XII Play Time!?

Kain Aldar

Jul 3, 2007
I would like everyone to list their playtimes down..just for the sheer joy of it. Oh..and you char. avg. lvl.

32:32:49 Avg Lvl - 19
My time is around 125 now and i have lv 99 with 3 characters and lv 13 with the other 3
Lvl 13..i guess you dont use them. AT ALL. I keep all my char. at the same level or one level apart. No more and no less. Lol.
Vaan lvl 61, Basch lvl 61, Ashe lvl 61
the other characters lvl range around lvl 10. I don't use them much.
can't remember playtime.... around 65-70.
I think I ended up at 108 hours total (the first FF I've ever broken the 100hr barrier), with character levels all in the low sixties, except Vaan who was significantly higher. However, most of it was level grinding and mob hunts. I think I did all but 5 of the mob hunts, and got all the Espers except Zodiark. I tried fighting Hell Wyrm as a gauge to see if I wanted to fight other massively-high hit point bosses. I whittled him down halfway in 45 minutes and shut it off. It wasn't difficult, it was simply endurance, and the rewards weren't worth it. I have better things to spend my time on.

Okay, so that's more than you asked about. Whoops.
I beat the game in about 77 hours or so, but I'm still facing off against Yiazmat and Omega and I have logged 125+ hours on my main save file.
Only 13 hours so far, Lv.22 on main 3 characters and at the Elder Wyrm fight.
Play time is somewhere around 109 hours I think. Bash is level 68, Balthier and Penelo are level 67. The rest are around level 12 or so.
37 hours right now, my main 3 characters 32, 30 and 29, the rest 28 and 24.

I am in the Mt. Bur-Omisec before the Judge B fight.

Exceeding 150 hours, and that's just on one file. Doesn't count for the numerous times I've begun on a new file. And I STILL haven't done everything.
I'm at 90 hours so far. My main party are somewhere around level 60-70, and my secondary party are at something like level 10 (yes, I know, I phail xD). I've done... 14 hunts, I think, all really low level ones. I've got two or three of the optional Espers. I've managed to almost fill in the whole License Board though xD
I think I'm on about 80 hours, all the characters I actually use are lvl 60

I'm currently trying to get the Tournesol, then I'll be kicking in some espers and marks then finish the game :]
My party is now all lvl 64.
Just finished the Pharos so I'm grabbing some hunts and then got to Fortress Bahamut.

Play time: 95 hours
my time is about 140 hours, with Vaan at level 93, Fran L82, Basch L81, and everyone else around L60, i still have to get a couple of marks, then Omega and Yiazmat....>_<, i have the tournesol, excalibur and the saggitarius bow, i missed the damn zodiac spear tough, im currently trying to get some annoying ribbons....