Your reaction to Aerith's death

I did a celebratory dance :griin:

She's possibly my least favourite FF character ever, I don't know why. I just didn't like her, she was one of the more pathetic FF females I think, and don't even get me started on her trying to steal Cloud from Tifa :mokken: But I'll say no more about that.
But yeah, I was quite happy I didn't have to endure her in the game any longer, but I felt sure she'd come back at some point :hmmm:
I was a bit annoyed, however, that I spent ages training her up so that she wasn't incredibly pathetic in battle... then she died on me anyway -__-
"Why was there no blood? Why did Sephiroth's gloves disappear for a second? How did no one see this coming? Why did Aerith go alone when she could have brought someone to protect her? MY %$#*ING MATERIA!!" :rage:
I actually felt nothing really.... I was like "ok on with the game.
^can't steal what wasn't hers. :griin:

My reaction....

Sephiroth you motherfucker!! :rage:

She was so unlike any of the other mary-sue characters in FF. She was strong and had true meaning behind her story/life and she just wasn't another love interest but she was needed for the story to carry on. She had a HUGE part in the game and seeing her go was so out-of-nowhere and just very tragic. Especially when you think of Cloud's reaction to her being taken from him. She was a bright and uplifting character that didn't get brought down by anyone or anything. Compared to the other characters(and females) in the game, they were always depressed or calling names and here was Aerith just being happy and kind to everyone.

I was told before hand that she died but I didn't believe my brother because he also said the world was destroyed at the ending of FFVIII. So when she really died I was sorta just dumbfounded. :sad3:

Not to mention, she was one of the best to have on team. She not only could cast strong magic but she could heal and make the rest of the team invincible. She was like a super hero or somethin' :jess:

Eh, but she's a tragic heroine that has left an impact on games. :ryan:
Not to mention, she was one of the best to have on team. She not only could cast strong magic but she could heal and make the rest of the team invincible. She was like a super hero or somethin' :jess:

Well I'm not gonna get drawn into an argument over who Cloud should have ended up with, because I don't much care, VII not being my favourite FF... but really? Best on the team? REALLY? She was the weakest fighter and I found potions to be more effective than her magic... and cheaper than all the phoenix downs I needed to stock up on to revive her when she died due to the ridiculously low HP she had... :wacky:
I was a little shocked coz I didn't expect a main character to die but overall I didn't really care... i didn't really miss her through the rest of the game and I even kind of forgot about her now and then until cloud would bring her up.
It doesn't matter who Cloud should have gotten with. :wacky:

The point of the matter is, she was one of the strongest in team if you didn't neglect her. She not only healed, she gave you limits, and made you invincible.
The only reason I was like why did aerith have to do die moments because i came to rely heavily on her during her playable gap in the game. Due to her healing abilities.

I wasnt that bothered.......

But I did know she was already gonna die.....I played this a few years ago for the first time,and thanks to the internet......I knew it,and didnt give a fuck.

I probably would've had a more sad reaction had I used her, but I didnt so for that reason....thats probably why my reaction is more dontcare/on with the game.
I didnt wanna train Aerith knowing she was gonna was just gonna be a waste of time!
I was a little shocked coz I didn't expect a main character to die but overall I didn't really care... i didn't really miss her through the rest of the game and I even kind of forgot about her now and then until cloud would bring her up.

This, pretty much exactly. IMO there were nine main characters on the good side, so it wasn't a huge loss for me. The story was still quite interesting without her, she was only a small part in a much bigger story; and my three favorite PCs managed to survive, so I was quite happy that if it had to be anyone, it was her.
I felt sad and sorry and everything, and I shed tears. But in a way, I was happy. Please don't shoot me. But I thought that she'll be happy because she'll be back with her old boyfriend Zack now. During the game, it sounded like she really missed him. Espically in the scene with Gongaga. I was like " She can be back with her boyfriend ", like two lovers being reunited. It which is really weird, because I didn't know that Zack actually died till later and just assumed that he did. :gasp2: I always start crying when the white materia begins to drop. I think my opinion of Aerith didn't really matter, whether I thought that she was beautiful, stunning or a pig. Somebody just died, and Cloud lost somebody. Who cares what Aerith was like, loosing somebody is really emotional.... and sad. Oh and this is ages before Crisis Core, so looking back, this is really surprising. Alot of people think that Zack x Aerith is the past, but I don't know, I don't think so.
You heartless S.O.B's:lew:

I was like the hell is wait she is gonna die.............HEY!!!!
and then that was that, no more primary magic user and more to the point
I liked Aerith/Aeris!:sad3: she was a cool character.

Muffickan S-E killed her off!:amg:
Didn't care.

Already seeing a lot of info on the game before playing it made me ready for the scene and I was quite happy to get rid of her.

Little slut! :rage:

If I had of played the game without knowing what was going to happen my opinion may have been different but because I'd read up on a lot of things before even buying the game my view on it was, 'Can't wait for this bitch to die.'
I'm not ashamed to admit it - I cried. I thankfully had the pleasure of playing the game when it first came out in England, and despite being quite young at the time managed to complete it. It was the game that opened me up to the RPG genre, and I daresay it changed my outlook on gaming in general.

Aeris was the 'healer' in my party, and I used her quite happily. I was shocked to see her die, and it made me despise Sephiroth!

That said, I still think it would have been even more heartbreaking for Cloud to have slain her like he was about to shortly before coming to his senses during the previous scene.
I was 8 when I played this game and I wasn't that pissed when she died. I mean I didn't think she'd stay dead I thought the party would just use a phoenix down on her. When it dawned on me that it wasn't gonna work out that way my reaction was more "ahh are you serious?" than "omg she's dead" :wacky:
I answered why did she die, I didn't really care I was just surprised that one of the "main" characters would be killed off, but I still to this day commend them for having the balls to do that
I was bummed when she died...but I think what really irritated me was why did they kill her off so early in the game? Honestly, I had literally just gotten her final limit break...that she never even got to learn...and her ultimate weapon...then *poof* and she was gone. I never really wanted her to die, but they could have at least done it at a more appropriate time in the game...i.e. almost towards the end of the game that way people would've actually been able to enjoy some of her better skills and weapons. They also had enough drama going on in the beginning and adding her death to it was a little bit much for me...they could've spaced it out a little bit better...because now the middle of the game is getting a little on the meh side for me.

She really was such a cool character...asides from some of the cheap lines SE gave her. I like Aeris more than Tifa because she had a more relatable personality to me...and now I'm stuck with Tifa and Yuffie for the last discs of the game :rage: ...its nothing against either of them, they are just blander characters to me.