I still would like to point out again the only reason the boss battles in XIII may have seemed hard was probably do to the doom counter if your unlucky enough to get it in some cases or when its even there deliberately.
If that was done in all previous FF they would probably seem harder to.
Otherwise I realy dont think the battles where all that difficult,more monotonously anoying but hardly hard.
I found this game quite easy, after chapter 3 or 4 i got the hang of the paradigm system and it wasn't a problem at all. I finished the game with 2 game-overs, but those wer because i started 2 fights on gran pulse with wrong paradigms. When u get familiar with it you just switch to defensive roles whenever you see a burst incoming, and on gran pulse i did the first hours with a tank. But this isn't really the hardest since the old ones, FFX gave me a lot more of a challenge, the 3th fight against seymour, Braska's final aoen. Not to mention the dark aoens and penance.