FFX-2 YRP: Who's your favorite?

Who's your favorite gal? Yuna, Rikku, or Paine?

  • Yuna

    Votes: 32 25.4%
  • Rikku

    Votes: 62 49.2%
  • Paine

    Votes: 32 25.4%

  • Total voters
My favorite in the YRP is Yuna duh. Shes my favorite ff character of all time. Although I lkiked Paine alot too she was on sexy women lol. Rikku is fine but can be annoying sometimes. So my favorite is Yuna. In x-2 shes really famous and hotter I guess. But I still love FFX Yuna too.
I'm tempted to go with Rikku. Don't like all 3 of them that much tbh, but I like Rikku's spirit, she's adorable. Yuna, comes across as more of an attention whore, and Paine is very dull.
I'm going to say Rikku. She seemed pretty cute and upbeat, and believe it or not I tend to like it when they throw in that kind of card. And of course, her outfits and special dressphere were pretty cool.

Paine seemed like a good character. At first I was like ugh, two emos had an lovechild on the street and Enix decided to adopt it. But when I found out her story, I was kind of moved and got to like her.

Ugh, I liked FFX Yuna way better. Yeah, she got to spread her wings and all, but it's like she almost totally dumped her old life out the window. The only times I've probably liked her is when she would be talking to Paine(with no Rikku around) and be her more emotional self. But seriously, to me she was trying to be the second Rikku and we don't need two of them.
For me it goes yuna, rikku then paine.

I think i like yuna more in ffx-2. I dont know... it seems to me that she has more confidence and has grown stronger. She's spread her wings and becomes a bit more dependent on herself and not so much on her companions. I didnt like it when she was trying to be more like rikku =/ Yuna's YUNA not rikku XD
Next was rikku. She was great! i loved her being upbeat. I also love her personaility, and the thing with Gippal was quit cute/funny too!
Last was paine. I dont think i got to see her develop much throughout the game. But she did come out of her shell a bit. She reminded me too much of ff8's squall =/
I'd have to say Rikku, mainly because I love her character design. It's so different! :-) And she seems cheery no matter what, and likes to dance around, but she does have her sensitive moments. I don't like the way Yuna attempts to act like her, though. Like Lamia said, we don't need two Rikkus. Although maybe Squeenix was trying to show what good friends they were becoming? :awesome:
Paine seemed good, but I think they purposely put in a serious character. I liked her voice actress though, I just wish Squeenix had focused on her being more realistically serious over Yuna being hyper.

Rikku would have to be my favorite of the three. She became my favorite in X and was still my fav in X-2. Yuna is alright and I liked her at first but I guess after some time I began to get slightly annoyed with Yuna, don't get me wrong I still like Yuna, sometimes she is really awesome, but I just think she's annoying also othertimes.

Kinda like how people think Rikku is annoying XD

Paine was a bit...eh just there? She's ok, I do like her wit though, that was entertaining and I liked how she interacted with the two other girls.
Out of the three i prefered Yuna.

Her dressphere's generally looked better than the rest [especially her gunner] and also her Special Dressphere was the best out of the three IMO and on my first playthrough it was the only special dressphere i got, so it's all good. Also i liked how much she changed between the first FFX game and FFX-2 was the best.
Ive always liked Yuna, but I also love Paine. She is such a great mysterious strong character. And I loved the vocie acting for her. She was so tough and very protective of both Yuan and Rikku which I find great as a friend. Shes like Auron and Kimarhi (sp) rolled into 1.
I think Paine had the most interesting dynamic in the game. She started off sort of anti-social, then came out of her shell little by little. She even thanked Yuna and Rikku for that later on in the game (lol at that scene after they beat Experiment). I like all 3 of them, but I like Paine the most of the three. She was definitely a lot like Auron in that way, a quiet yet powerful leader (even though she really wasn't the leader, but she did have a lot of useful information the gang).
Rikku simply because she's the hottest IMO. In comparison to previous FF parties, YRP was lacking in the depth department. Paine's past and personality came off as boring to me and Yuna - who wasn't a genius to begin with - sure as hell didn't act her age. New relaxed lifestyle or not, she could have at least acted like an 18-year old.
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It's difficult- I love them all for different reasons. I love Yuna because I love the comparison between her and her in FFX. I love Rikku because she's happy go lucky and ditzy, but she's also caring. Paine has a cool exterior which I love, but I also love her past :)
Paine, the only one who knows that Yuna and Rikku have mental issues.
She's a kick-ass character, has her own style and doesn't give a damn about others.
I've loved Yuna since FFX, and I still loved her in the sequel. I would get slightly annoyed when she would try to act.......perky, but it was nice to see she's still such a sweet girl. I have to say, though, that it broke my heart when they made her outfit so......revealing.
I voted for Yuna because I actually liked her character development. For pretty much all of her life she has done things for the benefit of other people and now for the first time she can have fun and just be herself. I like carefree Yuna. But of course Rikku is so adorable, how can you not like her?
Rikku no competition, the super hyper/cute chick always wins!
Yuna annoys me in X-2
and Paine as a nice personality but Rikkus is better.
I like Paine. She has that "dark past" thing that makes her a bit more interesting. Plus, she has those funny moments while everyone else is trying to act serious.
i liked rikku the most. i liked her in X and she improved on all the qualities she had, her spunkyness, her battle reliability and just being rikku. I wish
tidus came back
for her and not yuna. i did not like paine at all. she was extremly dull and had no redeeming qualities and yuna went on a downhill spiral with her personality
I absolutely love Rikku. She's been my favorite since FFX, so I guess it mostly carried on over into X-2. I just love how absolutely adorable she is, especially her comments in battle. xD