Your reaction to PM's?

What is your reaction to new PM's?

  • Alright! A PM, I can't wait to read it.....

    Votes: 20 44.4%
  • Someone finally PM'ed me......Bout damn time!

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Oh Gawd......I'm so scared.....someone is about to chew me out.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • *Yawn* A PM. I'll read this when I feel like it......

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Not bothered... but I'll open it anyway

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
I don't get PMs very often so my reaction is normally something like Someone finally PM'ed me......Bout damn time! Unless it's from a staff member, in which case i start panicking. I PMed Nephany for a sig and avatar request once, yet because of her modship i expected the reply to be a telling off :P
Meh as long as it's not from FFGuy :P He always asks me if I want to go to teh RP. The newbies post me lots. It's annoying sometimes.
So I picked "Someone finally PM'ed me......Bout damn time!" Cuz ppl don't pm me lots so I'm quite lonely... :sad2: But I'm not bothered :)
Send me one and we'll see!:D

No, seriously, I'm usually not that bothered by PM's. It's nice to recieve a personal message or e-mail from if it's someone new or someone I like, I'll read it and likely reply.^_^ However, if I feel uncomfortable with the sender, or on/from a website/forum where there's a bigger chance the message is a negative one, I'll usually delete it without reading.
lol i just glanced at the thread and thought it said what is your reaction to PMS XD

um anyways, I'm usually like oooooh! a PM!
I squee with delight!!!! I love getting PMS, it's like a big surprise just waiting to be read
I say when I recive a PM that it's about time. I always expect something that never comes...but sometimes it happnes. And I don't know whast that "something" it comes....damn it's about time!:)
When i get a PM i usually want to read it so i dont forget...unless its from a mod/admin then i just hope i havent broken the rules

im a member of a forum that dosent allow PM'ing or chatting topics and its really hard to get to know people there...
Usually I think, ok cool another PM. But once I click the link, the suspense becomes too much and I realise just how excited I am o.0
Always nice to get a PM from someone you know, that's not saying how much of an a$$hole you are :)
Since my last post in this thread... I usually don't give a shit since 90% of time it's a notice about all my bullshit warnings and infractions. And yes, all my warnings are bullshit. :monster:
My reaction to PMs are: 'WOW! Someone PMed me! ZOMG! I'm not much a loser after all!' And 'Uh oh, a PM.... >_< Did I do something bad?'
I usually open them on site, unless they are from a staff member at which I nervously ponder whether I should dare open it
Leki is usually pretty happy about receiving PMs. Leki's glad when people decide to talk to her. Sadly, since I haven't been on lately, not many people talk to me any more. Leki used to have more friends. XD