Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

Do you want a final fantasy x-3?

  • Yes please!

    Votes: 126 55.8%
  • No thanks!

    Votes: 100 44.2%

  • Total voters
I dont know if I really like the idea of another spinoff of this game. I would hate to see this game get milked and whored like FFVII. This game is fine ending how it did, with 1 spinoff in X-2. My biggest fear is if they did make a spinoff and say alot of people buy it, there will be the atrocious pre/sequals coming out.
Depending on what they would do as far as the plot I've got two answers for that one.

If they are going to sorta just copy the events from X and X-2 then it might not be a good idea, simply for the fact that the games pretty much cover all of that. Why go through everything that we all already went through once or twice already? So for that my answer would be no.

Now if they created a whole new plot with a new villain that would come onto the scene, maybe a few new characters here and there as well as some old ones of course, then sure why not? I actually would like to see a movie or another game made just so long as they don't just repeat the previous games.

Sitting here typing this up actually made me think, 'What would happen if they made a game or movie with Rikku as the center instead of Yuna?'. 'What could possibly happen? What would they do?'. I've nothing against Yuna of course, but it might be pretty interesting for it to have someone else as the center.

Thats just my opinion though =P Nothing special.
I would play it as long as if it is a prequel. Deepening into the events concerning Braska's pilgramage or even getting a chance to play as Jecht (outside of Dissidia) proves to be quite interesting. Besides, there are many hilarious moments I wish to see, like Jecht's drunk move against ze shuupoof! Hahaha!
Well, I didn't like FFX.

I DESPISE FFX-2. :gasp:

So would I like to see more of it? No. Probably not.

Not unless they created something amazing, that as a gamer, I just couldn't say no to - and entirely new system perhaps - It would have to pretty awesome, for me to want to play it. And seeing how I felt about FFX and X-2, I doubt that would happen. At least not for me. Plus, I'd rather see them doing new games or great remakes, than milking FFX for all it has, and becoming another 'franchise' like FFVII. >_>
No, just........no. After playing FFX-2, another sequel for FFX isn't something I'd want at the moment. Seriously, spin-offs and sequels like Dirge of Cerberus and FFX-2 seemed so.....rushed, for some reason. It felt more like ideas just ended up being thrown together for the sake of the fans. I first heard about X-2, and got so excited. Then, I played it and just got disappointed. Forgive me, but there just seemed to be a lot of problems and complaints about FFX-2. So, I really don't want another sequel for FFX. I'd rather wait for FFXIII....it looks very promising.
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I'd love there to be an FFX movie!
They should make FFVIII a movie while they're at it though. :-)
I don't know about you guys, but I think FFX was the greatest game invented.
I really feel that there is no need for any spinoffs or more sequels too FFX. X-2 is pretty good and I have not finished yet. Well a movie for the FFX series would be really awesome. But X-3 I can't see happening.
If there were to do a FFX-3 I would want it to be a prequel AND a sequel :busta:

Here's my idea (Note: it's not perfect...in fact it probably sucks but whatever.) The game starts off with Yuna and co. (including
, Rikku, Paine, Wakka, Lulu) and I don't know... something happens or whatever. They have to go travel around Spira and along the way they find spheres of Spria's past. Then the player is thrown back into the past to the time of Yunalesca, Zaon, Shuyin, and Lenne. The player is then able to play Shuyin and Lenne and we get more info on their past.

After their deaths the player then goes on to play Yunalesca and Zaon, and witness their deaths. Maybe prior to this we are thrown back into the future with Yuna and Co. traveling again (maybe they're traveling to fight a new big bad, or maybe Seymour comes back. I don't know, just go with it). Eventually the player gets to finally play Braska, Auron, and Jecht. We get more info about their journey, etc.

And it ends in the present when Yuna and Co. faces the big bad or whatever. In this game we would get more info on the past, and maybe at the end of the game we would get a lengthy FMV of what the future holds in store for them.

I don't know, that's my idea for a X-3
To be honest X was perfect game on its own.

X-2 just sucked and brought my idea of X down drastically knowing they had brought X-2 out thinking it was good.

Spin off's are no good - how about they just focus on bringing FFXIII to PS3 in Europe already!
X was good X-2. i dont even know why i played that out, guess its just to complete another ff game made me finish it .... Another spinoff.. im kind of afraid they already making a good game ...bad... best they leave it as that
No! X-2 really sucked!!.Besides making a movie about the "after sin era" will be crappy as hell.
Having not read the rest of the pages (Sorry but 22 is a bit too much :P) I'm not sure whether this has been raised or not but I wouldn't mind as much if it was set in the pre-Sin era. I loved Zanarkand to bits (my favourite cutscene in Metropolis. I seriously load up the game just to watch that sometimes, that's how much I love it) and would love to see the history of all the other cities as they slowly fall to sin. Possibly do it as Lady Yunalesca? I'll just keep dreaming though :D It would be nice to see the cities on Besaid, Lake Macalania etc. in their prime though...
Well, I suppose it would depend what the focus would be put on as to whether or not I would enjoy another installment of Final Fantasy X. Let me be honest by saying that FFX-2 was a huge disappointment for me. That being said, someone previously posted in this thread that a great way to make this game would be to follow Braska's journey. Now, I like this idea, but I'd much rather follow Jecht's life
(before becoming sin)
. I really liked Jecht's character, though you don't learn too much about him during FFX. I loved Auron. It would be great to see how that story were to unfold and live some of what those spheres in FFX showed. That would be about the only way I'd like to see another sequel to this game.
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i really wouldn't mind. I would probably go buy it but after X-2 I don't know if it would do too well in the store. -But I would definitely buy just to see what happened to Spira
final fantasy spinoff

i really wouldn't mind. I would probably go buy it but after X-2 I don't know if it would do too well in the store. -But I would definitely buy just to see what happened to Spira
well i wouldn't mind, because it would show more of yuna and tidus, for they didn't get that much time together in X-2 or X. probably to find a way to make tidus stay in the real world as he is still a dream
One of the possible endings in X-2 is that Tidus does stay in the real world and is no longer a dream.