Zack's death

That's not even what the questions about. He's referencing LO as the basis for the topic. He has to be because in the game Zack never fought Sephiroth... he just got cut down by him in an instant. LO was the only place where the two squared off...

Also, for your answer, remember that he was running away from the members of Shinra's guard and he ran to Sephiroth. Sephiroth cut him down. The Shinra guard took a pot shot at him when he was looking down at Cloud to see if he was alright. I think Sephiroth would be much harder to take in real life than any group of gunners.
As I remember from the game...*takes big breath* Tifa ran after Sephiroth after he killed her dad. (and left his Katana in him) She then took the sword and went to stab Sephiroth, but he grabbed it off her and slashed her. (and she now has a scar on her stomach) Zack saw this and went to confront him but got slashed himself. Cloud then came in and saw Tifa on the stairs sat her upright. (she was half and half so thats why she didn't remember.) He then took Zack sword and surprise attacked/slashed Sephiroth on his back. Sephiroth then dropped his sword and tried to get away, Cloud picked up the sword and stabbed Sephiroth in the back and threw him into the Mako reactor. After that I can't quite remember -_- sorry... But I think Zack was tired from carrying Cloud all that way and thats why he couldn't get away from the men that shot him to death.
You were fairly close on all parts, but at the end, Sephiroth falls into the Lifestream where he then travels to the Northern Crator and is there the whole game until you confront him at the end.
I think actually...Cloud is the one who get's stabbed...
It actually doesn't make sense that Sephiroth would be thrown into the mako reactor by the hilt of his own sword, when he could just as easily have let go.

Which is partially why I'm more adjacent to Last Order's version of the story where Sephiroth actually jumps into the reactor.
I just got past that part. Cloud stabs Sethiroth in the back (so the sword goes all the way through him) and thats when Cloud throws him in the reactor. As for Cloud... Sephiroth don't get a chance to touch Cloud because, as I said Cloud Surprise attacked Sephiroth... Sephiroth wasn't the big tough guy some people are letting off. He was kinda human and it's not like he was expecting Cloud or had eyes in the back of his head, is it?

Thanks for letting me know how he got to the Northern Creator Bustamo, I always wondered. I though Hojo fished him out of the reactor and put him there. @_@

Btw not being mean to anyone but from the sounds of things Last Order sucks.
I just got past that part. Cloud stabs Sethiroth in the back (so the sword goes all the way through him) and thats when Cloud throws him in the reactor. As for Cloud... Sephiroth don't get a chance to touch Cloud because, as I said Cloud Surprise attacked Sephiroth... Sephiroth wasn't the big tough guy some people are letting off. He was kinda human and it's not like he was expecting Cloud or had eyes in the back of his head, is it?
That scene was the LO one, wasn't it Neko_kura?
'coz I'm pretty sure it went like this in FFVII:

Me said:
Cloud in Shinra suit(or his signature one, I forgot) got stabbed by Sephiroth's masamune on the bridge thing in the makou reactor when he tried to attack Sephiroth.

Sephiroth was all happy and stuff.

Then Cloud carried the masamune with Sephiroth on the other end, moved it to the direction of the abyss, and Sephiroth fell into it.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yea, after Tifa and Zack got knocked down then Cloud came inside, picked up Sephiroth's dropped sword, runs him through. Then he leaves and tends to Tifa. After that, Sephiroth comes back out and impales Cloud. Cloud gets pissed off, grabs the sword, and with it still in his gut, swings it back and forth and hurls Sephiroth into the depths of the mako reactor... where he then travels up to the Northern Cave, like BustaMo said.

He doesn't jump. That's stupid. LO shows that he jumps. LO's stupid.
Why would Sephiroth accidentally let himself be thrown into the reactor when he could have let go of the mutherfridgen hilt of his own sword?
He wasn't just holding on to it. He was bent over onto it. When he thrust the sword into Cloud, the majority of his body weight was over the sword. He didn't just hold onto the hilt, Cloud scooped him up with the hilt. He grabbed it with his hands and stabbed him back with the blunt end. It didn't pierce him but he but he basically picked him up like a tissue at the end of a stick.
Cloud picked up Zack's sword and slashed his back. Sephiroth trys to limp away but as he goes on to the bridge Cloud grabs Sephiroths sword and plunges it through his back and throws him in to reactor.

Btw Slasher I have never seen LO and don't want to. Because as you saw in my last post from what people have said, it is inaccurate and just stupid... That just to me, don't take any offence anyone please.

Rhea Sephiroth didn't let himself get chucked off or stabbed, he was weak and trying to get away from Cloud at the time. Also if I was as pissed off at Sephiroth as Cloud was, I think I would just about be able to summon the strength to lift and then chuck someone off a bridge. Revenge is a very strong tool. Plus like I said before Sephiroth was not, I repeat was not expecting Cloud to attack him.
That isn't right at all. Cloud threw Sephiroth into the reactor. We've covered that Tifa then Zack try to attack Sephiroth but failed. Then comes Cloud and stabs him in the back. Thinking he's killed Sephiroth, Cloud goes back down the steps and goes to help Tifa and Zack out of there... When he walks out onto the bridge, Sephiroth comes down the stairs, goes out onto the bridge. Cloud drops Tifa, turns around, gets stabbed and then tosses Sephiroth overboard. Sephiroth never limped anywhere.

And for reference...

"As Sephiroth tries to open the chamber to JENOVA, Tifa takes Sephiroth's sword (which he has carelessly left on the ground) and attempts to stab him for the death of her father. Sephiroth gets the better of her and slashes her, leaving her seriously injured on the ground. He enters the inner chamber and takes JENOVA's head from its stasis container. Zack arrives to attack Sephiroth and is also stabbed and lies wounded. Cloud eventually comes, finds Tifa lying bleeding on the ground. Overcome by emotion, he takes Zack's sword, and attacks Sephiroth. Sephiroth easily dispatches him, and runs him through the gut with his masamune. Cloud is seriously injured, but in a haze of emotion, somehow manages to grasp the sword by the blade and reverse the hold, throwing Sephiroth into the Lifestream beneath him. [FF7]" - FF Compendium

Note that Sephiroth dropped his masamune. Tifa attacked him with it. He took it from her. Cuts her down. Later... Zack comes after him and gets cut down. Cloud picks up Zack's buster sword and stabs Sephiorth. There is a lot of changing hands of weaponry and it confused me too.
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Well I was close :) I wasn't sure how to explain and some of the facts you said I forgot to mention some as well.
There was lots of blood exchange too... Let hope they all had there jabs and not any blood transmitted diseases. :s
Why would Sephiroth accidentally let himself be thrown into the reactor when he could have let go of the mutherfridgen hilt of his own sword?
Yeah, I thought the same too.
Maybe he loved his Masamune that much to let go of it? :P

Btw Slasher I have never seen LO and don't want to. Because as you saw in my last post from what people have said, it is inaccurate and just stupid... That just to me, don't take any offence anyone please.
Well for one, you gotta understand, LO's just an add-on to the Japanese version of AC.
LO's not really meant to be part of the compilation(it might be technically, but.. y'know what I mean).
Just try not to associate LO too much(or at all) with FFVII, and LO would suck less.

And Aztec Triogal, kudos to you for that. ;)
No actually, since Hinorobu Sakaguchi(teh father of FF) stepped down, things went crazy.
You gotta admit though, that there is some good to that. :)
Yeah, he stepped down a long time ago, before FFX came out.

And Neko_Kura, you might wanna check out LO just for the heck of it.
Zack was pretty cool in it. ;)

Lost Odyssey? It's for the Xbox, right? 'coz I heard he's making games for that console.
Since you guys are talking about LO...
Imo, Last Order wasn't a bad was only like 20 minutes, so call it whatever you will...
It actually made things out to be more realistic. Such as what we were saying about Sephiroth not letting go of his own made more sense for him to jump in...
And the part where Zack was protecting Cloud outside of Midgar was emphasized by showing Zack sticking his sword into the ground in order to shield Cloud from bullets....which made more sense than if Zack had just turned his head for a second and gotten splattered with bullets...

LO makes everything seem more believable.