Your first game over?

My first GAME OVER was with the Salamand Entite. I was just like "Lalalalala...Oh!
A big glowing sphere...better go around it. Wait...Salamand Entite is casting Firaga?! WAI-game over. Now when I see the glowing ominous sphere stalking me, I run for my life.
My STUPIDEST game over was with the Demon Wall. When the cutscene with it happened I left to do something else, but I forgot to pause the game so...GAME OVER.

My first game over was in the seromus boss, and it was the only game over i took in this play. I only took the game over because I haven't reflect on my part (with the mirror mail), to reflect the poision atacks of those skeletons.
I had a really stupid game-over, I walked into the Estersands and then a whole troup of wolves followed me and I was simply too weak to defeat them all. Also didn't have many potions.

The first gameover which pissed me off was the firehorse at the sewers. I had to redo that part many times.
My first game over must have been when I was fighting Belias. Up until then I'd done surprisingly well with everything but it took me between 10 and 15 attempts to defeat him, I just simply couldn't do it.
my first game over I vs big wolf in dalmsica wist gate its so strong because my lv 3 just 3:gonk:
Well, I don't remember my very first game over. But I remember one of my earliest ones just because it caught me off guard.

It was during the point in the game at which Vaan and Penelo had to run around the Giza Plains in order to create sun stones. As I'm sure you all know, this event is fairly early in the game, and it goes without saying that I was lacking in the level department. LOL. xD

Well, as with any other game I play, when my levels are low I'm wary about battles and I tend to avoid fights that look difficult. I'm allergic to defeat lol! But during that point, I'd been doing pretty well with Penelo and Vaan, and I was winning all mt battles with the various fiends. Even the big bird ones so I was feeling comfortable.

A little TOO comfortable.

I ran into a werewolf. I thought "Oh~He can't be that bad!" so I engaged him in a fight.

And Vaan got pwn'd! LOL! I switched to Penelo as fast as I could and took off and the werewolf chased me! In the end, Penelo wasn't fast enough and she too was KO'd. And I was FURIOUS!

Now, my main party is around level 80 or so. Whenever I have to travel for a hunt or something like that, I "walk" instead of using Balthier's airship. Whenever I have to pass through the Giza plains, I find werewolves and attack them just for the heck of it. I feel that they deserve it. xD
Even though I should have avoided the Dino... I didn't. I don't know why especially after FF8. I got my first game over from the Wild Saurian.
My first one was the mimic queen. i didn't pay attention and let my two of my charecters die but by the time that Vaan used raise he died and Balthier only had 130ish hp, so you know how that story ended.
My first Game Over was when you have to fight the Giant Bomb in the weird forest place where you're up in the trees. His health just kept refilling. God, it was annoying.
My first game over involved the infamous Dalmasca Estersand Wild Saurian. I was level 7, and thought I could take it on, with a good challenge. Hello, one-hit KO.
well a lot of players fell into Square Enix's trap. I mean who wouldn't want to attack the Green Dinosaur who looks like the meanest kid on the block and would probably give you bragging points if you felled it at a measly level? And we probably all didn't expect it to be so much higher in level :p And yep I fell for it hook line and sinker.

Another memorable game over was those little munchkins at Sochen Cave Palace...Mandragoras I believe. I tried to pull off a quickening so that it could damage all of them but they were too quick and only managed to get two of them with it. Status effects nightmare....and my melee fighters kept missing as well. It was a disaster.
Humm, where did it happened my first Game Over? Can't remember if it was against that T-Rexaur in the Eastersand, or against that Cockatrice rare monster, also in the Eastersand, if I recall.

Though, I remember dieying a bit too often for my taste, compared to what happens in other games. I remember dieying against the Nidhogg, against Marilith, against Cuchulain, against Zalera, against....Ok, this is becoming embarassing. :P

The game had definitely some challenging battles.
The Elder Wyrm in the Golmore Jungle :wacky: I never knew it was optional to beat and kept going at it. I then went to Gamefaqs and dicovered that the boss was an optional side quest *facepalm*
I am sure this isn't just my case. It was against the Wild Saurian in Dalmasca Estersand. I saved before engaging it, and it completely obliterated Vaan in one hit.
To be quite honest my first game over was against that Garuda thingy, which really did my head in because I had made it all the way to him with barely anyone alive apart from Basch and Vaan my to heaviest damaging and quickest characters :O
Haha, mine was against those dinosaurs in the Estersand or wherever too. I had Penelo with me, I was just running around, saw it, I was like "BREENG IT ONN" charged, Penelo dies, And I tried running away. Didn't work out too well.
In my last playthrough, I was killed just after Penelo caught up with me and I was levelling up in the Westersand. The beasts were too strong for me anyway, so I was running away, getting hit every now and then, and then a rare ghost appeared and killed us both in a heartbeat. Thing is, I've never seen that rare ghost again, so I'm beginning to doubt that it existed...