Your Favorite or best party

Right on Jimmy! That would be my pick 4 the party, although I NEVER got around to using Zell's Armageddon fist, it's pretty hard 2 get there...
Sry if this sounds like a spam but where do U get Armageddon fist?
Well you don't need to get it anywhere because it's avaiable to you from the begining, "Armaggedon fist" is just the fan name given to Zell combo of Booya and Punch Rush.

Armaggedon Fist: (Booya, Punch Rush, Booya, Punch Rush and so on...)

Just keep using this two attacks since they consume very little time, once you get fast enough you'll beat every enemy in a single round including Ultima Weapon.

My record so far is finishing Omega Weapon in three rounds using only Zell Armaggedon fist combo, of course in Final Fantasy VIII most enemies don't have a high enough HP that you'll need to use it all the time.
My favourite party was Squall Zell & Rinoa.

Squall and Zell were able to deal major damage and Rinoa was mostly just there to support them, but she still helped out a lot, I should probably say that Ultimercia would've owned me if it wasn't for Invincible Moon.
Squall (obviously), Selphie and Zell.

Occasionally I'd have Rinoa in my party with either Zell or Selphie
Played this game so many times but my party always remains the same. Squall, Irvine and Zell. I try and take other characters but at some point i just find either Zell or Irvine popping into the battle instead. Frankly i find their limits better than the other characters, they do more damage. Or maybe im just sexist and dont think girls can fight :wacky:
Squall (obviously), Selphie and Zell.

Occasionally I'd have Rinoa in my party with either Zell or Selphie

Put a little more effort in your post please, say why you choose to use these guys, thanks ^^
Lionheart, My Final Heaven and Pulse Shot are three of the strongest techniques I've seen in FF8. I focused on pure offense, so defeating bigshots like Omega Weapon remained a dream.
my faveourite party wouldve been

Rinoa: all because i love the angelo set of limit breaks

Zell: because he was all around awesome

selphie: due to her limit of double or triple magic

but of course you had to keep squall so im afraid that selphie did very little in my game
Mine was Always Squall Quistis and Rinoa.

Squall because he is basically your powerhouse, and his limits are GREAT

Rinoa for her Wishing Star and Invincible Moon limits

And Quistis for her Blue Magic. Shockwave Pulsar is the BEST limit to have, besides Lionheart, for the final boss battles.
Actually can't Shockwave Pulsar only do at best likr 100,000 damage and that's if you have 255 stat on Quistis, it also depends on the enemy magic defense against the final boss the best i got with Shockwave pulsar in damage was about 40,000.

If you wanna finish battles fast then Zell Armaggedon Fist is the way to go.
My party has always been the heavy hitters, Squall, Irvine and Zell. Their limit breaks are the most damage dealing in the game so I love them because of that. ou can destroy the nastiest monster just with aura on the three of them to throw away limit breaks at them.
Squall, Rinoa, and Quistis. For the same reasons as Moondancer. And because I never liked any of the other characters, haha.
Squall, Zell, and Rinoa.

I actually didn't really like any of the characters in FFVIII personally, but Zell was pretty funny down the stretch. Rinoa didn't bug me at all either, but she did give Squall a chance when he did seem lost, so i give her character kudos. Squall was probably my strongest charcter overall, so I always kept him in.
For me, I never bothered with Zell at all... maybe I was just too lazy to figure out Zell's limit break. For Selphie and Quistis, I like them as characters but not in the battlefield.

I had and loved the Squall-Rinoa-Irvine combo.

Reason: My Anti-Ultimecia battle consists of a cast of Triple Aura. Then after Rinoa casts Invincible Moon to the party, Squall & Irvine both unleash their Limit Breaks... both just requiring the use of only the R1 button. Rinse & Repeat.

Plus I see myself as a combonation of Squall & Irvine
I used Squall, Quistis, and Zell. i don't really know why i used quistis tho...maybe it was because i started the game out with her and kinda got attached although i never really did like her that much. I just used Cactaur with her all the time cuz I never had time to train Eden...9000damage isn't too bad. Zell had a really fun limit break but i hardly used it. Idk what i did with zell...Obviously used Squall's limit break after a nice cast of Aura.
Squall, Rinoa & Zell. Squall because he's my favourite and would always end up stronger than the others. Rinoa was there for healing purposes and Zell, was pretty handy, since most of my GF's were more drawn to him than any other charcater.
Mine is Squall,Rinoa, and Selphie. Squall for attacks and Renzokuken. Rinoa for Angelo. And Selphie for her Slots. I sometimes switch Selphie and Zell around but I use Selphie more. I've had her to do The End on Adel before
then thought Oh no it's going to kill Rinoa too! But it didn't,it just killed Adel.
For me would be Squall, Zell and Rinoa/Quistis. Squall is pretty obvious, for Zell, I love his attacks, the button thing chains together quite some damage and it's always fun to watch Zell. I like Quistis much more than Rinoa, and love to use Quistis Degenerator(Or sth like that which sucked the enemy away). But Rinoa's Angelo attacks are pretty cool too, so yea, I alternate between these 2.