Your "A-team"


Stealth Dragoon
Dec 28, 2006
I seen this on the FF7 and FF9 board and couldnt see it here so who did you use as your main party??
mine was Squall Rinoa and Zell
For me, I used.. Squall, Rinoa & Irvine most of the time.

Squall: IMO, Best limit break in the game, Lion Heart.

Rinoa: Second best limit break IMO, Shooting Star.

Irvine: Cool Weapon
Used Squal, Zell and Irvine, actually I used them a little too much, they were inn Lvl 100 while the other were in 18-20 throug the most of the game
Squall:the Best and the cooler fighter in the game.
Zell:I like his limit break.
Rinoa:cure Squall and Zell.
Squall, Rinoa and Zell of course. Well, you're stuck with Squall anyway. Rinoa because she's my best female fighter and Zell because he literally kicks ass.
Squall, Rinoa and Zell i liked them the most so i kept them, the only problem was that whenever i had to switch party members then the rest were all really weak and died easily. The whloe Missile Base part was a real pain cos of it.
Ditto here Firez I used Squall of course Pure Pwnge with Lionheart and then Zell just because he was one of my fav characters and Rinoa because she could heal pretty good not to mention Angel Wing
Squall, Rinoa and Zell of course. Well, you're stuck with Squall anyway. Rinoa because she's my best female fighter and Zell because he literally kicks ass.

Wrong. Quistis owns Rinoa, Rinoa uses very useless spells and limits. Quistis on the other hand, Has shockwave pulsar. Which btw does 9999 damage. I can't even get that damn dog to do 8000. Crummy little shit dog.... Finishing the final boss like that..... I have a deep desire to burn Angelo.

Anyway, that was off topic.

Quistis, Zell, Squall.

Squall: You have to use him.
Zell: He kicks ass. Limit is cheap as hell.
Quistis: The best female to use.
My team was:

Squall (The main attacker)
Rinoa (The healer)
Irvine (The 2nd attacker, depending on hardness of boss healed too)
Squall selphie rinoa......I hate zell...he gets on my nerves..i know selphie isnt' reall the best character to use..but I like her
I usually use Squall, Rinoa, and Selphie.

When it comes to the final battle I can't survive without these three.

Squall - cause his limit breaks kick super ass.

Selphie - cause she has Full Cure which is so incredibly useful when battling Ultimecia/Griever

Rinoa - mostly out of preference, but if she uses Invincible Moon then that's a bonus