XIII Release Date?


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
i have just been looking on play.com for final fantasy merchandise when i noticed that it had XIII on pre-order which i thought was great however when i looked at the description it said the it was to be released later next month!? any ideas people because other sources say it is out next year.
Well the demo is out around March so I'd say a release in May - July of next year is most likely
I'm presuming we are talking about the English version?
If so I'm saying the back end of 2009/America, Early 2010/UK, the Japanese version will come out first and then there is that 4-6 month gap between the Japanese release and American release...and then a further gap between the American and European.

Then even after that there will be a 6-12 month gap between the release of the PS3 version and the 360 version.

So...a while yet. :wacky:
I'm guessing FFXIII's English version is NOT coming before 2010...

Simply put, the delays cause of the x360 version are gonna push it to earl 2010.
I think that would depend on what console you are waiting for FFXIII to come out on, if the 360 version gets delayed then thankfully it will only slow the 360 version down but the PS3 version will remain on schedule =D

But yeah, I'd say 360 version will see 2010 at the earliest.
Well Square-Enix did say they'd delay the PS3 English version until the x360 version was ready... so yeah. I think we're gonna have to wait for both :(
I'm still sceptical to them saying that, I don't think they will and they have been changing their mind a lot lately:
1UP: Will the development of Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360 result in a delay for the PS3 version in Japan?

Shinji Hashimoto: No, the development of a 360 version won't necessarily affect the PS3 version, purely because the PS3 game will be completed first. That's been in development for some time and is still on schedule. And, really, since we haven't ever announced any sort of release date...then it couldn't really be "delayed," right?
Plus the fact the 360 version hasn't even started being made yet (or if it has very little progress will have been made), whilst the PS3 version is on schedule apparently...so what are they going to do, make the PS3 version and let it sit on a shelf somewhere and wait a year for the 360 version? :wacky:
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I'm still sceptical to them saying that, I don't think they will and they have been changing their mind a lot lately:
Plus the fact the 360 version hasn't even started being made yet (or if it has very little progress will have been made), whilst the PS3 version is on schedule apparently...so what are they going to do, make the PS3 version and let it sit on a shelf somewhere and wait a year for the 360 version? :wacky:

Everywhere I've read it states that the ps3 version will come out earlier... only in Japan, and that for the rest of the world they will release the ps3 en xbox 360 version together.
Not true, no matter were I look its been now confirmed that the 360 version of FFXIII is coming out much later than the ps3 version and thats if it comes out at all. As ~Mistwalker~ said too little progress has been done so all of the 360 realesed FFXIII stuff might not even happen.

Late next year is evil, why does it take so long for the translators to change the game over to english but at least over here in NZ we get games the same time as the americains do so yay.
Well, yeah, it would have to be around the end of next year. At the very best, that is what I think. Maybe longer because in NA and EU, it is going to take longer because they have to port it to the 360.

Though I am still not sure because they are trying to cut the gap as much as possible.
Games take to long to make these days, i remember the days you would see a trailer, then BAM its out a month later. I hate getting exited then realising the game wont be out till 2026.

They should hurry up or stop releasing anoying trailers that i love watching but just gets me angry that i cant play them for 20 years
Games take to long to make these days, i remember the days you would see a trailer, then BAM its out a month later. I hate getting exited then realising the game wont be out till 2026.
They should hurry up or stop releasing anoying trailers that i love watching but just gets me angry that i cant play them for 20 years

That's called "hype" my young apprentice.
Developers rely on "hype" to help sell the game,
and to ante up the competition with other
leading competitors.

Remember that a decade ago it took
half the time to develop a game,
and with that the game would be well into
development if not near completion
when the media floodgates opened.

Keep in mind that today it takes
more than double the time to develop
a game due to the incredible improvements
within the industry.

Realism comes with a cost,
and unfortunately the cost is precious time.
These developers begin to drop tidbits of
media here and there to create hype surrounding
the title currently under development.

It's frustrating, but it's brilliant all the same.
We're getting a chance to play critic.
We criticize every aspect of a game in development
and our feedback finds its way through
the wire back to the developer, and
if the consensus demand change the companies
happily oblige.

This also helps sell the game, but unfortunately at
the cost of yet more precious time.

I wouldn't expect this game before late 2009 early 2010.


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Im not buying Square's hype ever again, im never buying another one of their games, until i've rented them first. The quality of the storytelling and character has dropped significantly since Final Fantasy X, X-2 had Paris Hilton's 3 other sisters and XII had robots with personalities as interesting as drying paint.

I don't care what any biased magazine says, every magazine these days is biased to anything with a successfull history (music, movie, videogames etc).

So yeah ill see it in 2010, I don't expect much anyway.
I understand your frustration as I feel the same,
however I do offer the benefit of a doubt.

The degree of quality has significantly dropped
within the last several years, but Square isn't
the only one at fault.

It's also the consumer.
Remember that companies rely oh hype
to promote their title and boost sells.
It's up to the consumer whether or not
to play into the hype.

The general consensus today is that
when these companies hype their title
the consumers expectations
become shall I say... unreasonable.

When the hype is created and the expectations
become high then it leads to extreme
disappointment when the consumer finds
that not everything that THEY
had believed to be present
is not.

I think that since Square-soft merged with Enix
the quality of their titles has significantly dropped.
I do believer however, that fans have grown weary
of the same content being rehashed,
and with that Square is getting word.

Hopefully they'll soon come to the realization
that it's the fans that pay their rent, and utilities,
and food, and they'll open up to the community
and ask what WE want.

It might be wishful thinking, but
only time will tell.

I figured they would shoot for a simultaneous release.

As in, commercials able to sell it as either system?
Id hate for it to come out and be another x-2 or xii, cause dam the disapointment.

The hype is only ok when the game is absulutaly amazing, so lets hope for mid 09!... 2010 is FAR to long to wait.
I hope the Japanese version comes out before august next year.
Because I'll be in Japan for 5 months starting april, and it would save me on the postal costs. :p
If it comes out in early june or so, i'd probably be disapointed, because I won't have acces to a ps3 there :(
Which reminds me. I don't have acces to any consoles while I'm there! :( Oh man. thank god Japan has more to offer than good games.
yeh lets hope it comes out in mid nxt year near 2010 time i be like dead waiting for it .I know its for the ps3 and 1 reason i was hoping 2 get it 4 xmas was i heard it be out 4 early nxt year buti guess it not.Come on get it released already 4 the uk
Id hate for it to come out and be another x-2 or xii, cause dam the disapointment.

The hype is only ok when the game is absulutaly amazing, so lets hope for mid 09!... 2010 is FAR to long to wait.

XII was good. and what hype??

If the demo is in 09 then why the hell would they wait a hole year?? It should be released before mid 09
XII was good. and what hype??

If the demo is in 09 then why the hell would they wait a hole year?? It should be released before mid 09

Ever heard of Spore? Ever Heard of Duke Nukem Forever? Ever heard of Team Fortress 2? (which finally came out, but is way to easy) This is what he means by hype. They give an estimated release date within the next year, but then take 6 years to develope the next game, which by then.. most people have moved to another gaming genre. They have to make sure no one in the company comprimised the code of the game, along with everyone making money on the big box office game..

These days it takes an unbelievable amount of developing for systems like PS3 and Xbox360. This isn't the standard rpg where everything is turn based and it will just have four options on the combat screen (Attack, Defend, Magic, Escape). They are trying to satisfy us terrible critics (i am one myself) and give us something brand spankin new. The fear is, that they will do the same thing to FFXIII as they did with FFXII. They totally messed up on this one, they put quite a bit into the Combat system, but took away from the story line by far.

Here's the truth: Square Enix Annouced in the 2008 E3 convention that FFXIII would not only be PS3 exclusive. It will now come out on Xbox360. Also they added that the release date will be simultaneous. What this means for us FFXIII fans is terrible news to say the least. With the Japanese release coming shortly for the PS3, it will no longer take 4-6 months to release it afterwards here in the US. It will now take an additional year to port the game to 4-6 discs on Xbox360. So my estimated release date is early-mid 2010. No earlier... thanks square enix....