Your "A-team"

My A-Team

Squall, Rinoa and Zell were mine.

I completely nerfed Quistis, Irvine, and Selphie just to get my A-team up to maximums. At least, on my first play-thru.

The second time I played, I ran all of the characters to the maximum and distributed everything so that no matter what I had three killer fighters. Ultimecia died in like 3 minutes. Her first form was dead before Zell's combo stopped.

But I still choose my A-team above the other 3. They just have the best limit breaks in my book.
Which is? Apart from low HP and negative status effects, nothing increases a characters crisis level apart from having KO'd party members, and crisis level is what should determine your chance of triggering Lionheart.

I take it you havent quite mastered it yet, and you havent use an Aura in your entire gameplay.
Sorry, man...Im a god at these kinds of Final Fantasies. Keep trying to prove me wrong! *cough* *cough* *cough,IMPOSSIBLE* *cough*
Keep trying...youll figure it out!

Hint: make him run faster!
theres some other ones but thats all im giving up... good luck to you!
Hint: make him run faster!

I smell the odious odor of utter bullcrap. This isn't an action game. There's only two movement speeds in the game - walk and run - and in battle characters stand where they are until they take their turn or run away.

You think I can't prove you wrong? Probably not, because you're intentionally pretending to hide the big secret so that I could spend years trying everything and there'll still be something I "haven't tried yet". I could say that there's a cave on pluto, which hardly anyone knows about, that's home to a colony of fire-breathing donkeys. Sure, you'd know I was lying, but could you prove it?

Prove that you're right.
I smell the odious odor of utter bullcrap. This isn't an action game. There's only two movement speeds in the game - walk and run - and in battle characters stand where they are until they take their turn or run away.

You think I can't prove you wrong? Probably not, because you're intentionally pretending to hide the big secret so that I could spend years trying everything and there'll still be something I "haven't tried yet". I could say that there's a cave on pluto, which hardly anyone knows about, that's home to a colony of fire-breathing donkeys. Sure, you'd know I was lying, but could you prove it?

Prove that you're right.

Wrong again, my friend. And of course I could prove it, i do it so often its sickening. I gave you a hint and.... heres another:
Previous hint: make him run faster
Current hint: mashing certain buttons at certain speeds+(=) making him run faster....
+ 1 or 2 more hints gets you what you want.
The trick is finding out what those buttons are, and reaching that maximum speed. The rest are given to triggers. Again.... Good Luck to you, and use those Auras!

And Aztec Triogal, he simply wants to know my secret to success and i wont tell. the easiest way for me to "give it up", is to play a game.
Yes Im a master at this game Aztec, but a secret is a secret... one would say he never kisses and tells.
And Aztec Triogal, he simply wants to know my secret to success and i wont tell.

What you're saying is so far-fetched that there are only two ways to convince me that you're not lying: one, you show or tell me exactly how to do it, or two: I tell others what you're claiming and they show or tell me how to do it.

I have challenged you to prove it and you will not. I put it to you that this is because you can't, that you have been lying this whole time and that if there IS a way to trigger Lionheart 100% of the time, which I doubt, you do not actually know what it is.
You think I've flamed you? I have not flamed you. I have merely refused to believe what you said just because you have said it, and openly brought your honesty into question because your statements and the manner of your posts were so suspicious. You cannot blame me for not believing everything anyone tells me.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have an interesting situation. Unlimited Ultima has told me his big secret. I may not have access to the game for another couple of months as I am currently at Uni, but when I do, I'll test the method he's given me, and see if he actually speaks the truth. If I get his trick to work, I'll admit it openly, but at least I got him to spill the beans. If I don't, then obviously either a) my button-mashing skills aren't anywhere near good enough or b) you really have been lying all this time. Based on current evidence I'd be leaning towards a), but, of course, if you would like to tell everyone your secret method, which not even the folks at GameFAQs seem to know about, maybe a few of them will be able to confirm it.
Knock it off both of you. Double U, I infracted you. You're the one who is flaming, pseudomodding, and spamming. I told you to stop multiple times. You haven't. You've been infracted.
Sure thing, boss.

Until I have a chance to test what he's told me, there's absolutely no point in carrying this on anyway, regardless of whether or not a mod has told us to knock it off.