Crisis Core Zack's Hair

(Sorry if a thread has already been made, feel free to remove if need be)

Anyway when Zack changed his hairstyle I was like noooooo I preferred his hair as it was at the beginning of the game as I think he looked cool. But that might just be me.

What hairstyle did you like best on Zack and why?

I agree I liked his first do, it was wa-aaay cuter, and it fit him more, the second one *eeep* just was not cute at all I mean, I never thought that you could have a Soul-Mate for hair, but Zack definitely made me think otherwise...
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I guess I'll prefer the first one. The second one surprised me somewhat. It strangely reminded me of Dragonball when it happened though. lol. Not that it really is, just a sudden thought.
Well, see, I always though that the developers were kind of like- Oh, wait, the hair Zack had in the original FFVII was just EFFING RIDICULOUS, so they came up with that better hairstyle (the one I prefer.)

But then, they eventually had to change it to keep continuity. But then they blamed it on "too many of his friends dying and schtuff. So he had to slick all his hair back...except for one spiky bang thing." Also, you could say it's more to resemble Angeal's hair, as like, a tribute to his mentor.

Needless to say, I liked the first hairstyle the best. Plus, when he changed his hair, you just knew the beginning of the end was starting. T_T
I liked his hair both ways and it showed change of appearance as time went on so im happy it changed.
I thought I liked the first one more. Until I actually got to the part where he changes it.

I think it makes him look more mature as been stated adn I prefer it. He looks more serious with it. And its how Zacks hairs ment to be, it did look a bit OTT in the original VII though. But the photo of Zack, Tifa and Sephiroth shows thats how it should be ;)
I actually quite liked both styles. Sounds weird but it kinda helps with the flow if the game really. First style he is young and energetic and ready to go. Real easy and care free kinda guy. Then the second one kinda shows him a bit older more mature and serious. Showing all of the events he has witnessed and friends he has lost. Kinda like his hair changed with his personal beliefs and feelings. Was an interesting move but I liked it. I'd have to say the second one has a bit more favoritism from me.
I liked the original style but I understand all to clear on why he would do such a thing.

For me (and probably what was intended for the character to portray), a sudden, irreversible, and life changing event had happened and even though you are able to walk away from this strong incident.

As a way for him to be able to close a chapter of his life is to make changes to himself which in this case, cutting his hair. Some people do other things like get tattoos, piercings and other stuff for the same reason. Zack just chose to simply cut his hair. (I recently cut my waist long hair to something that looks like LAIN (anime) and dyed my bangs purple recently for a similar reason)

But on a side note, I liked the DMW memory of Aerith quite frankly pointing and snickering which is honest reaction, but then tries to 'complement' it, but it doesn't come out right.