this forum who wouldn't buy it at one time or another just out because they're against seeing more VII titles - you're all fooling yourselves if you suggest differently!

Also, as I've said many a time, if you wouldn't be happy seeing a remake, then don't buy it when it comes out. Some of us do want to see it, though, and hearing criticism just delays it for those of us who care enough not to jump on the veto-bandwagon.

And, for the record, I liked Dirge of Cerberus. :wacky:
Well... I don't see what else they could do a spin-off about, aside from doing something more obscure like something entirely to do with the Turks, which I don't think would be popular enough. (I know Before Crisis was about them, but I mean a PS3/PSP game/film that is actually released over here).
However, I would like to see more of the novellas written made into anime - that one about Denzel was okay, but I'd like to see 'Case of Shinra' made into an anime because I enjoyed reading that... and the others too. That's not so much making a whole new thing as elaborating on something already produced.

On the subject of the current remakes, I love Advent Children and Last Order. I enjoyed playing Dirge of Cerberus as well, but whether you like that really depends on whether you were a Vincent fan in the first place (which I was).
I want to play Crisis Core soon (need to get hold of a PSP first...).
The only pointless one was Before Crisis. I mean, mobile phone game? It wasn't even released over here either.
It's not really squeezing anything new out of it, it's just improving upon a game that's been hailed as one of their best.

I know, I was just commenting about the Compilation in general, not necessarily a remake itself. This is a thread about spinoffs.

I refuse to believe there will be a single member on this forum who wouldn't buy it at one time or another just out because they're against seeing more VII titles - you're all fooling yourselves if you suggest differently!
Well, you're probably right. I may probably end up buying the remake one day if SE do remake it. But nowhere have I stated that I won't buy a remake. I have only stated my lack of enthusiasm for a remake or spinoff and a preference for SE to focus on new projects.

Some of us do want to see it, though, and hearing criticism just delays it for those of us who care enough not to jump on the veto-bandwagon.
We have jumped on no bandwagon. It's clearly my opinion, just like how you have your own opinion. This is a discussion forum, so there are bound to be people with different opinions. We're free to criticise a remake just like how I'm happy for people to counter my views.
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Well, I am excited for a remake. VII was an excellent game that had its flaws...as a stand alone game the story is very confusing and the characters could have been more developed, but it's truly a masterpiece for its time and a remake would allow them to fill in a lot of the plot holes. I thought Crisis Core was an excellent addition to the game, because it explored Zack Fair and really connected him well with the original game, where he only saw a very minor role. Crisis Core also introduced some new characters that will possibly be explored in the sequel to Dirge of Cerberus, should they choose to make it. Which brings me to Dirge of Cerberus. I thought it was meh, but it had some redeeming qualities. You really got an in-depth look at Vincent, which added to his plot and answered a lot of questions. Advent Children. I was a big fan of the original, but I don't think the movie was very coherent until the release of Advent Children Complete. It definitely improved on the original and cleared up a lot of questions. All of the VII compilation adds to the original and fleshes it out, which is never a bad thing. True, it could be said that Square is "milking" the franchise, but their just trying to make money. I'd do it too, and so would you if given the chance. That's not a legitimate reason to hate the games. Find a decent reason to hate them before you start attacking fans of the spin offs.

Which brings me to this:
To the people hating on VII- Simply despising VII because of its fans or popularity...childish, to say the least. Sure, you're entitled to your opinion, but that's like hating vanilla ice cream not because it tastes bad to you, but because everyone likes it. It's fine if you want to feel this way, just don't say that it's a valid reason to hate on it. If you're criticizing it for other reasons, great I'd love to discuss them, but hating the fanbase is a terrible reason to criticize a game.

To the people hating on VII spin offs- You didn't like the Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, or Advent Children (all 3, a combination of 2, or just 1 of the above) and that's fine. You are entitled to your opinion. But that doesn't give you the right to trash fans who enjoy said game/games. On the other hand, VII fans, you don't have the right to trash them for their opinion. Discussions aren't fights. Name-calling should never be a part of a discussion. And yes, calling someone a "rabid fanboy/girl" is name calling. They like the spin offs, get over it. Try and find out why they like it, and the same to the fans, try and find why they dislike it. Otherwise, it's just a fight. Work out differences and contribute to the discussion. A conclusion may never be drawn, but both parties should walk away feeling enlightened. As it is, it's just one big opinion fight.
I'm half and half on this subject. I would prefer no more spin-offs but a straight up sequel after Dirge of Cerberus that ONLY dealt with Cloud, would be wayy cool.
Cloud's the fa-reaking hero of the game, and here we are seeing spin-offs for characters like Vincent, Yuffie, BARRET, Tifa, Zack and Aerith.

Sure I like all those things, but I want Cloud-time back. I want to hear and see his battles and stories again. Not Zack Fair and how he tries to bag every woman his Mako eyes spots.

Advent Children was kinda good with Cloud's story, but something was missing in it.

If they make a sequel, I'm hoping it's some story and Cloud is the one to save the day. That would be awesome. But if it's another dang spin-off of a side character I'll rip my dang hair out.
No, they did a good enough job with AC, which I didn't think would be that good. But it was alright. They need to stop where they are at.
I just wish Advent Children had expanded upon Cloud instead making him a brooding antihero like Vincent or that the mvie despite its action, never existed giving some fans a massive headache especially with the ending.
I know this may sound crazy, but I would like to see a spinoff that focuses on Nanaki.

From the little bits we get from story on his background, he could have a very interesting story in his own FFVII spinoff game. Heck, Vincent Valentine got one.

But I know it would never happen, for the same reason he barely even appeared in Dirge of Cerberus, and none in the other spinoff games (movie excluded. And as it is he only had one line in the movie, it was seven words: "There are still children with the stigma." :gasp:): Lazy animators.

They couldn't stand the thought of animating all that fur very much, and possibly that flame at the tip of his tail just seems like a nuisance to them too, the lazy Squenix sobs. :eek:uttahere:
I'd like to see something set in the same world but completely unrelated to the current cast. That goes for IX and a lot of other FF games.

Cloud and company's stories have been told.

Edit: But a Freya game would be awesome!
Maybe we could finally see a spinoff for Cloud Strife? You know that guy who was the start of all FFVII-dom? He was the Protaganists anyway I think he deserves another game but for him this time?
I don't really see it being necessary, but then, I'm one of those people that thinks there should have just been the game VII and that's it... If they make another spinoff then they make another spinoff, but I probably will not play it.
I would love to see Square just upgrade 7 to current kickass graphics, add soe content like issions in 13, add weapons, and expand the world a little bit, then release it on PS3. You know how uch $ they would ake fro that????? Everyone would buy it.
They don't need to make another spin-off of this game... I wish they would just make a remake of it already...
If the spinoffs werent as crappy as its predasesors perhaps....honestly though some times its best to let sleeping dogs lie and this dog hasnt had a rest in a while.....let it go
I would love to see Square just upgrade 7 to current kickass graphics, add soe content like issions in 13, add weapons, and expand the world a little bit, then release it on PS3. You know how uch $ they would ake fro that????? Everyone would buy it.

Then all of the little call of duty fan boys will buy and act as if they know everything about it, without even playing the original