Zack's death

I'm halfway tempted to edit your post right now and correct your spelling. Hahahaha.
rgan doll?
Booboo you won't prove me wrong, I know what happened. I was there.

Seems like there arent enough losers on the internet who post FFVII videos on youtube. =x
sword and ragdolll,.., god that took litke asll my engery go ty pe that up . hahah i'm really bliszx. But yea, i wana tso show you the trusht so it makes sense to you. You're like one of my favorie membersc cause you hate squall. you're cool rhea. Know it. live it. b e it. yes.
The new FFVII game for the PSP lets you play as zack, and i also think ive seen a screen shot of zack fighting sepiroth so, hopefully (if ive gotten my facts right) you will be able to go toe-to-toe with sepiroth in a fight to the death. Then we could see what it would be like to fight sepiroth from zack's point of view :)
He was probably playing [SIZE=-1]Erghiez...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]I'm still looking for that movie...[/SIZE]

What the hell does Erghiez have to with Final Fantasy VII ???
Yeah i was wrong. and if you knew the answer then why didnt you say it
this isnt the General Topics Forum.
really i d0n't even know a ZAck but the funny thing is in ff X i named tidus Zack i thought it was a good name