Your thoughts on Sephiroth

I think he was a nerdy kid but his mom got sick and the doctors told her to go to earth coz there are good doctors so she talk the first planet to earth and when she got there she became crazy and seph too because the sun is yellow on earth and in her home planet were purple..anyway seph joined to the army hiding his identity to become more powerful and there he meet Cloud who joined the army to show his GF that he have musle and then those too become friends and then they have to fight each other bla bla bla....simply Seph is a popular psycho:D
He never really impressed me, but then again a lot of the FF villains haven't given me a real buzz. cept maybe kefka...

but srsly, he's too popular for his own good, and I get pretty angry when people have a nerdgasm whenever they hear his name, I mean, he's not THAT special. He could've had a lot more of a personality, I mean, yeah he went insane blah blah but he was a coward. Come on, you stab a girl from behind while she's unarmed?

Nice job ya jerk, let's go kill little kids while we're at it.

My main beef with sephiroth is that he has a huge legion of blindly zealous fans, not all of them, but a lot of them. The character himself? Nyeh, he gets a shrug from me, he's nothing special. Personally the judges were more intimidating than he was, perhaps because they didn't die shirtless.

imho, people just need to realize the awesome that SE is trying to lay out and get rid of this emo black leather wearing silver haired bad guy spree, because AC nearly gave me an androgyny overload. Even though Vayne had super frisktastic hair, at least he went hulk >.>;

Sephiroth is angry, angsty, emo, and pretty. That's enough to amass an army of unrelenting fans who will jump at anyone who says otherwise.

So jump at ME, because yeah I'm dissin sephiroth, I dare ya.

ALSO! History lesson!
No, SE did not make up Sephiroth's name, I'm sad to say, some of you may already know this :3

A 'sephiroth' comes from the Qabbalistic tree of life,
There are ten Sefirot on the tree of life, each one has a specific purpose.

Also, since Sephiroth is part of Jenova, she may be the 'tree of life' and he's her little Sefirot.

Name one emo thing about Sephiroth. Seriously. Name one.
Sephiroth. He is the biggest badass this side of the FF world. He wields a 6ft f***n sword (awesome), the hair is a little iffy, the outfit could do with some work, the eyes have no remorse whatsoever (sweet beyond all reason), and he's nearly taken over the world how many times now? He's the friggen best villian there ever was and there ever will be. No matter how many times Cloud beats him, he always comes back one way or another, and that my friends is definitely the best aspect about his character (other than his sword that is).
Don't know how anyone can have a grudge against him. And he's definitaly not an emo, just a misunderstood mad man.

Besides, he's nearly on the same wavelength as Cloud.
Well in my humble opinion, Gilgamesh is the biggest badass of the FF universe.

He's the friggen best villian there ever was and there ever will be.

Dr. Doom & Id would like a word with you. Besides, IMO, Sephiroth is overrated as hell. Sure he's okay, but he's not THE best villain of all time. And so what if Sephiroth can wield a gigantic sword, it doesn't automatically make him badass, Just stronger than your average human, that's all (My spine would break trying to lift that thing). But his face... UGH! I wish someone could wipe the smile off his face. It pisses me off to no end. But it makes happy, knowing that Sephiroth can get his ass kicked by so many people outside the FF7verse. ^_^
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well sephiroth was quite stupid on one aspect i can think one successful villain who can take over/destroy the world and divulge their big master plan and where they will be i mean you can be confident but their is a limit
FFG said:
well sephiroth was quite stupid
Yea, you are right!
Think about it Seph is keep losing in front of Cloud and he don't learn from his old mistakes!!
So that make him a stupid psycho.
Seymoure? The same Seymoure who was voiced over by piglet? I failed to see him in a serious light on account of his appearance and...terrible voiceovers...

My main beef with sephiroth is that he has a huge legion of blindly zealous fans, not all of them, but a lot of them. The character himself? Nyeh, he gets a shrug from me, he's nothing special. Personally the judges were more intimidating than he was, perhaps because they didn't die shirtless.

Fanbases do the majority of cheesing up and falsely portraying our favorite characters. Not only Sephiroth. Take Tifa Lockheart for example; a shy, quite, secretive girl who's compassionate and giving...Her fanbase makes her out to be a kickass barhopping whoopass bitch who hates Aeris, when in reality, she's the total opposite.

imho, people just need to realize the awesome that SE is trying to lay out and get rid of this emo black leather wearing silver haired bad guy spree, because AC nearly gave me an androgyny overload. Even though Vayne had super frisktastic hair, at least he went hulk >.>;

I never saw Sephiroth in a "pretty" light. I can understand how his character artwork and awesome CG animations have made him out to be this flawless soldier, but...I imagine him as someone who's more monsterous. Amano's artwork makes all of his characters appear beautiful, but Sephiroth is not in any way charming or pretty. This is something that his fanbase made him out to be.

Sephiroth is angry, angsty, emo, and pretty. That's enough to amass an army of unrelenting fans who will jump at anyone who says otherwise.

I think that some people have a misunderstanding as far as what "emo" really is. Emo is actually a style of fashion influenced by certain musical taste. I think Sephiroth would be more accurately described as "gothic". Not that he intentionally runs around acting goth, but he just has that appeal.
Greatest Villan.
put your opinions of the Greatest Villans on my poll
Yea, you are right!
Think about it Seph is keep losing in front of Cloud and he don't learn from his old mistakes!!
So that make him a stupid psycho.
the only reason sephiroth keeps loseing to cloud i sbcuz cloud is the hero of the story and if he died it wouldn't fall in line right with the plot. so SE cant make sephiroth win bcuz cloud can't die.
Does anyone mean to tell me that this is an attractive face?

I don't think Sephiroth was ever meant to be an attractive figure. He has a horrid appearance and an even worse personality. He is a great character with perfect depth, but he's not meant to be every girl's fantasy. =S