Your first play through

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Jun 12, 2006
United Kingdom, Wales
So, what was your first play through of the game like?

Mine was a little boring at the start to tell the truth. But I was only young and I couldn't appreciate it as much as I did when I grew up a little. It wasn't a game for kids because of the in depth plot. But truth be told I couldn't tell heads from tails of the game when I first played it. But I couldn't complete Midgar anyways XP

But my first real play through was awesome. I simply thought it the best game I had ever played and it still remains that way. True I was a little frustrated when it came to defeating the demon's gate in the temple of the ancients and it did take me a while to get past, but what can you expect from a first timer?

Well as expected, all I really wanted to do this first time through was complete the game as quick as possible so that I could proudly say that I had completed the game. So side quests were left out and materia and characters weren't at their best when I went up against Sephiroth.

I kind of expected not to get past the final boss in my first run through of the game.

I had to start again and train my characters a little more because I could not for the life of me defeat Sephiroth. Keep in mind that I didn't even know Knights of the Round existed this time through.

So that’s pretty much my first run through. I didn't complete it, but it was a fun run through. It was only on my second time that I defeated Sephiroth and then almost immediately I started again and completed the side quests.

it was only on my fourth, fifth and sixth run through that I actually full understood the plot XP
To say I was enthralled when I first played the game would be an understatement. Not only was it my first FF game but it was my first playstation game so I was amazed by how it looked.

I too being only 11 at the time could not full appreciate the subtle complexities and many philosophical questions, or the many political and world issues the game raises.

But I can say proudly that from the first time I played this game back in 1997 I have been a fan of Sephiroth. At first in that truck I though he was but a very cool very stong man. Now though I know him too be the one true god.

I have come a long way since I played that game but I still remener how much that danm Materia Keeper annoyed me. It was the first and only boss, (not including the weapons Emerald and Ruby.) That gave me trouble.

Overall I loved every second of that game even though I did not understand it all.
My first play through was together with a friend.

It was quite exciting and I can remember how we stared and drooled during the motorcycle chase. It was so amazing the first time and I loved every second of it. After it we started over again, since we saved just before that event.

I was happy after we finished the gave a somewhat satisfying feeling.
Yeah I played it through with a friend too. It was amazing really. We loved every minute of it. Probelm was we made Aeris our main character and lvled her heaps and then
she died

We were a bit annoyed to say the least. It was an awesome game. When we finished we were so happy and as time goes you think to yourelf, 'I'll have another play through!' and even though the game is so old and the graphics are pretty crappy compared to nowadays you love every minute of it.
I played it in a joint effort with my bro taking turns. It was the first Playstation game we ever played, the first Final Fantasy and first RPG, so it was pretty crazy. I remember the first time I saw it and thought it was stupid, running around in the Mako Reactor. Then my bro went off for a bit and I just did a few random encounters and I was hooked.

Playing through the game I couldn't believe the intricate storyline and how it was all connected (in a sense). That and the graphics and the characters and everything.

First time I beat it I was only level 65. Didn't attempt fighting the weapons really. lol.

FFVII will always be my favourite. Damn I love that game.
First time playing, I enjoyed it, and when I got deeper and further into the game, I got a bit confused with things, but near the end, I knew everything now. And after doing the game, I wanted to play it again, its one of those games that never loses its replay value.
Well I was really stuck into FFVII because it was my first rpg so it was something new. The first time through I didn't do everything like I didn't get vincent. But after I completed it I wanted to play it again find out everything because it was such a good game.
mine was ff 7 it wa smy VERY frist video game so i was so lost but when i bet it i was so happy but the frist time i whent through my guys suck i did not have yuffie or vincent
My first play through was when I was about nine or ten years old (though I can proudly say I played it when it was first around) so it was quite challenging for me at certain points, and also having a complete understanding of the game didnt come to me from my first play. The main challenges for me were some of the tedious bosses such as Demons Gate, Materia Keeper and Schizo. But now of coarse, quite simple for me having played it for so long.

My initial idea of the story was simply going around Midgar destroying all the reactors. But as the story just continued to expand and become deeper and more fascinating as I learned more of the characters and the world they live in.

I was always curious of Sephiroth and what he was like, seing as there was not alot of information on him from the manual or the start of the game, but when it came to Clouds past I realised his true greatness, and also as we see more of him throughout the rest of the game. Though I have a greater appriciation for him now than I did then understanding so little.

The game just had so much to do and it was always awesome every step of the way, I could play FF VII any number of times and never grow bored of it. It will always IMO be the best game in excistance for so many reasons.

Its no wonder there is so much demand for a remake.
I was 8 when I first played this. Honestly, I never fully appreciated or understood it until just before christmas, when I heard AC was to be released and decided to play through again. I'll base my decisions on how I feel now.

Definitely one of the best games in the FF series. My favourite character was actually Red XIII, despite my name. The story was amazing, as were the stories to the characters. In fact, the only criticism that I have is that the plot was a little too complicated, especially for younger players. Back then, all I cared about was getting Omnislash and using Bahamut Zero :P

It has my vote for a modern remake.
I first played this around the time it was released in the US, which was when I was in 6th grade. It was the 2nd RPG I played, and it was very challenging for me.

I made some stupid mistakes my first walkthrough, such as selling most of the Summon materia and rare weapons(I like to collect and keep many items in RPGs). There were many bosses I faced over and over again, such as the "Moving Wall Monster" in the Temple of the Ancients.

I'm gonna be honest here - when I got to the part where Aeris dies, I didn't feel sad for her. I didn't care because I thought she was a "weak character" at the time.
My first play through hmm its been so long, but i still remember what the start was like.

It was the first FF game I had ever played and also the first Plastation game I had ever played so the controlls were the first thing I had to handle. I spent the first minute walking into walls but after that I had no more problems.

Overall I found the game to be enjoyable and challenging. The first boss that got me stuck was the final boss of Cosmo Canyon of course these days I know the trick for killing it easily.
Also the first time I played I did not find lost number untill I was quite far on so I killed it in two shots.
Aside from that the Materia keeper ment I spent a great deal of time training up in mt Nible.

In regards to Sephiroth I have been a fan of him since I first saw him in that truck and the dragon going down so easily just sealed the deal.
The final battles I thought were magnifisant. Bizzaro was interesting the way you had to gang up on it. Safer Sephiroth was divine in everything looks and power. Supernova is still my fav magic in all of FF.
The last battle was impresive in the graphics but I still hated to see Sephiroth lose that really buged me and still does today.
the first time i played it took me forever to beat. It was the first RPG i played so didnt know what to really do in the game most of the time at the start i would jus walk around and talk to everyone to see if they tell me what to do next. After a while I started to understand it more but when I didnt like fighting all that much and ran away from all the fights to get futher in the game. During the flash bak when seph is on your team but you dont get to control him i thought "Im never going to beat the game look how much god damn damgde hes doing" but when i started to not run away from the fights and LvL up i wasnt like that. When I got to seph he wasnt even hard i beat him pretty quick.
My first time was great, i was a final fantasy virgin and i had read a review in a games mag that gave it a rave review. So being an rpg fan. ( mostly Secret of Mana ) i went out and got my self a copy, got it home and didnt stop playing for about 4 weeks ( Apart from sleeping and eating ). It is still to this day the best RPG i've ever played and one of the best games i've ever layed my sticky little hands on. The FMV was amazing, the weapons the highway and the final fight, even just the little bits in the gold saucer. The game is God like
ff7 was my first rpg and i started when i was 10, it seemed really boring and too dark and it was not like anything that i played before. i remember after I beat the guard scorpion I just stood there b/c i didnt know what detonation I waited there for 10 min and saw the game over screen....
My first play through was very enchanting to say the least. It to explain....Different from most games I usually play Final Fantasy VII was the game the made me truely enjoy the gaming experence and bring me back to it. My first time was alot of fun and I still have fun now even when I play it again. When I beat it I felt very...what word to use......Empty...I was really werid. Just my first time through and I became addicted LOL ^^
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