Your reaction to Aerith's death

Indifference. I deemed her as useless from start so I didn't really invest any time in leveling her up, but her character was getting pretty annoying so Sephiroth did me one big favor by killing her off.
1st playthrough: I was on the edge of tears. I was around 12 years old and had Aerith in my party the whole game.

2nd: A couple years later I still had the "MOTHER FUCKER" reaction.

3rd: A couple more years later I was pretty numb to it, and had a more Mwahhahahahhaah! type of reaction.

It's one of the few games that still gets something of a reaction out of me though. Can't think of too many games that has a death like that.
My reaction was "I wonder who that video game character being stabbed by an extraordinarily long sword on X-Play is??

I saw Aerith on G4 (when X-Play was still a good show) and I knew about FF VII but I wasn't much of an RPGer back then so I didn't think much of it.

Maybe 4 years later I played the game for the first time and in the opening scene when Aerith walks out of an alley and towards a street it all came back to me...

So when I watched the scene of Aerith getting killed I thought: "well... shit. I'm calling shenanigans on being 6 years old when this game came therefore being prone to spoilers"
I was upset when Aerith died, because she was the only decent character in the game imo.

I cried, and actually quite playing when I was a kid playing this, because I was like WTF they just kill off my favorite character and expect me to keep playing. I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna stop, that'll show Square.

I was a bit immature at that age. :wacky: And stupid.
"AAAAH NOOOOOO!!! Aerith!" was definitely my original reaction to it. I was young then and had the girl power thing going on so I loved all the female characters in some way and when Sephiroth killed her I blamed all of man!
My reaction was more along the lines of,


YOU PIECE OF @#)$*#()$*#)($
I'MA #($)*&#($*$ YOUR @#&@(#&@($&@$
THEN I'M GONNA #()$&#)$(#()$*#$
UNTIL YOUR ()$*#)($*($*#q$)(q* CAN NO LONGER
($*)#($*#)$*#)$*#$ AND YOU HAVE TO
()#$*#)$*#)$*#)$ SIDEWAYS YOU @#$(*#$*#$)(*#$()#&

In summary: Sephiroth you motherfucker!! :rage:

My first thought was, "No!!! He just killed my mage!!!" and I quickly tried to think of a replacement. I wasn't too attached to her since she seemed way too flirtatious and rash for me. I was already a Tifa fan at that point so that made me feel a bit put off by Aeris, as well. On the other hand, I thought the scene in the pool was beautiful and iconic. That was when I genuinely felt sad for Cloud. The killing did kick things back into motion since I thought the pursuit of Sephiroth was a bit random.

- I now had motivation: revenge.
- Sephiroth showed he meant business. He stabbed a main character and stood there laughing with both arms raised.
Well, online while in the beginning of the game I looked online at something and saw a comment about Aerith's death. I was like, "WAIT, AERITH DIES??" So I though maybe it was a joke or something so it didn't effect me then. But then later I thought maybe it was true, and then when it rally happened I didn't care cuz I already knew it would happen.
But throughout the game I missed her, and even though she was dead I thought there should have been at least some supernatural communication between Cloud and Aerith, like in AC.
But throughout the game I missed her, and even though she was dead I thought there should have been at least some supernatural communication between Cloud and Aerith, like in AC.
Yeah, me too, but that to me really would have made her death less sad, and there would have been closure for Cloud needing her forgiveness sooner (so no AC).

I still wish she could have appeared once though xD
It's been since the time the game first came out but me and my best friend at the time cried our eyes out. It was so unexpected and heartbreaking, just watching Cloud's reaction when he held her and cried was horrible!. Watching someone you love die like that right in front of you, it's a no wonder Cloud ended up going nuts for awhile. From that moment forward I was determined to get my revenge on Sephiroth.
Didn't really feel anything. I knew Aeris was gonna die before playing the game the first time [my friend at the time in 9th grade was a fan of VII].
Characters deaths never really affected me for some reason. :pacman:
i just yelled called it and punched my brother in the shoulder for losing the bet of wether or not she would die
I never played the game, but I know myself well enough to know that if I honestly played through the game once for my first time, I wouldn't be too affected by it. Not to the 'desperate-to-kill-Sephiroth' extent, that is.

Just another :awesome: Sarcastic "Great" moment

I was 15, i took the day off school sick, I was actually sick. I sat in my brothers room playing FF7 NOT KNOWING WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN but I had a slight clue from my friends so I stopped levelling her but it was too late...........

I was pretty gutted personally! Only for cloud though. Killing the one he loved and all but she was pretty useless i thought, i never really tended to use her to much and even when i've played it again i never even use her knowing her fate :p