Your reaction to Aerith's death

I cried like a baby. The whole scene of her death to Cloud lowering her into the water... Really tugged my heartstrings. She was my favorite character and the reason I even picked up a Final Fantasy game to begin with. I found her charming and a joy to have on my Team. I'd never have her off it if I was able to keep her (Tifa was kept well away from me - so Aerith obviously took her place). She saved my ass many times in battle and upon her death, I came to loathe Sephiroth. I still do. I often wish it was another main character killed off instead. At first I was very irritated with S.E for killing her off but after playing Crisis Core and watching Advent Children, I see her death as a beautiful thing. She is truly happy now. The flower girl from the slums is now with her first love in the Lifestream. <3 I still miss her though...
I cried. I mean, I was never expecting Sephiroth to come out of nowhere and just kill her. I couldn't play the game for a week afterwards. x.x;;
I was shocked and annoyed. Shocked because I didn't see it coming and annoyed because I had planned to use her throughout the game. But in terms of storyline it was an emotional scene, still she shouldn't have ran of on her own.
Not really any of those reactions were mine, but I did have this part ruined for me before I got to that part in the game. I mean, I sorta held off on using Aeris that much up to that point then, and kept her at a low level so when it did happen, it was no big hit to my main party.

It did affect the mood of the game and my look on the plot and motivation now for the characters to pull through, but I think having this part of the story spoiled took away a bit of the shock value for me. "On with the game."
I voted Mwhahahaha because out of those is the closest to my recation, that would be : FINALLY! Now hurry up and get rid of the cutscenes so I can go train up characters I actually like.
I don't remember my reaction to the first time I saw Aeris's death, I think I cried. I was definitely surprised. I played the game again last year during the summer, getting close to the Forgotten City. Knowing what to expect, I was thinking to myself, "I'm not going to cry!", I did. I wasn't even looking at the screen! (I actually took a break for a few days before I went on with the game) It was a bit embarrassing. I'm a very emotional person. -_-
I remember there was another thread like this,but maybe it was very old.

Anyway...I was already aware that she were to die and since I had only watched the movie before playing the game,where aerith didn't appear all that much,I was that connected to her.Let alone the fact that I wasn't fan of her at all since I was a Tifa fan...XD
Then I started playing the game,I did use her for her healing abilities of course that made her pretty useful in battle.I had some fondness for her but yeah,nothing too special.Then one day comes that totally unexpected scene where she gets stabbed by Sephiroth.Like I said I knew she was gonna die in the game but I had no idea when and when playing the game I wasn't thinking of it that much,I was just enjoying the game.

So it was a pretty tragic death and many agree with this,it shocked me when I knew it.I don't wanna think how it'd be if I didn't...It got me depressed and if I remember right it was only morning.Oh the memories from my very first time of playing FFVII.It was an awesome summer.
I honestly did not care, as I wasn't attached to her her at all. Ok......on with the story.

She was a liability each time I put her into my party. I couldn't go one battle without her dying and needing a phoenix down. Her wind limit (the name escapes me) wasn't all that good for healing the party, and she did not contribute offensively in the slightest.

Her contribution to the story seemed light compared to other characters and wasn't all that intense. She almost seemed as though she was thrown in to add in a plot element to go with Sephiroth's in a way. I personally thought the story did not need her, and that her inclusion was a nuisance in my opinion.

Bottom line. Aerith was not required an her death was almost a good thing. It had a great impact to the story, and it seemed as though she was only good and had any meaning in death.
The first thing that came to my mind was, What the....... I was really surprised when that happen. One of my big questions though is what happens to all the materia that she had before she dies? do I get all the materia back in my menu? or is all that materia gone for good ??? :wtf:
I honestly did not care, as I wasn't attached to her her at all. Ok......on with the story.

She was a liability each time I put her into my party. I couldn't go one battle without her dying and needing a phoenix down. Her wind limit (the name escapes me) wasn't all that good for healing the party, and she did not contribute offensively in the slightest.

Her contribution to the story seemed light compared to other characters and wasn't all that intense. She almost seemed as though she was thrown in to add in a plot element to go with Sephiroth's in a way. I personally thought the story did not need her, and that her inclusion was a nuisance in my opinion.

Bottom line. Aerith was not required an her death was almost a good thing. It had a great impact to the story, and it seemed as though she was only good and had any meaning in death.

It was surely not the case. If you read the development notes of the game, Aerith was one of the three playable characters designed for the game since the beginning. Maybe she fell through the cracks of the plot when they randomly decided one of the characters had to die, but, even so, her role is of the most importance in the whole plot.

Personally, I think the story didn't need both Cloud and Sephiroth, but that is not the point of the topic anyway.
I was going to put something along the lines of "I died a little inside" because god knows I loved Aerith. Nah, to be honest, I think it was well needed in order to progress through the story, though at the time it sucked because I put a lot of leveling up into her, and she just keels over. She should know known! :rage: I assume she did, but she knew she had to go..

Oh well, Tifa was a better character anyway :lew:.
My reaction to Aerith's death was something along the tines of... "Thank god. one less character to worry about." I didn't really like her to be honest, she had the least amount of HP out of all the characters and her limit breaks were only healing/sealing abilities of some sort, which were useless to me seeing as i had Cure spells already implemented.

Sorry to all the Aerith lovers out there, but yes, i'm a heartless bastard when it comes to pixels representing characters.
On my first play through it really upset me, I didn't like Aerith at all, but the music really got to me and for the first time during the game I wasn't sitting on the edge of my seat while battling Janova. Parts in the game like the Temple of the Ancients really got on my nerves because Aerith was just so poor.

I was disappointed that Tifa and Clould's relationship never really got off the ground after that, I mean there were no real close moments after her death which is disappointing. I always felt like there was a character missing but it was a weight of my shoulders because she just got in the way and yet when owd Sep stabbed her I welled up ... And I still do even if I am on my 64 play through!

I knew that she is going to die but after it happened, I just feel horrible because I can't see he in my PHS/team anymore!
She was very weak in the beginning of the game since she have the lowest HP compare to Cloud, Tifa, Cait Sith and Barret (Vincent actually have lower HP than her). However when you level her up , get all her limit breaks and give he good equipments and materias she can be very powerful with her magic skills and great as a healer. I defeated the Demon wall and the Red Dragon easily because of her. I would have use her to the end if she hasn't died. I can't see anyone else in the team who could be a good healer and magic user.
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I burst into spontaneous laughter when she died. Let's face it, the girl made a real stupid decision running off to try and stop THE MIGHTY SEPHIROTH on her own. Sympathy is an emotion I reserve for non-stupid people who are not victims of THE MIGHTY SEPHIROTH. I have really never understood the 'thing' people have with Aeris. She's like that mad Jehova's Witness (Jenova's Witness?) who sometimes comes around your house. She spouts a load of crap about god, then has a little girly crush on an 8 out of 10 man in the shape of Cloud. Which she tries to justify with this 'I'm searching for you' rubbish. Wake up, girl. That's a MAN right there, he doesn't know what you're talking about. He's thinking about naked ladies and whether he can get you drunk enough to make his move.

Naw, the game only gets going once they kill that story off.
I cried, Aerith's death was the first fictional event that brought me to tears as a child. Now I cry at all sorts of things that I'm a soppy old woman but back then it was very rare for me to display my emotions like that. I'll never forget how upset I was that she couldn't be revived! :(
The first time I played the game her death was a big shock to me as I wasn't expecting it and I had Aerith on a really high level so she was a big loss to me. The cutscene was done really well and the music made it really sad so it did make the scene emotional the first time around but after you see it for the first time it losses it's effect, I think it was the fact that I wasn't expecting it to happen that made it worse but I thought she died very early in the game which was a pity because later on in the game you only hear about her if Cloud mentions her so it is a long while from her death to the end so she does start to become forgettable towards the end which is a pity because I thought she was a great character
I was pissed.

Why did the original one of the game have to die? Spiky hair? Seen it. Ninja? Seen it. Vampire? Seen it. Big boobs? Seen it. I mean she was sweet, adorable, funny, nice, caring, cheerful (did you ever see ANY one else being so happy and cheering the team up? No.) But then again, no one would have looked twice if it was another Character, huh? :mokken:
I was playing it in my room with my best friend at the time so it had to be played off as if it was no big deal, but if I was playing the game alone I'd have been bothered. I have downloaded a few compositions of her theme music for the game and they all make me somewhat upset.
This enraged me. Not because of what character she was but because the first time I played this game I used her in my party as the Healer. Then she dies. Fuck. There went all that work of building her stats and levels just to get flushed down the shitter. I slammed my controller when she got stabbed and said, "Well, that's fuckin' great."

Every time I played VII afterwards I just ignored her and didn't use her as much as possible.