
Transcending what is, with what could be.
Oct 22, 2010
Currently working in China, born in the U S of A (
Ok I know there is a lot of mixed opinion about them game and I know some of you loved/liked it and some of you disliked/hated the game. This thread is not to determine the quality of the game or the complexity of the game so leave those opinions to yourself.

I made this thread because I feel that ever since game VII, this is definately the hardest final fantasy yet, I mean there is not really any super bosses but still I feel that even the normal battles in this game put up a good fight, and regardless if the systems is easy to figure out....there are still times when your not prepared soon enough and end up getting yourself killed because you were not quick enough to catch on the first time around. I honestly sometimes found myself having a harder time with just plain battles more than bosses.

Lets be honest, the system is not that complicated yet sometimes I feel that you have to be very alert and focused to what paradime best fits your situation.

Honestly I found this game challenging at times and I am happy for this because even though I love 7,8,8,10,12......none of them were harder than this game (in m opinion).

All you have to do is CP grind, just like the rest of the FF games.


WELL, NO PROBLEM, kill a few monsters and level up!

Even evolve your materia, skills, magic and yadayada.

That is the FF way.

//Did not read.

I had the opposite thought for XIII. I thought it was too simple. The way the game is linear and practically holds your hand seemed pretty easy to me. You don't even have to go through the process of dismantling weapons/etc. I got through the game without hardly upgrading anything.

Maybe it seems difficult because the battles last longer because you are constantly switching setups. But once you get in a rhythm, it's not too difficult.
Of course. Every final fantasy seems a little challenging at the start. Honestly I found the fights more challenging for the first time playthrough. Everygame is easy once you learn the setup, but this game will kill you a bit quicker if you dont already know it. The other games I found challenging not because of the fights but because I would get bogged down by all of the puzzles and different paths or locations and which is the right way. And as I find the next save point I need to keep my people healed by using all the items like potions and ethers I have to buy and blah blah blah. I am a fan of all the games but I guess its just nice for them to throw out a game that put more emphasis on the battles, visuals and storys without getting sidetracked by useless stuff.
absolutely not, theres a save point every 5 minutes and if you die in a fight you can retry, theres safety nets every where. and even if you do decide to think fuck it, il quit i clearly need to grind abit, chances are you only saved 5 minutes ago anyway

once you get your head round the parathingies its not all that hard realy
This game was by far the easiest FF game I have ever played. I will admit I got stuck on Cid but i think I was still confused by the para-whatever shifts. There is no challenge, the game pretty much plays itself, it picks the best attacks for you.

You just press X on auto battle. Now i hate it when people follow that statement up with "WELL YOU CAN PICK YOUR OWN ATTACKS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE AUTO BATTLE!!!!!" Now why the hell would i do that when auto battle picks exactly what I was going to pick in the first place? Seems like a waste of time...

Anyway, game plays itself, monsters are easy enough to defeat the game tells you when and where you can learn new abilities etc.

It was easy in the sense that it was linear, you never really had to think about where you had to go next.

As far as the battle system is concerned, I reckon the fact that you didn't get game over if you lost made the battles seem easier than they actually were. While the game did kind of hold your hand in the sense that you couldn't get game over, you automatically healed after each battle and you could get away with mostly just mashing X; some fights were actually kind of challenging.

Because you couldn't get 'game over', dying was less frustrating in comparison to other FF's. Dying in XIII simply meant retrying a second later and I think that kind of distorted the actual difficulty of the fights themselves. I wouldn't call XIII the hardest FF, but if it didn't have the retry option I'm sure more people would call it difficult.
umm as almost everyone has said, the game is too easy because you can retry at the exact same spot. All you really need to think about is the paradigm library and which characters to use. It's just too linear. I do still find some difficulties, but not as difficult as the previous FF games.

I really would like to see a change in FFXIII-2...
I highly disagree with you when you say Final Fantasy XIII is the hardest Final Fantasy since old ones. Final Fantasy XIII was so easy.. it only EVER became a challenge at chapter XI-XIII. Once you get through the first ten chapters the game becomes hard.. but nothing impossible. I have 100% in FF XIII and it took me 165 hours or so.. the missions were tough in certain situations but in reality all you need is a bit of grinding and a good paradigm deck and you will get through it. Pretty much having a sentinel and a synergist makes the game so easy. Sentinel gives you so much more defense and synergist buffs you up. Also FF XIII is like a computer it does everything POSSIBLE for you to win. If the enemy has status effects your allies will do everything possible to make it worse for the enemy.. such as put fire on your weapon to deliver massive damage. The thing about XIII is that your characters know every weakness of the enemy once you get it down to half health. So I strongly disagree with you here. The only boss I had a problem with was Proudclad I and some eidolon battles which proved to be a cakewalk later on. I didnt find Proudclad II hard because I knew the pattern. Also retrying from the same battle and all that other stuff make it easy. You have the right paradigms and you will always succeed no matter what. :dave:
FFXIII was wayyyy tooo linear, and the battle system comprised of pressing x with the occasional paradigm shifts. It was probably the easiest FF for me. Just not much to it.
Ok well all of you can hang ont hat boat that says its really that easy, but honestly I have played 7,8,9,10,12 and what I remember is NEVER having to grind and being able to beat the boss rushed through the story. XIII forces me to grind and become stronger to proceed yet gives me a role CAP to make sure that I am not overpowered. I dont think any of those other FF's on the playstation did that. And even though the systems is easy to learn and easy to figure out.....it doesnt mean the battles were really that easy, I tried to rush through this game and got fucked up hard by both Barth's and odin. Even though you can retry after losing....it doesnt mean you dont feel a slight lose of pride (like I do) and its doesnt mean you still didnt get game over more often. What fights (besides the super bosses) were harder in the other games? May I remind you that I was facing end game with only 2.5-3.5 k life with my characters.

This was the easiest FF I've ever played, in contrast to the others.

To me, as long as you never ran away from a fight or an enemy during your travels through the game...you'd never really have any problems making it through the game. I will admit that there may have been a time or two when I had to try a battle again once, but I'd never beat my head into a wall while trying to beat a specific boss/enemy multiple times in a row...to no avail.

People even made it through this game without upgrading their weapons...like I did. I finally upgraded them postgame.
FFXIII is only as hard as you want it to. If you're after a battle rating of 5 stars after every battle including the marks, then yes, that will be a significantly more challenging thing to do. But like me if you were just focusing on beating up the monsters in your way then I agree, it wasn't that difficult at all and once you get used to the system and have a good enough Paradigm structure, you're all set. There are two things that prevent FFXIII from being too challenging. Firstly, the Auto-Battle command. I don't even need to cycle through menus wondering what attack I want to use, I can just hammer the X button and let my character just do it on his/her own. Additionally if I have enough data of an opponent, the Auto-battle command optimises the attack to inflict maximum damage/achieve the most desirable effect on its own. There's virtually little input involved.

Secondly, the retry function as already said, is usually there to give you multiple chances. So gone is the need to be thrown back to the last save point (which won't be too long ago either as there are many of them) and having to trek all the way back to where you were before. It gives you a chance to instantly try again and hope for the best and/or to re-adjust your strategy. I suppose the time when the game may be initially punishing is when you face a monster for the first time and unfamiliar with how it fights, you go in with a flawed strategy and it beats you. To remedy this, it's simply a case of setting up your Paradigms sufficiently (i.e. with Sentinels, Medics and Synergists coming in and out now and then) and then trying again. With Synergists and Sentinels you can easily turn the tables while switching to Medics routinely normally keeps your HP high enough. Sure, battles may get tediously long, but as long as you maintain a rhythm and routinely switch Paradigms now and then, it actually doesn't get challenging at all.
yea it wasn't that hard ^^ especially when you found a very easy fight between a bohemeth n a big wolf on grand pulse that gives you 6000 points every time you do it and takes a mere 33 seconds to complete but your brother can do it in like 8 because his characters have reached full development and you haven't beat the game because you have already seen the ending witch is the only thing that matters to you -_-"....mmgrrr
I find it funny that some people say XIII was OMG SO EASY and some people say it's the hardest FF in a long time. So which is it? Well, both. Kind of.

I don't know about you guys, but I did a lot of dying in this game. More than in any FF since the SNES days, and maybe even more than in those. And it wasn't just bosses or the harder mission marks that killed me, a lot of regular encounters did me in too. Yeah, if you game over that just means you have to restart at the beginning of the fight, so it doesn't feel like it's that difficult, but just because a game doesn't punish you for failing doesn't mean that it's not hard.

Still, I'm not really sure whether the 'retry' option was a nice thing that makes the game feel less frustrating or something they had to do to cover up some potential flaws in the battle system. Because what do you do if you die in this game, usually? You change around your Paradigms and maybe your party members and you try again, and usually you get it on the second or third try. Part of the reason you died in the first place is that you can't drastically change your strategy mid fight. So the retry option had to be there, because it's unfair to set the player back in the game just because they didn't know what to prepare for. In fact, I wonder if that's why there are so damn many save points. They tried to have more save points to make up for the problem and then figured that wasn't enough, thus the retry option.
Some fights were challenging, I was stuck at those 2 weird creatures when you were Vanille and Sazh and at two bosses at chapter 10- 11, and four cieth missions, but that was it. It took several tries, but it wasn´t impossible. And that was the first time I played so I didn´t do anything with the upgrades and was still kinda lost on how to handle it.
The second playthrough it was way too easy when I upgraded everything and skipped less battles.
Throughout the main story it was fairly easy, as on the same level as previous FF's even though it took me 50 hours to complete it is a long story. I didn't find the normal battles hard in fact they were super-easy at times, and the bosses were hard, but not if you used your brain. Which is probably the only thing I liked about the battle system, which is it got you thinking. Seriously in other FF's I'd just rely my strength and HP to get through battles which were over after a few seconds, during a battle on FFXIII your almost forced cast spells like protect,shell,haste,slow etc........In the other FF's I would almost never cast these spells.

Aside from the main storyline missions are kind of easy (once you get the growth egg and level up) but to 5* them all is pretty tough (currently trying to do that now). But trying to complete this game 100% is no where near as hard as trying to complete FFVII,FFX or FFX-2 100%. I think people who found FFXIII maybe just new gamers, or the players who just don't decide to plan things beforehand or get to grips with each paradigm.
I made this thread because I feel that ever since game VII, this is definately the hardest final fantasy yet, I mean there is not really any super bosses but still I feel that even the normal battles in this game put up a good fight, .

I agree. Got killed a lot more in normal battles than in other FFs.