Your thoughts on Sephiroth

I like the ambivalence of Sephiroth as character. Villains are normally portrayed as unidimensional which is fairly boring.

That, and Sephiroth is hot. And has a great style. I'd kill to find a man like that IRL.
Sephiroth isnt truly evil i believe, yes he may have killed tons of people but he only did it because the truth about how he was created drove him crazy, he was injected with jenova cells before he was born so he had no choice over his future, his father was Hojo (now that would drive ANY person crazy i mean come on who would want a loony toon of a professor as a dad oh and yes i do know that he didnt know) and he discovered the truth in the place where he was created and his "mother" was some fake ancient who fell from the sky now if i was his i would be a bit f****d up in the head as well so therefore i don't believe he is completely evil just crazy
He was slightly cool. NOTE: By slightly cool I meant a huge wussy. He looked like a nerd, he stabbed a girl from behind. I mean come on, he's a big wimp. =P

How does someone as sexy as Seph look like this "Nerd" you speak of? Srsly. But the tight clothes and his chest showing made him look like a hooker. So, I'll grant you that.
Actually the real villan of FFVII is Jenova, who manipulated him.

Sephiroth is a great character, and one of the responsibles of Square´s sucess after Final Fantasy VII

Sephiroth will always arguably be Final Fantasy's most well known villan. Im sure there are other bosses that would have kicked his arse in a fight though such as Queen Ultimcia but he will always be the most hated villan for what he did to people personally (burning down a village, killing Aerith at her most vulnerable time) but it is that act alone which was his downfall. If he didnt kill Aerith, would he have been successful at what he was trying to do? Really, what was his goal anyway? Surely he should have known if he destroyed the world, he would have died too anyway. what a nutbag
Merely torture and killing does not make a good villain, anyone can go around and kill things, doesn't make them a good villain, a good villain has to be truly evil, mindless violence because you've been driven insane by where you came from is not villainy, a true villain is something heinously evil, getting their own way, through violence, and shrewd dealings, abuse of power.

Mindless violence is but a small factor of Villainy.

Take Seymour, his voice was shite but don't let that fool you, he abused his diplomatic immunity, the corruption of the Four Maesters of Yevon, the power to become a fiend and avoid being sent to the farplane, he killed those who got in his way or who could have been a threat, but he did in a manner that no one knew any the wiser.
He wanted to become Sin
, if that meant marrying and betraying them to do so, he would, he was determined to become it. And no one would stop him, the amount of times you have to defeat him in order to finally stop him.

Now, Sephiroth, went insane because he found out about Jenova and where he came from, he then went on a mindless killing spree.......yeah....that's about it isn't it?

I'm sure there are better examples than Seymour but right now I want to play Tiberian Sun.

No, thats not it. After he found out what he was, yeah, he got pissed off, and slaughtered an entire village.

BUT you have to look at what he did the rest of the game. Manipulated people, killed Cloud's love right in front of his eyes, it wasnt mindless killing, he was planning shit out. He wanted to absorb energy from the planet to become a godlike entity. We wanted to rule, and take back the planet for his mother.

There is nothing "mindless" about any of that.
yes it was al wuite calculated... considering all things its proberbly from what he learnt while in SOLDER/the military eg. planning and scheming, knowing whos buttons to press and how to get rid of those in his way
Calculated? Hardly. Sephiroth knew that the only person able to impale his plan in the balls was Aeris, and as such, killed her. Regardless of whether Cloud and co. were there.

I wouldn't even go as far as saying he manipulated anyone either. Cloud gave him the Black Materia - not through Sephiroth's convincing words - but through Cloud's mental weakness to Jenova's influence. IN fact, Sephiroth played very little part in the most part of the game in which we 'saw' Sephiroth. The mere presence of Jenova and Sephiroth were enough to make Cloud lose his head.
To tell the truth, i hate Sephiroth, skills are good, but he's just got them easily hated personalities, i don't like him.
Sephiroth will always arguably be Final Fantasy's most well known villan. Im sure there are other bosses that would have kicked his arse in a fight though such as Queen Ultimcia but he will always be the most hated villan for what he did to people personally (burning down a village, killing Aerith at her most vulnerable time) but it is that act alone which was his downfall. If he didnt kill Aerith, would he have been successful at what he was trying to do? Really, what was his goal anyway? Surely he should have known if he destroyed the world, he would have died too anyway. what a nutbag

ultimcia could not kill sephiroth, if we are going by battling the 2 in FF then ultimcia would lose she was way 2 easy

sephiroth is my fav villan of all time. i thought he was insanly powerful and cpuld pwn up a lot of FF villans

I played and beaten FFVII about a year ago for the first time. I thought it was a great game except for one part. Sephiroth. People are always giving him great praise about how bad ass he was. I felt differently about it. He was slightly cool. NOTE: By slightly cool I meant a huge wussy. He looked like a nerd, he stabbed a girl from behind. I mean come on, he's a big wimp. =P

(slap) sephiorth killed arieth becuase she was praying for the holy to stop his meteor, in his eyes she was getting in his way and had to b stopped.
he looked nerdy?? hojo looked like a nerd, sephiroth looked like he was from SOLDIER (wich he was)
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Seph lemme see....
He's a wuss,bad hair,stupid Sword,Sissy and Stupid....thats what I think when any1 mention Sephiroth.
HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!
Sephiroth was not any of the above mentioned by you or anyone else who thinks alike!
He was the BEST villian EVER and i think that hes better than most heroes
sure he tried to take over the planet but he did it in a way that he thought was helping he wanted the power but if all humans were dead then thats a good thing cuz then they couldnt hurt the planet thats why
holy helped meteor
i mean come on! and ive got a REAl sword like his... its to awsome to describe! hair! perfect if i could have anime hair it wold be his if i could have real hair it would be matt c. (thats different story though)
he was obviously smart to be able to plan that and not a sissy to risk his ass doing it!
Yes, Sephiroth was good...but he wasn't great. If you look at the flashback that Cloud see that he wasn't all that strong. He hit that dragon for like 3500 damage which seemed like a lot for that time but soon enough our own guys were hitting for twice that much. And you guys say that he is so tough but Cloud threw him off a bridge thing while he was stabbed and killed him. He doesn't seem all that tough to me. He's a good final boss because he was brought back from the dead as a huge ugly thing. He is the best villain of all time but he isn't as strong as everyone says he is.
Yes, Sephiroth was good...but he wasn't great. If you look at the flashback that Cloud see that he wasn't all that strong. He hit that dragon for like 3500 damage which seemed like a lot for that time but soon enough our own guys were hitting for twice that much. And you guys say that he is so tough but Cloud threw him off a bridge thing while he was stabbed and killed him. He doesn't seem all that tough to me. He's a good final boss because he was brought back from the dead as a huge ugly thing. He is the best villain of all time but he isn't as strong as everyone says he is.

- He is the only man who can weild the Masamune
- He slaughtered an entire village by himself, AND set it ablaze.
- He manipulated (whether Jenova was controlling him, or he was controlling her is debatable.) Cloud and his party.
- He was drawing power from the Earth almost the entire game.
- The only one who was stronger then him was Cloud, only because Cloud was a CLONE of Sephiroth.

Not all that strong? Huh...his pressence is enough to send shivers down peoples spines in the FFVII world.
Although the boss Sephiroth isnt very tough in FF7, the character of Sephiroth is uber cool. He is bad ass but whenyou have a crew like Cloud's you are going to get wiped out.
Sephiroth may not b the best villain on the planet but his story with the main character is the most detailed. in the other games you meet the main villain during the game like seymour guado on final fantasy X, or vegnagun in FFX-2 Sephiroth has a history with cloud. but thats just my personal opinion oh and by the way Sephiroth is alot better than the other villains in the other games
Sephiroth was cool but i like cloud better :D

Sephiroth was not in my opinion a "Wussy"... he owned and if you think that then you havent seen seymour guado yet GAHAHAHAHA
Sephirothalpha: this reunion is for ~lol~ actually its a quote by sephi:
"On your knees Cloud (or whatever name you prefer) I want you to beg for forgiveness"

Thats my fav sephi quote.