Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

Who do you like the most?

  • Zack Fair

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • Cloud Strife

    Votes: 31 43.1%

  • Total voters

Aeris' Brother

Momorio Mage
Dec 15, 2008
Dover, Uk
Who do you find more appealing?

Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

Personally I find Zack to be my favourite mainly because of his cool hair and calm and laid back disposition.

If you agree or like any of the other two post here!!! ^^:ohshit::nudge:
Cloud personally, but only because I grew up with him. Evil never really did appeal to me and Zack was better left a mystery (not bitter about the new FFVII releases at all).

And Cloud really does grow in FFVII. He progresses from an arrogant guy in the opening scenes of the game, to a caring protagonist with Aerith and Tifa, has downfalls with his SOLDIER past and mako poisoning and eventually goes on to save the day.

Admittedly though I haven't played FFVII:CC so I haven't warmed myself up to Zack much, and I did want to know more about him since he was always apparant to the story of FFVII and they didn't expand on it, but to me he was nothing more than a character than provide story rather than get a story of his own.
I feel the same as Asuka.
Though, I'm not too keen on any of them in comparison to how I feel with other characters. I do like Cloud better out of those 3 though.
Cloud had more depth (Sephiroth is close behind). Seeing a main character literally turn
insane, and have uncontrollable fits and end up in a wheelchair
was rather great. Seeing how the confident Cloud at the begining of the game was brought down to that, and then only
Tifa could put peices back together again
, led to many a great scene in the game.

Zack was better as the mystery character with long black hair. I wasn't too keen on him as a playable character in Crisis Core as he seemed less experienced / more irritating in Crisis Core than he seemed in the short glimpses in FF7, and the thumbs up he gives Cloud in AC.
has to be cloud imo. when you think about it hes been through the most. plus it amazes me how anyone can hold a huge mofo sword like the buster one, and actually swing it at people is beyond me.
My vote is definitely for Zack. To me, he has always been interesting, even when he used to be a minor character. I wanted to know more about him, so when CC came out I was ecstatic. Zack is the type of character who just seems to be perfect (and least in my opinion); he always knows the right thing to say to cheer someone up. Always so caring, and selfless. Has emotional struggles, but definitely gets through them.
Zack Fair.
Even if I did meet Cloud first and I knew more about Cloud at that time then Zack; I have always wanted to know more about Zack and what happened to him. I remember at that time I was another Cloud fan but after I played CC, I completely changed.
I simply feel in love with Zack specially at the end, he truly fell in love with Aerith and he was willing go through an entire army to get to her and save Cloud at the same time. A true hero. =)
Even if I was upset that he died, I have come to see that he had to die in order to become a hero. If he would have won then I think people and I think even my self would have considered the act if going through an entire army just another awseome achievement that makes it all uber and such and not a heroic act.
Zack fair all the way! Heehee! ^_^

For now, since I haven't played CC yet, I'd have to say Cloud. I'm already absolutely sure I'm gonna love Zack, too, but I'll always be fond of Cloud because he's such a weirdo. He acts like an idiot, he's got a weird sense of humor, and he's a total badass. I love the fact that he isn't a macho man, and I love the way he talks. I always get a kick out of the way he words his sentences and the expressions he uses. ^^
wish i could for vote for all 3 here...Cloud for his complexity as a main character...Sephiroth because of his smoothness and grace(was never flustered or didn't know what to say)...Zach cause the buster sword is awesome and he was the first to use it...but only being able to pick on it would have to be cloud cause I met him first.
Sephiroth is better than the other two, large kickass sword, awesum long silver hair, and has the awesum ability of stabbing ancients throught the chest without feeling remorse. then there is the fact of he has awesum magic power, he unleashed the Black materia to summon meteor...he is amazing
SEPHIROTH he is my fav because he has a cool attitude and he is a general of the Shinra Army i just LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Even though he’s obviously a psychotic murderer/complete mentalist I actually have a soft spot for Sephiroth. Absolutely everything about him reeks of untainted awesomeness. That gigantic Masamune blade he carries with him everywhere he goes, his silvery long hair, his icy cool demeanour, and the fact that he can summon entire planets to drop on your head. What on Earth could be better than that?

Don’t get me wrong, Cloud and Zack are cool in their own right, but truth be told, they’re both pansies. Cloud has a tendency to be slightly arrogant (and I really can’t stand his immature mood-swings) and Zack is too much of a boot-licker. The great thing about Sephiroth is that, even though his intentions are obviously extremely bad, he is so elegant and composed in his approach it makes him so much cooler.
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Zack, I think his personality is amazing and the way he interacted with people was so sweet.He was always a character I wanted to know more and I am glad I had the chance, besides he is the better looking out of those three(which are gorgeous too but I prefer Zack)
I love Cloud too but his post AC appearances have diminished my love for him
I will always like Sephiroth he is a great villian but I don't love him as much as Cloud and Zack.
Cloud Cloud cloud cloud!

Woot Cloud I vote Cloud he's awesome ^^ Cool, cocky, strong, and smart not to mention Romantic!

I love sephy but he lost points for killing Aerith :mad: and continuously messing with Cloud about it >,< He's still the most kaick a$$ villian ever though, way more evil than Kefka......そうね?!?
Sephiroth. He was all mysterious and is probably the best remembered FF villain. His huge sword and his personality make me wish you could play him in the game.
Hmm... maybe a spin off with Sephiroth's life being chronicaled?
i'd like to see a game purely based on him we know what he is and how he became to be the way he is but who was he really before everything spiraled out of control
Cloud hands down.

Sephiroth is cool but he seems kind of over-rated now? Like alot of fans seem to see him as the best villian when he isn't. I did like him in Crisis Core, was good to see a different, calmer and nicer side to him.

Zack I don't like so he's a no no.

But I voted Cloud because he's one of my favourite heroes from all the FF's. He's really cold and distant to all his friends but soon begins to open up and shows a different side of himself, until of course he pretty much goes all depressed again >_>. But yeah Cloud definately for me. I love that he can be different and he just has such a cool aura about him :)
Gotta say Cloud. You know more about him than any other person in the game of the 3, he's on the 'good' side, he ends up victorious in the end, he can wield a blade like a mo'fo, and he's got something in his mojo that attracts Tifa to him at least a small bit.

Maybe Zack would take the cake in some of the spin-offs that came off of FFVII, and it can be argued that Sephiroth is 'cool', but I'd have to go with Cloud for the blue ribbon on this subject.