Got to admit that some of the battles was hard the first time I fought them, especially when I got to Gran Pulse for the first time.
I'd have to agree. I'm stuck at Vanille's Ediolon battle and I've completed alot of the ceith stone missions already plus I've grinded quite a bit. I can't even fight a Behemoth without a huge struggle.
FFXIII was easy for me kinda.
The problem is when you arrive on pulse as for the reasons:

1.) Hope eidlon is a very hard hitter but slow. AND you play as hope unfortunately.
2.) after a short while on Pulse you face Vanilles Eidolon and that IS hard as it is the last one you come up against.
3.) The monsters on Pulse are all real life forms instead of mechanical robots.
4.) The Cieth missions tend to get quite hard if you don't know what you are doing.
5.) When you reach the tower you have to go against this HARD boss which is a pulce fal'cie.
6.) At the end of a broken bridge you face against Barthendulus AGAIN.

But after all that you appear at Pulse again and near the end of the game. You do get 3 choices to either go back to Eden, Back to Pulse or go straight ahead to face against Orphan (last boss)

If you think this sounds impossible.......then train up I guess.
If you keep grinding Monsters you won't gain CP and grow your skills.
Right now im still stuck with sazh and vanille at the battle with 2 dinosaur things
Isn't that the only way to gain CP?

Yeah the only way to get CP is to kill ALOT of monsters. I always deplete everything in my path so every boss for me gets destroyed with relatively ease.

I'm trying to get max levels for every role for achievments and to beat Orphan with ease so I get Lightnings gamer picture.
The achievements in this game sucks. I hope XIII-2 brings a lot more to the table. Not saying that this game sucks, because it doesn't. But it needs side quests. I guess you could consider the ceith stones side quests, but I consider them more essential to gaining CP in order to advance in the story line. There's those ceith stones with the more elite marks but they're not really side quests. It'd be nice if Omega Weapon was in the game
This game was by far the easiest FF game I have ever played. I will admit I got stuck on Cid but i think I was still confused by the para-whatever shifts. There is no challenge, the game pretty much plays itself, it picks the best attacks for you.


Well I would like to point out that somewhere along the line you changed your opinion about how hard this game is....these are quoted lines from you in another thread.

Omg I had a lot of trouble too!!! I wouldn't say the game is easy that's for sure... Cid gave me the most trouble... so although all you do is press X a lot of the time, you still need to understand the shifts and train a lot. :gonk:

so MUHAHAHAHAH. See what I did there? I caught you saying it was easy AND that you "for sure" wouldnt say the game was easy. Gotta be careful, /tease
I thought some of the bosses were nasty, Barthandelus in particular. I think the obvious strategy of 1 - buff, 2 - debuff, 3 - attack, 4 - ????, 5 - profit was a pretty much one size fits all strategy for bosses.

Another complaint I have regarding difficulty is that there was a regular enemy in the final dungeon which was harder than the actual final boss. Very disappointing.
I think it was hard in the sense that it was very tedious at times. One moment you are a low level and can't fight a simple monster next hour or three, that monster takes like 30 seconds to defeat. All in buying better weapons/upgrading and grinding. If you mean that, yes it was hard to tolerate. But in terms of overall difficulty, probably not. Some bosses were hard, only because they did fast attacks and high damage at the same time, but with good enough strategy they weren't so bad.
Actually the simplicity of killing everything off to me is the biggest factor of why I hated this game.
The battles wherent remotely difficult to me and required no real strategic thinking....The only thing thet made it remotely feel as if it was hard was because of the massive HP of most enemies but beyond that the game was pie.The hardest part is making sure to look at the screan and hope Hope isnt dead yet....
I found it more monotinious than hard.
If you want a hard game play one of the first three Final Fantasies.....the way the charecters level in those .....fun fun<-----sarcasm
Well I would like to point out that somewhere along the line you changed your opinion about how hard this game is....these are quoted lines from you in another thread.

Omg I had a lot of trouble too!!! I wouldn't say the game is easy that's for sure... Cid gave me the most trouble... so although all you do is press X a lot of the time, you still need to understand the shifts and train a lot. :gonk:

so MUHAHAHAHAH. See what I did there? I caught you saying it was easy AND that you "for sure" wouldnt say the game was easy. Gotta be careful, /tease

That was when I was up to Cid, who gave me the most trouble in any FF game ever, which I made sure I mentioned in my post in this thread as well.

Also during the time I was trying to convince myself I really enjoyed the game and would defend it to the ends of the earth.

Now I have realised it was actually not that hard and I still hardly understand those pala-thingo shifts :P
That was when I was up to Cid, who gave me the most trouble in any FF game ever, which I made sure I mentioned in my post in this thread as well.

Also during the time I was trying to convince myself I really enjoyed the game and would defend it to the ends of the earth.

Now I have realised it was actually not that hard and I still hardly understand those pala-thingo shifts :P

Ah but none the less. One post says "the game features no challenge, easy".

The other posts says "I would definately not say its easy. Its hard to figure out the paradimes thingys."

Now in both posts you admit to not liking the game anyway. Contradicting :cactaur:

I also would like to point out that we are mostly talking about difficulty for the first time play through. Because any game is easy after you beat it once and get the hang of it. Its safe to say that if this game killed you a ton of times than it simply was not that easy. I admit there is a retry button on the game over screen, but death is death, regardless of how far you have to walk or do not have too =P. And figuring out the paradimes and the stradegy by yourself the first time through is not really a walk in the park.

Also, for me barthandelus was the most rediculas fights ever, and so was the prodclod 2, not to mention that big airship and Odin
Ah but none the less. One post says "the game features no challenge, easy".

The other posts says "I would definately not say its easy. Its hard to figure out the paradimes thingys."

Now in both posts you admit to not liking the game anyway. Contradicting :cactaur:

I also would like to point out that we are mostly talking about difficulty for the first time play through. Because any game is easy after you beat it once and get the hang of it. Its safe to say that if this game killed you a ton of times than it simply was not that easy. I admit there is a retry button on the game over screen, but death is death, regardless of how far you have to walk or do not have too =P. And figuring out the paradimes and the stradegy by yourself the first time through is not really a walk in the park.

I didn't realise it was for first time play through's only??

Secondly I haven't played through it twice.

Thirdly, the game was easy except for Cid, who was literally the only boss that gave me a lot of trouble and I typed that up while fighting Cid or just after, I can't remember, so the horrifying battle against him was fresh in my mind... *recalls having him cast death on me in 5 battles in a row :gasp2:*

I was also an idiot in my first post, It must have been from bashing my head against a wall multiple times while playing this terrible game.

Fourth... creepy that you're going through my old posts ;___;
I didn't realise it was for first time play through's only??

Secondly I haven't played through it twice.

Thirdly, the game was easy except for Cid, who was literally the only boss that gave me a lot of trouble and I typed that up while fighting Cid or just after, I can't remember, so the horrifying battle against him was fresh in my mind... *recalls having him cast death on me in 5 battles in a row :gasp2:*

I was also an idiot in my first post, It must have been from bashing my head against a wall multiple times while playing this terrible game.

Fourth... creepy that you're going through my old posts ;___;

Firstly, any final fantasy game is easy after the first time playthrough.

Second, how come you played it 2 times if you did not like it.

Thirdly, This game killed me personally more than any final fantasy game ever. Please tell me another one that killed you more.

Fourth, I was just looking at threads and I saw your post and remembered this thread so I figured why not =P
I said I didn't play through it two times.

All FF games that I've played have had at least 1 boss that's destroyed me. FF9-necron, ffx-seymor, that last boss in 12, CID in 13. Etc.
I said I didn't play through it two times.

All FF games that I've played have had at least 1 boss that's destroyed me. FF9-necron, ffx-seymor, that last boss in 12, CID in 13. Etc.

Well I accept that usually there are hard bosses in the games, most of them are super bosses though. However in games like 9, 10, 12, 7, and 8....I found that just fighting stuff along the way is usaually enough to ensure easy victory of the story.

Example, I did not grind at all in 9 and ended up with auto-haste, regan, and immunity to almost every status effect. I found necron a walk in the park.

I am just trying to say that this game can petentially kill you with "normal" battles and bosses more than almost all of the playstation Final Fantasy games, and the end game hunts are pretty rediculas as well. This is the first game in the last 6 I have played that I actually had to stop and grind up a bit. If I had not grinded at all I would have died a billion times.

Now I will say that the difficulty of the older games are wicked as well, I did happen to get myself killed plenty of times in the older games, It was refreshing to have a game kill me a bit.

Barthandelus was the hardest storly line boss I have fought in any of the games since VII
Honestly, I found FFXII to be quite challenging. FFXIII is challenging here and there, but it's relatively mild to other FF's in my opinion.
any mention of "hardest FF since the old ones" without discussing Absolute Virtue is horribly shortsighted


this guy was so hard that for years after he was released nobody was able to defeat him without cheating
any mention of "hardest FF since the old ones" without discussing Absolute Virtue is horribly shortsighted

this guy was so hard that for years after he was released nobody was able to defeat him without cheating

Well I guess I did not take into consideration the online one, but honestly I do not play the online Final Fantasy. Talking about the mainline seris, I think that online should not be considered within the mainline seris.

Also I agree that XII was challenging as well allthough most of the challenging things were not withing the story but more or less the extra battles and hunts that far exceed the storyline battles.