Yuna's Arm

I played up to this scene again.

its there
LMAO!!!! dear god, im just gonna burst out laughing now when it gets to what used to be one of my favourite and saddest scenes XD
I watched the scene on the game the otehr day right after I checked out this thread and I totally forgot all about teh hand/arm when it occurred. I was just so sucked into the moment and the FMV that I totally lost all focus on what I was watching it for. Shows how trivial things can be overlooked a lot of the times when the moment is perfect.
haha never noticed that, im currently playing it again and i am thear that bit so im goin to look out for it haha
It's really weird. They make a mistake like that and no one catches it. I didn't even catch it and I just played the game through again! It'd be funny if Tidus was like "How come when she does that dance her arm dissapears?" to Lulu and Lulu just gets angry and runs off.
I never noticed this, how your friend notcied that I dont know!
Well my ex's friend spotted the small cactar that she has in her hair braid, so I guess anythings possible!
I found a clip of The Dance on YouTube, and I did find it rather strange;

You only see it briefly towards the beginning, but it's there all right. Could be one of those strange subliminal message thingies that make you remember the game, yet you don't quite realize why because it goes by so quickly. (Just like in classic magazine advertisements where they add on extra limbs or unusual shadows to make you remember the product being advertised.)