Your first game over?

I will have to go with the majority on this one..... My first death was the the Saurian. I was all like...okay hes in the beginning meaning i can kill him. Right?????? No..... he killed poor old Vaan in one hit. Game over. Just like that
Yeah, the Wild Saurian in the Estersand was my first game over. I was kicking wolf ass, so I thought, 'why not tackle the dino?' It was huge, but I thought it was something I could already handle. Too bad it wiped out each of my party members in one shot. Heh, I was pretty shocked back then, since I still had no clue how the game went.
The saurian whooped my ass to! I was level grinding cause thats what i usually do in the begining of each FF game that I played. (Training with Vaan alone) I was avoiding it at first but then my bro started calling me names. Something told me to stick with my instincts. One strike was all it took on me. ALL THOSE LEVELS FOR NOTHING! I looked at my bro and he was like daaaaaamn.
After that i was very cautious at what i fought especially with those Gnoma Entites.
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I messed up on the Saurian. As soon as it attacked poor Vaan, I wanted to throw something into the TV. I was all, "well shit" with the cussing and the anger and such.
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My first game over was against Cid the second time. I was beating him sort of well, then he calls famfrit -__- Then suddenly, it's water spells dominate my party and I wind up losing, as my backup party died before they coulld revive my primary party :sad: I wasn't that impacted by it, but I was mad all the same.
I almost had my first game over in those tunnels with the electric spiders that suck up power in the area. I only had one character that could use Black or White magic (Fran) and didn't think I needed to license my other characters since I wasn't planning on turning them into mages. Obviously I was wrong.

My first official game over was on the Leviathan in the battle with the 2 judges and several swordsmen. First couple of game overs actually. And then three more game overs when I faced Judge Ghis.
That big silly Dinosaur. First visit to the Estersands.
I mean, what is he doing there anyway? Who does he think he is, some Midgar Zolom?

I do remember having a lot of fun smacking him every once in a while just to run away and (usually) escape. Oh, the adrenaline. And sweaty palms.
Oh let me count the ways.

Hmm...first time was in the Waterway, The first boss battle actually. I got my butt handed to me so hard by Firemane because I, being stupid, didn't level up my players like I should have and pretty much just ran through all monsters. The second time, and I kid you not, I didn't have Libra equipped or cast onto my members and hit a freakin trap. Seriously? Really? Yeah. I failed. The third time was by the Garuda Egi near The Tomb of Raithwall and the fourth time, we'll stop at four lest you all be here all night, was by those freaking Demon Walls. The first one had me running, almost dead, right into the clutches of the second one where I died horrribly.

Let's just say I power level now, I don't go anywhere without being prepared for the worst.
i tried to take on that big dinosaur in the estersand..or is it the westersand...either way i was annnihilated in one fell swoop xD
Oh dear. Some of you got beaten by a dino. There's no shame there and no-one's losing face. Except I got beaten up by the giant wolf mark, Thextera. There were just too many other wolves around when he used his Cry for Help thing, I got surrounded and I didn't heal fast enough. And I didn't understand the gambits then. stupid gambits.....

Pwned by a wolf. Idoit.
Surprisingly, mine wasn't the Wild Saurian in the Estersand; I didn't even bother with him. :wacky:

My first game over was actually on Zeromus. The bastard surprised me and I wasn't prepared at all. Stupid anti-magic field. :ffs:
my first game over was the tomato hunt the furst hunt in the game lol, i wasn't paying attention to my health :)
Yes mine was also with the Wild Saurian. >.> I told my self to avoid it but then I though to myself "Okay this guy will probably be difficult but the experience should be well worth it. I am at Lv 6, there is no way SquareEnix would make a super strong monster at this early part of the game." so needless to say, poor Vaan didn't stand a chance. I got my revenge later.
Either in the Estersand with the Salamand Entite or in the Henne Mines with Tiamat.

The Salamand Entite... "Oh shit, 40,000 HP!...Ah, it's neutral. I'll just be careful not to atWAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN SALAMAND ENTITE IS CASTING FIRAGA"

I've had about 4 Game Overs at Tiamat. He was really really hard. But I eventually beat him, with luck and with a walkthrough. And then there was the Elder Wyrm, which killed me easily. Fortunately, I found out that you can avoid him so I just did that.
I just beat the Elder Wyrm and I've not had game over yet. That's not tough guy speak, it's just that I've only leveled my three main characters, so when they die I just reset!
I've had this little thread in some other FF forum way back, but it wasn't as active a site as this. So I feel like asking again, what was your first game over? Or did you get caught off guard by an entite at a early stage in the game or WHATEVER? Be it a frustrating game over, or just a "comical" and unneccessary one.

Personally, and I think this applies to a lot of us FFXII players; my very FIRST game over was in the Estersand at a veeery early stage in the game. Before going south to the Giza Plains to meet Penelo and make some sunstones, I took off east into the Estersand to kick some wolf butt. And what do I find? Is that a DINOSAUR? Well let's just say it didn't take it so well when Vaan decided to smack his tiny excuse for a blade in it's face.

Another one would be in the barheim passage on my way to Zalera. I was trying my best not to wake too many skeletons, and avoided all the bombs...when that freaking Ishteen decides to Spawn, and I just..wasn't up to it. I fled back the way I came, with an army of skeletons and bombs at my heels...(Looked quite intimidating in the mini map, that mass of red dots following my poor party) I got out of the area with only two characters still alive, but of course Ishteen for some reason is able to spawn in that area too, so he killed me off in the end. :rage:

That DINOSAUR kicked my ass too dude, i think that was my 1st game over too i don't remenber i played FF12 years ago, the thing about the game like that part right there is totally new, you are used to fighting foes that are beatable and up there with your level but in FF12 you can actually see much strongers foes in the beggining of the game, that to me was awesome because sometimes i didn't know if attacking that foe would be a good thing since i don't know how powerfull it is until you actually fight him and boom you die lol.
Final Fantasy XII was the first final fantasy game I ever played, oddly enough, so I died fairly soon in the game. If my memory serves me correctly, it was the Rogue Tomato that first got the best of me, as sad as that is.

In my defense, I had no idea what phoenix downs were (since I had never played FF), and I had no idea how to access the magic menu. FFXII is definately not the best FF game to start with =(
My first "Game Over" was in one of those rainy areas/Wetlands where you run into those damn giant turtles. I was going around trying to kill the number of enemies you needed for the bestiary, and so my weak team at the time was fighting them off and I had a "go-getter".

What I mean by that is while my 2 characters were fighting a nearby enemy that could easily be beaten, my third character....Balthier, ran towards the turtle, smacked it, and got the others to join in. So I got hammered by 2 turtles, and my characters didn't stand a chance. I lost.
First time i got game over.
When i decided that it was time to fight that lovely green dinosaur in the estersand. Oh i thought i was ready for him. Started a game, walked in the desert. and died - What a wonderful day that was ;))
Hm....when I had Vossler in the Ogir Sandsea....he ran up to the Fire elemental.....stupid Gambits. Attacked it and I was dead before he swung his sword.....