Would you like to see another spinoff to this game?

Do you want a final fantasy x-3?

  • Yes please!

    Votes: 126 55.8%
  • No thanks!

    Votes: 100 44.2%

  • Total voters
That would be a cool idea Mirage,

But I don't think that would be X-3, or any other game they'd be planning to bring out related to the goings on in X or X-2, I think it would merely be a spin-off sort of thing, like Dirge of Cerberus etc. I would really like their to be a little more information about what happened with Auron, he's such a interesting character.

Maybe,if there was an X-3,it should focus on Auron's,Jecht's and Braska's pilgrimage.
just a wild thought

Thats what I always thought they should have done instead of X-2... If they'd made a game following Jecht Braska and Auron that would have been an awesome game... Both Jecht and Auron were amazing characters in that game and I'd have loved to have played all of that out...

But ah well, they went all Charlies Angels instead!

I'm not up for a X-3, probably because I'm against sequals for these games in general (it milks games and is never as good as the original)... But if they do happen to do a prequal, follow Braska's journey, and keep the integrity of the FFX universe, then I'll give it a play.
i dont think it would be good but if there was another FF to be made with Tidus Auron and Yuna continuing their journey.
I wouldn't mind an X-3 game. Infact I wouldn't mind either way, but if such game were released, I'd like it to be about Jecht, Auron and Braska - playing as them in the story of 10 years ago.
If they did make an X-3, I'd hope it would end with Seymour coming back and making Spira completely EXPLODE.
Then there would be no more room for sequels, goddammit.
Hmmm... How about this for a crazy thought...

Sin returns, and is sucked into a dimensional rift and ends up in the world of FF4, where it comes face to face with the Lunar Whale... The battle of the whales commences. Who will win? Is all hope lost?

Or... Sin could be the Lunar Whale itself, once it dies...

They may as well! Since they tried to link the FFX universe to FF7 with X-2... Which was a bad move if that Shinra reference is considered real.
They may as well! Since they tried to link the FFX universe to FF7 with X-2... Which was a bad move if that Shinra reference is considered real.

I was thinking about that the other day actually. So Shinra is meant to of started the power company in 7 1000 years ago?
But, in DOC when you play as Turk Vincent 30 years earlier, it's called something like the Shinra Weapons Development Company. So, what happened to Shinra starting the electric?
I think SE created a plot hole for themselves :P
Shinra didn't start the electric company. He had the idea, and went into business with Rin to try and make a working prototype from Vegnagun's remains, but could never get it to work. So, it was passed down the generations as a pie in the sky dream until finally his descendants, now people like Pres and Rufus Shinra, finally managed to crack the secret. From what we know, they used another power source in the meantime and for a time after the migration from Spira to Gaia, and presumably lost it in the Jenova calamity, though Cid managed to rediscover this supply and engines, and equipped it on the Sierra and other WRO airships.
Actually, the possibility of Shinra being an ancestor to the leaders of the Shinra company is starting to seem more and more likely. After all, no one in FFX seems to have a surname, so maybe those were developed later on and Shinra was taken on as one. Who knows? *shrugs*

Sorry if that's too off-topic. Just responding to speculations of the connection. >_>;
FFX's ending will be a cliffhanger if they didn't made an X-2. the reason i stated this is because, the FFX ending shows the pyreflies came unto tidus, and made him "alive" again. X-2 is not bad, the main story of X-2 focuses on hotspot missions and some that are not. (like Trema in Via Infinito, i think it is essential for the gamer to know the roots of New Yevon).

the pilgrimage of braska, auron and jecht will be an EXCELLENT idea if SE thinks about it. but the name X-3 doesn't suit well.

this Final Fantasy series (X/X-2) is the best Final Fantasy made by SE. I am very thankful for it.
No way, X-2 ruined it IMHO and making a third would just be like kicking a dog while it's done, it's ridiculous.
how come you said X-2 ruined it?
there's nothing wrong with the story.
Yuna has her freedom to do what she wants, even though she's a summoner.

maybe someday SE will release a prequel to FFX/FFX-2, like crisis core on FFVII.
You'll just have to wait. and hopefully it will come. :)
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I don't think a FFX-3 would be possible, the ending to FFX was pretty straightforward so it was pretty straightforward to make a sequal. But there were two key different endings to FFX-2 which you ultimately chose to have, either Tidus comes back or he doesn't. If you flew through the game and ended up having Tidus not coming back, it would be pretty confusing if they made FFX-3 with him being there.

FFX-2 was probably partly made to keep both sets of fans happy about whether they want Tidus back or not, and it left you with that choice throughout the game. It wouldn't make sense to put up a sequel to a game that didn't have a conclusive ending. So overall, I would have to say NO to a FFX-3 :)
I would like a FFX-3 because it would tell you more about Yuna and Tidus.


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I would enjoy an X-3 assuming it actually added somjething to the story but as I see it the story is pretty much wrapped up.
how come you said X-2 ruined it?
there's nothing wrong with the story.
Yuna has her freedom to do what she wants, even though she's a summoner.

maybe someday SE will release a prequel to FFX/FFX-2, like crisis core on FFVII.
You'll just have to wait. and hopefully it will come. :)
No offense, but I completely disagree with you about X and X-2 being the best FF games, if that was what you were saying earlier. I also disagree with your opinion that X-2 is a good sequel, because it's just... boring.

In fact, this pretty much sums the game up: "Hey, we're the Gullwings, AKA young women in skimpy clothing who are trying to save the world! Lalala--oh, and let's have a big concert in the most dangerous area in Spira, and magically make the sun shine in a place where it likely has not been seen in a few thousand years, all for the sake of UNITING EVERYONE and convincing them to overcome their prejudices with the power of song and dance! And we're going to have the worst battle system ever, and make up for a bad plot with an ENDLESS AMOUNT OF SIDEQUESTS AND MINI-GAMES! Girl power, yayyyy!"

I'm sorry, but I can think of almost nothing positive about this game, other than a few good songs and... well... nothing else, really. Thus, they should not make another sequel because the first sequel was bad enough to begin with. I think the world would have been a better place had X-2 not existed.
Just as long as you use tidus as the main character and you have a wider range of characters to use i'll be happy.
No offense, but I completely disagree with you about X and X-2 being the best FF games, if that was what you were saying earlier. I also disagree with your opinion that X-2 is a good sequel, because it's just... boring.

In fact, this pretty much sums the game up: "Hey, we're the Gullwings, AKA young women in skimpy clothing who are trying to save the world! Lalala--oh, and let's have a big concert in the most dangerous area in Spira, and magically make the sun shine in a place where it likely has not been seen in a few thousand years, all for the sake of UNITING EVERYONE and convincing them to overcome their prejudices with the power of song and dance! And we're going to have the worst battle system ever, and make up for a bad plot with an ENDLESS AMOUNT OF SIDEQUESTS AND MINI-GAMES! Girl power, yayyyy!"

I'm sorry, but I can think of almost nothing positive about this game, other than a few good songs and... well... nothing else, really. Thus, they should not make another sequel because the first sequel was bad enough to begin with. I think the world would have been a better place had X-2 not existed.

well, its only my opinion. i'm not convincing everybody to like it.
for me X-2 is good, i can't say it's a very excellent game, but for me, everything about the game was fine.
i think we should not always stick to the things we already used to, if i am a game designer, i will think of other ways to try and make the game different than the gamers used to play.
i think that's the reason why SE develop a new battle system, the dresspheres and the garment grids. also the game play.
you will be the one to choose whether to play the sidequest or not, it depends upon you.
if you do not like sidequests then dont play it, i mean the story focuses only on hotspots, but i think there were some sidequests essential to the story.
again, this is only my opinion. :)