Your first game over?


Dec 12, 2009
I've had this little thread in some other FF forum way back, but it wasn't as active a site as this. So I feel like asking again, what was your first game over? Or did you get caught off guard by an entite at a early stage in the game or WHATEVER? Be it a frustrating game over, or just a "comical" and unneccessary one.

Personally, and I think this applies to a lot of us FFXII players; my very FIRST game over was in the Estersand at a veeery early stage in the game. Before going south to the Giza Plains to meet Penelo and make some sunstones, I took off east into the Estersand to kick some wolf butt. And what do I find? Is that a DINOSAUR? Well let's just say it didn't take it so well when Vaan decided to smack his tiny excuse for a blade in it's face.

Another one would be in the barheim passage on my way to Zalera. I was trying my best not to wake too many skeletons, and avoided all the bombs...when that freaking Ishteen decides to Spawn, and I just..wasn't up to it. I fled back the way I came, with an army of skeletons and bombs at my heels...(Looked quite intimidating in the mini map, that mass of red dots following my poor party) I got out of the area with only two characters still alive, but of course Ishteen for some reason is able to spawn in that area too, so he killed me off in the end. :rage:
yeah that was my first game over too, really shoulda known better than to pick on a massive nasty looking 'saur when I'd just started out. No matter my level, Im still wary when I see one plodding about, Ive been done over more than once by them swines
Yeah, for the rest of my plathrough, at least until I was at equal level with the beast, I always ran in wide circles to avoid it whenever I passed through that particulare area of the Estersand. It wasn't long ago I realized that it was "green "and actually a quite friendly soul as long as you didn't bother it by poking it in the eye with your sword.
I tried going for a mark early in the game that I wasn't ready for, and I got my ass raped. My second game over happens to be with those dinosaur things though, the worst part is that I couldn't get away!
I didn't bother facing the dinosaur in the Estersand because I was a wimp. I knew I couldn't possibly defeat it with Vaan alone at a paltry LV 5.

I got rather far in the game because I tended to power-level all my characters. I barely got past the Garuda-Egi and when I entered the Tomb of Raithwall, I was killed by the first Demon Wall!

Then I was killed again by the second Wall as I didn't realise you could slow it down.
i'm going to recount the near-death experiences before my first game over. first was the giant t-rex, i hit him for zero and ran vaan for all he was worth - then came the army of sewer rats while i was sneaking into the palace. some time later in the sandsea i saw my first entite and followed it around for awhile 'cause i thought it was pretty. by the time i decided to attack it it had already cast buffs on itself. i ran after it cast an -ara spell and killed the two party members i had up front. last but not least was the demon wall...i don't think i need to elaborate on what happened there.

my luck finally ran out when i was out exploring the little cave nook to the west of rabanastre. i ran into zalera...
I started this game at my friend's house. So he advised me about that Wild Saurion (a.k.a jerkface) My first game over was when I was walking through the plains, the name of which I've long forgotten, and I saw a group of chocobo's! Those are easy I thought, so I ran to them and as I was attacking I noticed that Basch died. WTF? Turns out a level 99 black chocobo had 1-hit Basch and was ready, not to mention willing, to bash the rest of my party. I made it halfway to the exit for that area. If you hadn't noticed, chocobos are faster than people >_<
Hmmm... I'd have to say that I usually over level by a lot, because I don't fancy struggling through the game, so the first game over I got was for the Mandragora bosses. The little bastards are so fast and with the nasty status effects, I was done for.

You know, I could probably defeat a boss that had 1,000x more health than my characters, but I have loads of trouble when it comes to multiple bosses or when a boss has minions. I do find it strange that I lost to these little twerps but not the Elder Wyrm.
@FinalHeart: I KNOW. I whacked it with my sword, and a big fat "0" damage showed up. Vaan barely managed to turn around, and I barely had time to react and hit the R2 before the darn thing struck me down.

@.Swift: Demon Wall. Oh Demon Wall.... First it x-zones the majority of my party, and the last two...well. Pressed flesh. Mmm. It was the first wall though, I didn't have any troubles with the last one. (When I realized you didn't have to face the first. I can't imagine my frustration if I actually had beaten the first one, just to be faced by another. xD)

The Garuda-Egi before it was my first real object for angst though. I had to level up in the sand sea for days before I got guts enough to face it again after my first failure.

@Tmoo: I'd forgotten about those sewer rats, on my first play through I was terribly fail at everything, and hadn't bought myself cure yet. So I had huge troubles managing in the sewers against those rats, not precisley having anything of a potion stock to brag with. It was those fish that brought me down in the end, however. I was so scared of fish for the rest of my game, it was a truely traumatizing event...

@Dark Tidus: I have yet to encounter a lv 99 Chocobo! Not that I'm precisly looking forward to it though. Geez, the white terror of the Paramina Rift was difficult and annoying enough as it is.

@Asabella: The Madragoras are such pests. It took me a while to gather my party together and realize it worked better if I just concentrated on one at a time. They've caused my sister to give up on the game entirely, which is a shame, they're not that hard if you've got the right strategy.

Bosses with minions are the worst. : ( Mateus with her ice elementals, and Cid and Vayne with their little...rotating random weapons. Or that huge Wild Malboro! Haven't beaten it yet. Status battles are such a motivation drainer.
I got stuck on the fire horse thingy boss in the sewers. I don't even know how I eventually got past him, because I some how finished the game...

Also I was among the people who didn't know you can slow down the demon wall at the tomb, but it didn't matter much, since I was beyond over level'ed, and killed it right before he would have killed me.
My first gameover was when i battled Matteo or whatever his name know the second Esper you get.

He had those weird balls flying around which just overkilled all of my characters, especially since they keep coming back. I remember i used all of my characters special moves on him but it was not enough, i summoned Belias and it was still not by one my characters died and Mateus HP was near it's end as well but i knew i was not going to survive, i ended up with Penelo as the sole survivor and i did not even try to attack i just tried to run away but of course...there was no escape and so it was bye bye Jimmy and i was pissed.
You know when they pretty much open up the fields once you're able to get your bounty hunt thing going? Yeah, so, I wandered off pretty far on the map, and got put in my place.

To my credit, I think I scratched them a bit...not really.
In my first game after you return to Rabanastre(sorry if misspelled) from Barhiem passage, I decided to see what you could steal from the LV:30 Wild Saurian, and somehow I ended up being able to steal a Tanned Hide on my first try! As soon as I got it, I fled out of there before he could gulp of Vaan. After that I realized he wasn't so scary so I decided to try to kill him. After he wiped out Vaan, Fran, and Balthier, I took out Basch and strung three quickenings together and killed the Saurian.
Haha... yeah... my first game over... How was I supposed to know the yellow bar on Wild Saurian in the Estersand meant that he could kick my ass? :wacky: It's a good thing I had saved before I went back in the Estersand to level up some.... but I still got pwned. lol
Ughhh! I remember my biggest loser face game over. It was when I was in the Z. Caverns and I ran into the Lightning Esper by accident! What a freakin drab that was. Hords of skeletons and an Esper on my ass. =/. I was so noooot ready for the Esper. lol. I was totally underleveld and got my arse handed to me quite royally. =[. I cannot seem to remembre my very first game over though. haha.

I hate running into something un-expectedly though. It pisses me off, especially when I have yet to find a save point! bahhh.
My first game over....if I remember it right, was when it's your first time in the Barheim Passage trying to escape the Nalbina dungeons. I let the lights go down too low and a whole bunch of undead monsters surrounded me. Don't ask what happens next.XD
I'm the same as most, my first game over was that dinosaur right at the beginning. I don't think I was expecting a monster that could kill me in one go right at the beginning so I thought it must be a low levelled one and tried to take it on, despite seeing it take out 3 or 4 of those dog things (whatever they're called). I got mu ass handed to my quite quickly. :(
My first game over was a tad later in the game. :hmmm:

When you first enter the Dreadnought Leviathan.

Vossler: Watch for those alarm beams. Better to avoid them.
Me: -triggers-.
Vossler: -facepalm-


I have no idea how I got there with my level 9. 8F Luck I suppose. But the guards slaughtered me. So I had no choice but to teleport back and level up, which is exactly what I did. xD

That was my first game over.


myself said:
Luck I suppose.

Luck my ass. :wacky:
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My first game over was when I was hunting the Rogue Tomato. I tried to kill the dinosaur thing... yeah, a very n00bcake mistake, I know >.<
Forgive me my absence, but I have been being busy with movie/gaming nights and christmas shopping and all that jazz. Cozy cozy but these last days before christmas all I'm going to do is clean and bake stuff, so now I'll try to be a little more active inbetween such activities. : )

@Jimmy: Mateus. I was so afraid of her elementals. Until Mateus I had always fled the battlefield as soon as one of those pests appeared. (I didn't know what triggered them to attack either, one sec they were "green" and harmless. The next they're red and brutally violent. But after that battle I realized they weren't all that difficult to defeat. But I was overleveled at that point, with a level 43 Balthier. (I didn't know how to get into Henne Mines earlier, and just spent my playing time leveling until I finally realized how you were supposed to get there.)

@HighwindPilot: Haha man I know how you feel. At my first playthrough I was a little bit too cocky for my own good, and those Urstrix got me good repeatedly in the Giza Plains. When I finally realized you could get cure I managed better however. I hated Giza Bunnies, always running away into one of those big birds...

@Hayate: I. KNOW. I didn't even know you could find Espers outside the actual plot. It wasn't really Adrammelech himself who were the problem though, it was all those Shambling Corpses who brought me down in the end. (And I think Fran was equipped with lightning arrows for most of the battle as well, so I kept healing that electricity absorbing esper for quite some time before I realized what was going on.)

@Tsukimori: So far I've never let the lights go out in the Barheim Passage at that point in the game. XD How many undead creatures spawns when it goes low really? I've always been curious, but way too afraid of the dark to let it happen. Yes, I'm wussy like that.

@Colours: Dreadnough Leviathan. -stares seriously off into the distance...- I was so painfully underleveled at that point, I think I was a level 8-9 as well. The imperial guards and their hounds kept almost killing me, and in the end, I never managed to get through the battle with the two or three lesser judges, and...leveling up in that place was just too boring. Leveling up in that place was just so painfully boring, and the alarms drove me nuts!

Haha but I guess that (really; FRIENDLY) Saurian got the most and the best of us. FFXII classic? "I dub thee, level 27-30 Saurian of the blazing Estersan, a classic."