Your first FFVII?

The first time I played FFVII, I didn't know anything about it, except that it was popular. <.< My bro and I bought the PC version, and I fell in love with the game. I started with Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, but then after Aerith died I regretted not using her and Tifa was out. XP My new team included Cid and Vincent. Eventually, I found the PS version at GameStop and bought it. I still have the PC version and installed it on my laptop so I can play anywhere. XP

To this day, FFVII is my favorite RPG. The story and the characters are deep and I love the battle system.
I watched my brother play before picking up the game myself. That way, I had an idea of what to do when I ran into certain situations such as how to deal with that annoying flying boss at Junon port. (I never would've known that you could find Long-Range Materia in the mythril mines or that you could find Yuffie before you go into Junon)
lol same here i learned about yuffie from my brother 2 lol but, theres a pc version? i never knew that
Yep. And apparently, there's a graphics patch for the PC version somewhere so you don't have the whole big-head-forearm-mutation look on the world map. I kinda wish I had the PC version, but considering how expensive it can get...
I thought, "Wow these graphics are nothing like FF8 and FF9" (8 and 9 were my first FF games), I thought it would look more like those, and I was kinda disappointed. But as I played more I began to ignore those stupid thoughts and realized the story was awesome!! Now FF7 is one of my favorite games ever =3
The first time I clapped eyes on FFVII was when my cousin had it and was playing it. When I was watching him play the materia system looked confusing and I thought "wow that looks so complicated." After watching him I fell in love with it. I remember me, my bro and a couple of my cousins, just use to gather around and watch my cousin play. We use to get into it so much that we would voice the charcters during conversations. I was always the bad guys, like Rufus and Sephiroth (who we actually thought was pronounced se-per-rai-oth back then, don't know why) my cousin who played the game was Cloud (naturally) and the others were Barret, Nanaki and so forth; it was well fun (those were the days).:D

Anyways, after that I had to get it and that's exactly what I did. I discovered The materia system wasn't that complicated and the whole experience drew me in. It was truly a masterpiece and still is. And thus I have been faithful to FF ever since.:cool::)

Oh and about Yuffie, I sort of stumbled across her as I trained before Junon, which was a nice surprise (unless you got the questions wrong, of course).
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When i first played it i remember thinking "OMG i have never played something this awesome before." I didn't really get stuck to often on my first time through, I did but i played it for so long everyday it didn't really feel like i was stuck. The only thing i didn't like my first time through was how ridiculously easy Sephiroth felt (i was at like lvl 95)
first time i played ff 7

the first time i played ff 7 i never knew how to put the materia together to make anything work...was just a huge joke when i was fighting....could never get any mega attacks going cuz of it lol
The first time I played the game I got all the way to Wutai and saved my game. I left my house for a few hours, came back, and when I tried to load my game it said "FILE IS CORRUPTED."

Needless to say, I broke my controller against the wall.
i remember it to some degree, i remember getting annoyed at the dragon door thing and quiting for 3 days then playing again beating it and not beatin ruby >:( raged for another week and beat him then went on to beat sephy Huhuhuhu!
man that was a happy moment, i mainly used Cloud, Vincent and Barret/Red
No one believes me when i say this, but i first played FF7 when i was 6. And i was really good at it to. I had everyone around level 70 when i reached Sephiroth.

But of course, my sister deleted all of the games on my memory card... It was an accident she says. Hmph.

I redeemed myself and beat it once again, though.
First time I played it I never bought myself equipemtn so i had such a small amount of materia slots ( was my 1st FF ever so didnt rlly understand it thta much :p).

I made my way throught the nibelheim mountaint wher eI got stuck, I didnt realise I had to "talk" to the materia keeper monster. Well it was kinda strange as it looked like that thing was on a higher floot than you were and didnt actually look like something to talk to :p.
I havn't played yet =[

I'm getting a friend from school to lend me 7, 9 and 12 though.
I first played the game in February 2000. It was my first FF adventure and my lack of experience showed. I was stuck for a long time in the Shinra building, and when I finally left Midgar I gave up and started again once I'd reached about the 29hr stage. I just hadn't taken much time to build up any decent character levels and I was struggling. I was also ignoring materia-purchasing for the main part.
I find using a guide kills the game because it takes away the fun out of exploring areas and trying to solve things on your own and when you complete the game you can't really say "I" clocked this game when you used a guide from start to end. Thats why when I play a game for the first time I don't use any hints or tips and on my second time playing I go for 100% using guides and all.

thats how i role first time through an RPG

i remember though when i was like 8 i went to my dads friends house and he was playing 7 and he had to go do something and hes like here you can play and it ended up being right at the boat to costa del sol and the first jenova fight
my first time playing it i skiped most of the extra stuff and alot of the materia and then just before i fought sephiroth the game froze.
i just recently started playing it again and i beat it in a weak and with evrey materia.
I played Final Fantasy VII the first time when I was 14. I played the game after I beaten Final Fantasy VIII. I remember my final party was Cloud, Tifa and Cid. I also remembered Tifa getting chosen by Don Conero and Aeris for the date scene. o_o I don't know why I remember that...

I didn't have much problem beating the game though. I remember I was upset because I did not get Vincent. I took me a while to get a golden chocobo as well. Q_Q