You Know You're Obsessed with FFVII When:


Oct 15, 2006
Okay guys, you know the drill! Post your reasonings on WHY you're obsessed with FFVII and the things you do that show you're obsessed with FFVII ^_^ I'll go first

1. Always drawing somebody from FFVII (mainly Cloud! yumminess!!!)
2. Writing a fanfic based on FFVII and the later events (yes I am ^_^ lol! It's an FFVII fic yes, but there's originality and twisting of the original storyline ^^ there's a link in my sig if you're interested in reading!)
3. You collect FFVII stuff (including doujinshi) <.< totally guilty! I have like 5 Cloud figs, 2 Aerith figs, Reunion Files, well you get the drill
4. You take to quoting things from the game in your everyday speech, whether you mean to or not (also guilty, though a lot of the times I don't mean to :blush:

Any other reasons? Post 'em here! :P
6. When you call a smoking pilot, Cid
7. Call your dog, Red XIII
8. Mistake your mom's jewlery for materia
9. Cosplay as your fave FF character all the time
10. Listen to Black Mages or FF Soundtrack all the time
13. Cloud regularly appears as the leading man in your dreams!
14. You've made a business proposal to open a bar in your town called the 7th Heaven
15. You politely comment that a flower garden would be a beautiful touch at your local church
16. You ask doctors to somehow attach a gun to your arm.
17. Your cell phone ring is the victory fanfare.
18. You tell your husband to "Sit down, shut up and drink your G*DDAMN TEA!" (I did that the other night when he was complaining, but I was only being playful)
19. When your 3yr old son's hero is Cloud Strife xD
You* Know You're Obsessed with FFVII When...

21. You realize you've been adding "yo" to the end of all your sentences.
22. You not only download every movie, soundtrack, and CG that is relased, you buy the official version too, because... you're a collector.
23. Your computer wallpaper is ALWAYS FFVII in some way, shape, or form. (Bonus points for changing your desktop wallpaper everyday and naming said say "Tifa Tuesday" or "Rufus Friday".)

*Disclaimer: I may or may not actually do any of these things. Heh!
lol @ all the above.

How about...
25. You ask "where can I find the chocobos?" on a visit to the zoo.
26. You get arrested for searching people's houses "for weapons and materia".
27. You ask your girlfriend to call you Cloud while making the sex.
28. You pursuade/force your boyfriend to grow his hair long and dye it Silver in a bid to create your very own Sephiroth lover.
29. Everytime you go to your local bar, which you refer to it as "the Seventh Heaven" and try repeatively to find the "hidden" lever on the Jukebox to take you to the Rebelion hideout (in reality would be the basement) below.
30. You change your name by D-poll to the full name of your favourite Character.
31. When you collect marbles thinking they are materia
32. Everytime someone is moaning about something you tell them to "Sit down and drink your goddamn TEA!"
33, knowin the next dune buggy you ride in is gonna break down on your gonna have to walk the rest of the way.
34.- You liked Dirge of Cerberus
35.- You have a nightmare where your most hated enemy apears with a fire background
36.- You blame AVALANCHE when there is no electricity in your home
37 - You try and tattoo Roman numerals on your dog.
38 - When you see ninjas on TV, you ask your parents why they don't steal Materia.
39 - Everytime pizza is mentioned, you grumble about how it's depleting the sunlight.
40. Every time you go through a bad part of town you refer to it as "Sector 7 slums"

41. You go looking in coffins for some really cool, kinda dead guy.
43. You have watches advent children 47 times.
44. your little cousin wants a cloud figure for his birthday because of watching AC with you.
45. When you hum the Victory Fanfare when you finish an assignment (Gulty)
46.When everyone in your household knows what FFVII is but actully havent played it (sooo guilty)
47. When you buy Materia off of ebay (almost guilty)
48. When you set the ATB to wait on the final battle so you can listen to the One Winged Angel (see 46 lol)
49. When you snore a song from FFVII in your sleep (unknown lol)
50. When you want to be a Turk when you grow up (guilty
51. When, in the heat of passion with your wife, you call her Tifa!!!

52. When your 2-year old gets your attention, wants to sit in your lap and asks, "Daddy, can I play Final Fantasy 7?", then "Fight, fight , fight." (Hmmm, where did he learn that from?)

53. And when your 2-year old thinks Elmo is a character from Final Fantasy 7. Hee, Hee.
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