Your First FFVII?

Your First FFVII?

  • FFVII - The Game

    Votes: 163 85.3%
  • Advent Children

    Votes: 18 9.4%
  • Dirge Of Cerberus

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Kingdom Hearts

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • Other - specify please

    Votes: 2 1.0%

  • Total voters
Playing the game wayyyy back in 1998 or something like that. My brother's friend brought his Playstation round, and I happened to notice a nice little game that I'd never heard of before, and thus the fascination began.
Played the game then became and obssesive fan.

If you didn't play FFVII you can't understand the movie.

My friends haven't played the game and they still don't believe me that Cloud was never an Ex-Soldier....
They don't believe that he stole somebodies clothes just to pretend to be in SOLDIER? I forgot exactly what part in the game where it explains that he never was, but yeah, he never was SOLDIER. Tell them to replay the game and bet money on it ;).
About six months after FFVII was originally released in the U.S., a friend let me borrow his PlayStation. I had been a fan of the SNES FF games (especially FFVI, or FFIII as it was then titled) and wanted to play the new one.

That was my first experience with FFVII. ;)
Christmas 1999, I got a playstation and FFVII. I was 10, and the reactor music was scary, so I kept playing my crash bandicoot demo over and over again because at least hte music was happy. Then I got into it, and I just, didn't, stop.
From Kingdom Hearts, then I bough FFIII on DS, I fell in love with it and bought FFX and XII and then I saw AC, and got couldn't wait any longer...

I ordered FFVII from Ebay.
well first my mums friends son tried it and i lent it from him and i liked it i went and bought it the next day and played it for like 7 hours straight and i still play it from start to finsh trying to improve but mostly it involves training
The game of course, then Advent Children, the Derge of Cerberus (Great game) I never got into Kingdom Hearts....
For me it was playing the original game, I got the PC version of it from way back by the way since I didn't own a PS1 at the time.
I played the game first when I was about 8 years old. It was the first RGP and FF I ever played. I'll always look back on those with happiness :). I always used to get stuck on very easy bossed such a Jenove Birth! Well, I was only 8 years old!
My first FF WAS FFVII!!! It tells the story of how I got into FF in the first place. This might be long.

This was only about two years ago...
I went on limewire because I wanted to download some AMVs. So I searched for it, and guess what came up. Final Fantasy VIII(not typo) AMV. I downloaded it, and it showed cutscenes from FFVIII. So I actually thought Final Fantasy was a MOVIE! I thought they had a movie for every game they released. So I wanted to go for the movies. I went and searched for Final Fantasy on a download program, and I saw: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. I said OH YEAAYY!! FF!! W00T! So I downloaded it and watched it. I was like 0.0 at the end, and didn't quite understand what was happening. Remember, I didn't play FFVII game yet. So I watched the AMV again and said, OMG THAT'S CLOUD AND TIFA FROM THE MOVIE!! and I was pointing at Squall and Rinoa from FFVIII. So I thought that cutscene came from FFVII game. I got mixed up with VII and VIII, I thought VIII was a typo in the AMV lol. I just thought cloud had a different hair-do lol. I go get the game, play it, watch FFVII AC a few more pointless times, get dissapointed with the AMV so it did actullay show the FFVIII cutscenes. I go search for FFX. I start to think the main character in FFX is Cloud again. o_O I go search for FFX while thinking it is a movie OMG! Then you know...I get everything together the way it is supposed to be. And now I know the correct order of the VII games: BC, CC, game, AC, DoC, DoC LM. I do know FF 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12 is NOT a movie! lol. (11 is MMORPG so I'll just leave it out.) So now I am an addicted obsessed mad fanatic of FF. G4 ME!
A freind got it when it came out, I must have gone round to his house every night to play on to Icicle Inn, then got a playstation for myself and finished it off. My favourite game.
My first FF7 was the original, before the sequels and prequels, before the AC movie and the CC OVA, I got my first FF7 game in 1998 alongside with FF8, my older brother got the FF7 and I got the FF8...we were so happy when we got them, not only because we were keeping our FF obsession but also because for a change our parents got us what we wanted, that we started to play them almost immediatly.

Of course, that most of the times we fought to see who's turn was to play >> that wasn't a pretty sight at all
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Actually, for me it was Kingdom Hearts. My friend had FF7 and I always watched him play it growing up, but the first time I actually played something with FF7 in it is when I bought Kingdom Hearts whatever year it came out. Eventually, I got FF7 and already knew about a majority of the game when I played it through, but it was still good. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I could've played it myself instead of watching it, but eh.

My first actual FF game was FF8. :rolleyes:
I played the playstation game first...My friend told me about it back in 1998 or 1999 and it sounded pretty cool, so I bought a copy. Been a fan ever since :)
The original game. I believe I saw my brother-in-law playing it, so I wanted to try it, too. I'm actually still using his copy, haha. He never plays it anymore, so I think it justifies it. ;)