Your thoughts on Sephiroth

Except...did any of them actually destroy a planet?

From what I remember, Omega doesn't destroy the planet. It takes all the Lifestream up into space. It doesn't blow the planet up or anything.

And I'm sorry but Sephiroth never came remotely close to blowing up a city let alone a planet.

And I repeat: taking a shot froM Bahamut > anything Sephiroth ever took in ways of durability.

Omega doesn't destroy the planet, but have the power to do that. It have the power of the planet(the Lifestream) inside of it after all. No wait, it is formed by Lifestream.
And in AC, Sephiroth would transform the entire planet in a vessel to travel the universe. He would kill everything in it, and use the entire planet as a "space ship" to travel the universe. Hell, this is even more impressive than destroying the surface of a planet like Kefka and Kuja did.

True enough but it's at least a good bit deal stronger since it was the one summon Garnet and Brahne thought be best to take down Kuja.

And the one he used to attack Alexandria to summon Alexander. Yeah, you can be right on that.

So...he's an idiot.

I guess idiots can be pretty strong but if all they do is act like idiots and get beaten time and time again...then I'm not gonna say "ignore that. He's DAMN POWERFUL1!"

Sephiroth underestimate people that are weaker than him. In the moment that he fight against a planet destroyer like Kuja, he would fight seriously.

I already listed everything he did in that long post.

And none of it comes close to Kuja's showings.

What he did:

- Burned down and killed some people in Nibelheim.
- Used Jenova’s body, a being that almost destroyed an entire race(the Cetra), to kill people in Shinra HQ.
- killed some people in his journey to the Northern Crater, like the guys in the Shinra Ship.
- Killed Aeris.
- manipulated the clones.
- Summoned Meteor.
- Released the Weapons.
- Created fear in all the population of the world, because of Meteor and the Weapons attacking everything.
- Held Holly, a spell so powerful that could kill everyone in the planet(by what Bugenhagen said).
- Absorbed great quantity of Lifestream, becoming Safer Sephiroth
- Killed millions of people with Geostigma
- Corrupted the Lifestream and controlled it.
- Begun to transform the planet in a vessel to travel the universe.

And what he did indirectly:

- Everything the Weapons destroyed/killed, was his fault.
- His Meteor destroyed Midgar, giving an end to the era of Mako. But the main source of energy in the world was Mako, and because of that, the world has a withdrawal in technology for some time. This is explained better in "On a Way to a Smile: Case of Barret".

This is what i remember now. But i can be forgeting something.

When all we have to go on in regards to Ultamecia's power at this point, yes, I can thoroughly bash her for being owned by Squall and everyone. There's nothing else to really guage her power on, is there? All she did was slowly screw with time through Elione. There's nothing to suggest she became more powerful at this point.

The quote i presented to you, suggest that she became more powerful.

This I agree with.

And in terms of feats, Ultamecia has nothing on Kuja.

Absorbing existence >>>>>> destroying a single planet

She wasn't absorbing jack. She was slowly compressing time. She wanted to crush all of time so only she existed, IIRC.

And no one ever mentioned a universe. For all we know her magic only effected the planet.

She was absorbing all existence. This is a fact. Please, read the last quote of my previous post.

Time and space are everywhere, not only in one planet. And "all existence" is the universe.

True enough. But that was a statement on what he -did-. Not what he could potentially do. Which still amounts to Kuja destroyed a planet and Neo Ex-death never got a chance to do much of anything.

Maybe because if Ex-Death did that, it would be Game Over. Kuja destroyed a planet because SE give to him ANOTHER planet to destroy, a planet that wasn't the home of the heros. But Ex-Death didn't have another universe to destroy. If the heros didn't stop him in time, they would die. Ex-Death didn't destroy the universe because he didn't have the chance to do that. But doesn't mean he couldn't.

Kuja and Kefka would beat the living hell out of Sephiroth with ease.

One Light of Judgment and we don't have to worry about there being anything left of him to come back.

If you think so. But in my opinion, he would simply become intangible(like he did in the game), and destroy them with magic spells, or the Tainted Lifestream itself.

They were just black clouds. They did nothing except add atmosphere. They didn't "attack" the planet.

I heard from people that know much more about FFVII than both of us, that in the AC Director's Comentary, Kitase said that the "black clouds" are Tainted Lifestream. And that would explain why Sephiroth was talking about it, second before of summoning the "clouds".
And the "clouds" attacked the planet. With a wave of his arm, it begun to descend to the earth, in form of tentacles.

A. Where did you get that quote from?
B. And hello? Elione = Plot Device. Ultamecia couldn't do shit on her own on that level without Elione's gift.

A. If you use Scan in her final form(her upper body) you will read that.

B. But after she used Ellone, she could absorb existence with her own power, her own body. Not like Kuja. If you ask Super Trance Kuja to destroy the universe, he cannot do that using his own power. He have to go to the Crystal World, find the Original Crystal,and destroy it.

I do, actually.

Name one FF character who blew away a planet besides Kuja?

Name one FF character who re-arranged the face of the planet and could leisurely vaporize cities with his power?

None? Yeah...

Kuja and Kefka > All other FF villains by showings.

Read the part in bold. This is the problem. You believe that what only matter is what the characters show in the game. But this is not completely true. What is stated in the game, and what the creators say, have the same validity of what we see in the game.
If the game say that Ultimecia is absorbing the universe, is because she is. If Nomura and Kitase say in interviews, that Sephiroth is above any character in FFVII, and can controll his own version of Lifestream in AC, is because he can.
Kefka and Kuja have impressive feats, but feats aren't everything.

To give you a little idea of Sephiroth's true power, watch this video.

Please watch of 00:38 until 01:30.

Keep in mind that Sephiroth is above that.
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So..he's stronger than that?

I know I'm gonna change my whole argument now.

You do realize the flaws is stating simply "he's stronger than that", right? We don't know HOW much stronger. For all you know that guy could beat Sephiroth to within an inch of his life but Sephiroth is stronger so he'd live.

Simply using ambigous creator quotes gets us nowhere when analyzing things not in FFVII. Sure Seph is teh uber there but outside of FFVII, all bets are off.

As for Ultimecia....she used a Plot Device in Elione to gain the ability to go back in time even further. I might add that nowhere in any of the dialogue concerning Ultimecia's Time Compression does it mention her absorbing existence... Why should I take what the scan say sover numerous dialogue?

Finally, Amarant's quote about thinking Kuja "perished along with Terra" suggests Kuja blew the planet up. Razing a planet won't make you dead.

And until I see some evidence of what Seph can take, he dies from one Light of Judgment or an Ultima from Kuja. You can't simply point to "he is stronger than that" and use it as basis for your entire argument about Seph being stronger.
And until I see some evidence of what Seph can take, he dies from one Light of Judgment or an Ultima from Kuja. You can't simply point to "he is stronger than that" and use it as basis for your entire argument about Seph being stronger.

Unfortunetley that may not happen, but we are pretty clued up about this sort of thing aren't we? We can make an educated guess in these kind of situations. Every boss mentioned has the capability to destory a planet or end all existence, its probably best to base it on what damage they do to your characters and how much HP they have. Although in FF games recently most of the stronger bosses are those that aren't part of the story.
This is a thread pertaining to Sephiroth; not any other villain. This also includes comparing any two villain to decide "who's stronger." Whereas your arguments are valid in such a discussion, there's already comparison threads. Take these discussions to those in future, or make another one yourself.

Failure to comply will result in deletion of material. Sorry guys.
This is a thread pertaining to Sephiroth; not any other villain. This also includes comparing any two villain to decide "who's stronger." Whereas your arguments are valid in such a discussion, there's already comparison threads. Take these discussions to those in future, or make another one yourself.

Failure to comply will result in deletion of material. Sorry guys.

I know, its just that comparing him to others makes us able to define him more. I think as badness goes he does whatever he needs to reach his goal. No so much weak or backstabbing as calculated and efficient. Killing people from behind is a good way of not using energy in a fight. Quite clever really :)
Okay, Im just going to say this. Who would you be more scared of seeing them in a dark alley. Kuja or Sephiroth.

My point exactly...
People seem to think the stronger the villain the better? well for me it doesn't work like that it's all about attitude etc, sephiroth was a good villain I suppose he was a legend as a warrior in shinra and then became pyschopathic when finding out about his origins and went on a killing spree but that's about it.. there's somthing missing with him for me....I agree he's a good villain but there's somthing missing which keeps him from being a GREAT villain, he's very plain when he talks to you in final fantasy 7, very cold and when you defeat him you get a very good sense of happiness that isn't the type of villain I like. I'm more of a kuja fan lets see kuja - he's basically a humorous pyschopath who wants to destroy the world for the sole reason that he's going to die soon...he makes you laugh with his antics and is a very cocky villain his pursuit for power is great, in many ways he's like sephiroth in that he wants to destroy the world and at the same time become more powerful to fullfil his goal, but kuja is more likeable than sephiroth in my opinion sephiroth is just an 4ssh0le i can't relate to him much...I just don't like him not because he's an evil badass !!111/`/1/1 he's just plain very plain he doesn't interest me at all.
Cowardly? I wouldnt say that...why would you call him cowardly? Is it because he was stuck in the crater? He wasnt hiding....he was stuck. Gathering energy and manipulating fuckers on the outside.
People seem to think the stronger the villain the better? well for me it doesn't work like that it's all about attitude etc, sephiroth was a good villain I suppose he was a legend as a warrior in shinra and then became pyschopathic when finding out about his origins and went on a killing spree but that's about it.. there's somthing missing with him for me....I agree he's a good villain but there's somthing missing which keeps him from being a GREAT villain, he's very plain when he talks to you in final fantasy 7, very cold and when you defeat him you get a very good sense of happiness that isn't the type of villain I like. I'm more of a kuja fan lets see kuja - he's basically a humorous pyschopath who wants to destroy the world for the sole reason that he's going to die soon...he makes you laugh with his antics and is a very cocky villain his pursuit for power is great, in many ways he's like sephiroth in that he wants to destroy the world and at the same time become more powerful to fullfil his goal, but kuja is more likeable than sephiroth in my opinion sephiroth is just an 4ssh0le i can't relate to him much...I just don't like him not because he's an evil badass !!111/`/1/1 he's just plain very plain he doesn't interest me at all.

Sephiroth had a shit load more attitude then Kuja. Kuja pranced around in his little man-thong the whole game.
sephiroth is definitly the most badd @$$ villan of all time i mean who else can carry around a friggin 6 foot sword all day and manipulate others whill they are regenerating...? NO ONE. my point exactly..

and kuja did wear a man thong all throughout the game
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At the time I played FFVII, Sephiroth was a badass. I don't blame him for being pissed off all the time though, he wanted revenge on the bastards that created him.
He never really impressed me, but then again a lot of the FF villains haven't given me a real buzz. cept maybe kefka...

but srsly, he's too popular for his own good, and I get pretty angry when people have a nerdgasm whenever they hear his name, I mean, he's not THAT special. He could've had a lot more of a personality, I mean, yeah he went insane blah blah but he was a coward. Come on, you stab a girl from behind while she's unarmed?

Nice job ya jerk, let's go kill little kids while we're at it.

My main beef with sephiroth is that he has a huge legion of blindly zealous fans, not all of them, but a lot of them. The character himself? Nyeh, he gets a shrug from me, he's nothing special. Personally the judges were more intimidating than he was, perhaps because they didn't die shirtless.

imho, people just need to realize the awesome that SE is trying to lay out and get rid of this emo black leather wearing silver haired bad guy spree, because AC nearly gave me an androgyny overload. Even though Vayne had super frisktastic hair, at least he went hulk >.>;

Sephiroth is angry, angsty, emo, and pretty. That's enough to amass an army of unrelenting fans who will jump at anyone who says otherwise.

So jump at ME, because yeah I'm dissin sephiroth, I dare ya.

ALSO! History lesson!
No, SE did not make up Sephiroth's name, I'm sad to say, some of you may already know this :3

A 'sephiroth' comes from the Qabbalistic tree of life,
There are ten Sefirot on the tree of life, each one has a specific purpose.

Also, since Sephiroth is part of Jenova, she may be the 'tree of life' and he's her little Sefirot.