Your "A-team"

I always use Squall, Zell, and Irvine together. The girls were kind of weaker than the guys but I used them when I saw they really needed training.
Squall, Rinoa and Quistis - I used Squall's limit break a lot, and to be honest I went for Rinoa or Quistis simply as I liked those characters best out of the others.
has GOTTA be Squall (for obvious reasons and he is cool) Rinoa ( cus she looks cool and angelo is cute lol) zell (cus he is sooooooooooo cool and a superb fighter)
After reading most of the post, seems the popular party is

Sqaull, Zell, Rinoa

On my 5 time playing this game

I still go with the same party members

side note*

I am playing my 5 time through the game and I found my old Pocketstation...Woot! :cool:
yup thats my party. but i made every1 level 100 tho lol. but the rest of the people arent as good. quistis is not cool.
squall zell and ivine

squall: my lil assassin
zell:my powerhouse of destruction
ivine: need another person (just back up)
well, when i first played and got to the end of the 3rd disc, i liked Squall, Irvine and Rinoa, the long story short i lost the save game so until i get irvine again (not long now, i'm playing while i post this) im using squall, rinoa and zell
My party consisted of mainly Squall, Zell, and Selphie. Once in a while I'll use Irvine instead of Selphie, but not unless I had to use him.
My party was Squall Quistis and Rinoa the whole time. By the final battle they were all level 100 and Zell Irvine and Selphie were still in the teens to 20's lol
Im about to replay the game again, and I'll probably take Squall, Rinoa and Zell AGAIN. I always say to myself that I'll pick a different team, but I just love their characters so much, I always end up using them.
1st=Squall ....he's the coolest, we're a ton alike, and he reminds me of Vincent from FF7

2nd=Zell ....he's the funniest, most kick @$$ dude in the whole game

3rd=Irvine .....he's the gunman who reminds me of Vincent from FF7, his "Ladies Man" attitude is fricken hilarious