Zorn and Thorn

I hated it...boring battle...rather easy except they gave you a virus..

p.s i also love Beatrix's theme
Eh, I'm not too memorable on killnig them, but they did as some very memorable comic relief with their backwards quotes and their submissive responses to authority. Their perfect in the game, but were corrupt from Elephant Lady.

Killing Zorn and Thorn is mean.
I thought they were quite funny actually, and I realy enjoyed their theme music. It was a bit of a silly gimmick having one of them speak in nonsense order I guess, but it worked for me. Besides, what's a game without some bumbling henchmen? :)
haha i cant believe this is the first thread about those two. these two are the classic annoying villians, that definitely aren't important enough to be the main villian. i found them kinda funny. annoying, yes...but funny nonetheless. i was glad when i got rid of them finally though.
They were pretty funny yes, especially on the airship when zidane tells them they're just following orders and stuff :p. And when black waltz no.3 stole their "aircraft".

The part in alexandria catsle at the start of the game was just plain stupidity.
Zorn and thorn were good villains, very unique too. it was annoying how they talked though >< but the majority of their scenes made me laugh and their blind obediance to Queen Braine was interesting.
it waqs funny at the beginning scene with them when they kept repeating themselves in old english and present day english
I found them to be interestingly unique. Though, I found them to be more appealing during their earlier role in the game, rather than the latter. They seemed to be more of a filler than anything, towards the end.

Their little twist was... somewhat out of the blue, too. Didn't enjoy that part.
HAHAHAH awesome villains they really really really ticked me off, i couldnt wait to fight them.
They way they talked together yet sorta oppiste back to front was funny
lol, I agree, they were awesome village and they added that light of comedy to the game.
I didn't find them annoying, per se, but still...
They're funny.. a little... altough they seem to be inspired in Kefka....
And the stupidiest part for me, is that, it doesn't matter how much I fight, Amarant just enters Trance in this battle.
I find them cute o_o.............no really XD They are adorable I would have them as plushies if I could, they talk funny to XD
I thought they where alright, thought they did get on my nerves with how they repeated each other and danced around all the time.

Overall good villains, kinda comical as well as annoying, but I couldn't wait to get the chance to kill them.
I thought they were unique two. I laughed whenever they came on, but my brothers just growled.