Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

Who do you like the most?

  • Zack Fair

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • Cloud Strife

    Votes: 31 43.1%

  • Total voters
Eh... I'd have to say Cloud.

You've gotta have respect for a man that can have hair like that and pull it off! That takes some effort.

Seriously though, the complexity of the character is very appealing because while complex, he's still a very realisticcharacter--He's a very weak and has more than his fair share of troubles. Such characters are extremely rare. He appeals to the human emotion aspect of people very well. It's very easy to empathize with this character. (Kudos to Tetsuya for such a well thought-out creation).

Sephiroth rather strikes me as... well, as bat-shit insane. And gives me questions concerning him and his mother I'd rather not think about....

Zack, while rarely seen in the first game, struck me as delightfully cocky and hilarious. However, he seemed to lack a rather interesting history, and his own history--in the end--turned out to be regretfully short. Basically, while this character can be very appealing purely because of his nature, it will never be allowed to continue because he dies. The story is done.
Dragon Sage said:
You've gotta have respect for a man that can have hair like that and pull it off! That takes some effort.
You bring up many good points, but Cloud having good hair definely isn’t one of them. In my opinion, Cloud really does have horrible hair. It’s not just the silly style but also the texture and the smell of his hair that put me off playing Final Fantasy VII. Seriously though, hair styles aside, I didn’t really find Cloud’s character that interesting to begin with. I mean, considering the fact that he’s supposed to be the main protagonist he doesn’t actually say that much during the game. In fact, I could probably count the number of words that Cloud says throughout the game on just one of my hands. The only time when Cloud ever showed any personality is when he became crippled in that wheelchair and started having fits. Maybe I’m being a little harsh on Cloud. Compared to Squall in Final Fantasy VIII Cloud is like a stand-up comedian. Sephiroth might be insane and want to inflict serious pain on everybody but he’s got charisma, a better sword and acts with so much grace and elegance you almost sometimes get hypnotized by him.
but also the texture and the smell of his hair that put me off playing Final Fantasy VII
What do you mean the smell?! As far as I know, you can't smell his hair :wacky:

My favorite though would have to be Cloud. He is such a complex, troubled character, which is one of the reasons I like him so much. While I also like happy-go-lucky characters like Zack, I tend to relate more to characters like Cloud who are troubled and who don't know exactly how to handle whats happening to them. I also like the whole concept of the underdog coming out on top, which is exactly what Cloud does ^.^

Zack would have to be a close second though. I liked how cheerful he always was, no matter how many bad things happened to him. The only thing I don't like about him is that he already had all the traits of a hero: confidence, bravery, determination, ect. Cloud appeals to me more because he had to find these things within himself along the way.
Who do you find more appealing?

Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

Personally I find Zack to be my favourite mainly because of his cool hair and calm and laid back disposition.

If you agree or like any of the other two post here!!! ^^:ohshit::nudge:

I like Cloud since he is not perfect, and is devastated with blacked out memories that must be confronted... but even after that he is still flawed and imperfect.

It humanizes the character.

Tho, it's interesting that in the beginning of the game, he acted like a complete A**hole, to put it mildly with the hole mercenary crap... then it gradually changes until the major turn in the story at the end of disk one... At least to me it seemed to be that way.

With Zack, I dunno... things are just strait forward in his life... no hidden secrets, no weaknesses other than caring too much about other people. His motives and actions behind them are plainly spelled out.

Then for Sephiroth... he has a massive Oedipus complex. :tighthug:
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Sephiroth 4ever.

Cool attitude, calm and strategic thinking, brute and precise force, awesome tactical mind, huge and nice katana, long~ and silverish~ hair~.

Those are the least of his atributes. The most special are: His history, his madness, his villain thoughts and decisions, his no-remorse attitude and his un-paralel, seducter and amazing eyes.

You gotta wuv that mad, men killing machine with the only thought of erradicating the plante is in.
Zack hands down is my favorite of the 3. His heart and willingness throughout CC told me he was a better fit for the "main" character of a game. I'd much rather have seen Zack in the lead of FFVII than Cloud.
I think I'll go for Cloud in this one. I think he's more appealing because of his cool looking hair. About his personality? Well, he thinks about others than his own life.... that's a great personality to have! He's also friendly and a very trustworthy guy. He never break promises too. In short he's a good friend to have!

Nah, just playing. I'm for Cloud.

I mean, Zack was likable in Crisis Core, but I grew up with the O.G. VII. So I find spike to be the best hero and ol' Sephy best villian in the series.
I vote Cloud, just cause he is the one that I grew up with. When I was a little kid, I only wished to be like three people, Luke Skywalker, Goku, and CLOUD STRIFE!!! I didn't know his last name at the time, and everything I knew about him at the time (I was 5 or 6) I had learned from some guy's t-shirt that I read while in line at the local Wal-Mart, but even then I knew that Cloud was awesome! I mean think about it, the Hair, the Sword, the Bike, the Girl...s (Aerith and Tifa), the Job (ex-SOLDIER, and Mercenary), and, above all, the freakin huge SWORD!!!. Yes, I am aware that I said sword twice, but I think the Buster Sword deserves that and a whole lot more.

Now a days I love Sephiroth too, and Zack has his own distinct carisma, but Cloud will always be the best, and I will always side with him, no matter what!
A tough choice,but I'll say Cloud.Zack was a nice character and I really wouldn't prefer him being the main character of FFVII because he'd be way too common for a main character.Also I loved FFVII because Cloud was the protagonist and he made FFVII what it is today.
I like Sephiroth too and had a hard time choosing between him and Cloud.Sephiroth is a more corrupted personality compaired to the other FF villains.He's silver hair complete him in fact.At first I didn't like him but then I understood the real importance of this character.Another reason for me to like him is his sword,it has left me many memories of Sephiroth's appearances.
I prefer Cloud cause he is blond..XD...Now seriously,i prefer Cloud because he is a mysterious character that attracts you and also he is self-tested.
Zack is also cute enough...XD..Well, Zack would be a nice main character but i think it's better that he died early and we only can see him in Crisis Core because he has a personality that doesn't matches with the story of FF VII.
Sephy...hmmmm...he is handsome too but i don't like his darkish air.....
Wooow, my man has the least votes. And how could Cloud have so many more votes than Zack when Cloud is just a fake ass Zack. Anyone who loves cloud, loves Zack, cause Cloud is Zack pretty much the entire time. First he's impersonating him, then after he finds himself, he doesnt really change that much (if at all, personality wise) So you have to agree that, yeah, he's still pretty much exactly like Zack. The whole time Zack and Cloud knew each other Zack was like Clouds big brother, trying to help him get through his life and save his ass from trouble until the very end, when Clouds the one who took care of Sephiroth because of a cheap shot.

I AM NOT SAYING that Cloud isn't beasty for lifting Sephiroth up by a sword shoved through his abdomen and tossing him over a ledge, but you have to imagine, after fighting that dragon in the Kalm flash back, how one dragon his kills you and one Sephiroth hit kills dragon, that had Cloud not snuck-stuck Seph first that Sephiroth easily would have had the power to keep Cloud from body tossin him into a Mako pit.

I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm just mad that the strongest, coolest calmest and collectivest is in last place, the imposter spaz is in a soaring lead ahead of what you might as well say was his Daddy (responsible for his entire attitude, style and behaviors) Zack.

Can we get some Sephiroth love, people? Where are my bad guys at?
Sephiroth with sure.He is so...He is just Sephiroth - half god,so strong and so cute.And aww,what eyes!:tighthug:
Zack. I'm a fucking HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Zack fangirl. Seriously, it's the ONLY reason I wanted to play Crisis Core.

He has the dark hair, the light eyes... he's such a freaking dork and yet so lovable at the same time. He's magnetic, overly confident and always finding out something new. He's not afraid of a challenge and he loves so purely (Aerith ;)) )

I can't get enough of this guy... I'd marry him if he were real. >_>;
Im gonna be slightly biased and say Cloud. His backstory although not amazing is quite interesting and unwraveling his story throughout the game reveals a lot of twists and turns. Sephiroth has no appeal to me, maybe id like him better if know one loved him. Zack i cant properly say, i havent played crisis core so i dont know enough to make a proper analysis on him.
I'm going to go with cloud. I liked him in final fantasy VII and advent children but i will say this. In advent children he was kind of a little baby like " i don't want to fight i want to be a bitch" I hated that attitude but he made up for it with that limit break in the end
Cor-blimey, girls, calm yourselves down!

Anyhow, this thread got me thinking, I’d love to see a mass brawl between Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth – however exceedingly unlikely it is, I wonder who would win that epic fight? Anyway, Sephiroth has always been my favourite. He’s cool, calculated and he has a suggestively long sword (for the ladies, wink wink, nudge nudge). Zack, in my opinion, is vastly overrated, and Cloud is a personality vacuum.
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