Zack , Cloud Or Sephiroth?

Who do you like the most?

  • Zack Fair

    Votes: 21 29.2%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 20 27.8%
  • Cloud Strife

    Votes: 31 43.1%

  • Total voters

Cloud is the coolest of them all, man. He's cool, a great fighter, angsty, manly, anti social, and that's why he's the better of the three.

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He’s cool, calculated and he has a suggestively long sword (for the ladies, wink wink, nudge nudge). Zack, in my opinion, is vastly overrated, and Cloud is a personality vacuum.

QFT! ....even though I accidentally chose Cloud (wail). I always felt the same way about Cloud, yeah he's awesome in battle and all that but eye candy doesn't make up for lack of personality in a protagonist. His story was not inspiring to me and his personality was just plain cold. I don't get all the fuss about Zack either. To me he is Tidus....just buffer, with spiky hair and a bigger sword, and seeing yet another spiky haired chap swinging around said big sword (with less purpose) was hardly a revelation.

I would have chosen Sephiroth. He has an eerie presence! I liked his delusional, rambling self and the way he always seems to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
Cloud Strife, without a doubt. personally I only consider the story of the man FFVII game rather than the spinoffs, and even if I did Cloud still rates higher for me. He's the character that I sympathise with the most, I mean it can't be easy knowing that everything was a lie, it takes a lot of guts to stand up and do the right thing despite all of that. He truly has the makings of a great hero.
I would definitely have to say suprise there. I mean hes a model citizen hes trying to stop world hunger...granted using genocide to do so may be a bit over the top but at least you know his heart is in it. lol. Not to mention hes by far the most bad ass villian ever.
Yeah, I'm afraid I thoroughly have to agree with our good sir right above me. No one can out bad-ass the one winged angel. He's so deep, always so quiet and just speaks right when he needed to for everyone to be stunned and say nothing. He's too emotionless, he honestly just does not care about anything except accomplishing the means to achieve his end. Everything else is like stepping on ants. When you've appointed yourself a damn messiah bent on 'restoring' the world then no matter what happens after that is absolutely inconsequential. No one messes with Sephiroth.
Zack! Cloud's kinda overrated really and Sephiroth... well he has mother issues.

Zack was the one who took Cloud all the way from Nibelheim to Midgar while he was unconcious, and ended up dying to save him... so how did Cloud repay him? By stealing his identy and girlfriend xD
Sephiroth is the coolest, Trying to destroy the world became an old idea but using it as a ship....Now that's creative!

Zack...hmmm...He's just too happy!
well i think its out of zack and sephiroth...but i lean more to sephiroth on this one

tell us why you lean more toward Sephiroth, thanks

I'm going witho Cloud, more to do with he's just the main character and we don't know enough of Zack in FFVII to get attached to him. Sephiroth was cool an all, but well, Cloud hands down for me. He was too evil for me to like him at the time, I just liked him as a villain, nothing more

I like Zack alot more sonce playing Crisis Core, but this had nothing to do with my opriginal feelings on the game, unless you go back to the mansion later, plot wise, Zack is barely mentioned at all and you certainly don't see much of him (mansion aside, of course)

So just coz Im a fangirl, Cloud for me
personally.......Sephiroth why?cuz 1 he's the most badass*sry 4 da language* villain i have ever met and hes an emotionless guy and best of all he kicks ass!!
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Its Cloud for me. He starts off with a dream of being a Soldier and fails but when Strife (wink) in his life hits a max he shines through. One man conquers his own demons, the worlds problems and achieves something greater than he could have ever hoped for. Its what story's are made of. In some ways he reminds me of myself..though I'm a ways from conquering my own demons let alone anything else.
Cloud Strife.

I can't really say I love his personality, specially not in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I just think he appeals to me most... xD

Zack Fair I think just looks cool, and I never cared too much for Sephiroth... <.>
Cloud was okay, but they really screwed up his character once AC came out. And there really wasn't all that much that stood out in Clouds personality.

I used to think Sephiroth was awesome, but now that I think about it there's not much depth to him. His appearance is what made him so popular.

I can't say Zack has a whole lot more depth than they do, but I enjoy altruistic characters and Zack is a good guy, so Zack is my choice.
sephiroth. hes cool and powerful. i just like his attitude like he knows he better than everyone else and no one even comes close to him in term of strenght. we all know he's the best and strongest. also has the best character design too
Well, for me, Cloud is the coolest guy in FFVII(Zack's too close, about Cloud being 10 and Zack being 9.9).

Originally, I met Cloud first before Zack, and Sephiroth is never a choice for me, but maybe Genesis will do, and Angeal for me is too old to be the coolest guy.

Buster sword is cool for me, I mean, when cloud finishes Sephiroth at the ending of FFVII:AC, and it suits Cloud good, and that makes cloud cooler.

Zack Fair has cool hair, but maybe blonde hair maybe more appealing.

Like they said, Zack is like a mystery guy, and I agree with it.

So what d'you think?

I chose Zack because he is Just as strong as cloud and his personality is more obvious. Plus he is the one who influenced about 78% of the events in FFVII.

My personal favorite character is Sephiroth because he is one of the greatest character in Final Fantasy VII. Also he is one of the most famous villain in the Final Fantasy Series. As for Cloud he is the most famous character in Final Fantasy Series as a Hero. He is the best character to use in Final Fantasy VII because of his great Skills, Power, and Speed.
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