Zorn and Thorn

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
Who loved killing Zorn and Thorn?

Personally, I did. But i saw it as more of a pyrric victory since he gave everyone a virus and you didn't gain any AP out of it. that sucked. but anyway, what did you think?
It's very true - one of the few fights, other than Beatrix, where you deliberately take your time, let yourself lose and then KILL them :lol:

So much fun to be a cruel arse hole :)
It's very true - one of the few fights, other than Beatrix, where you deliberately take your time, let yourself lose and then KILL them :lol:

So much fun to be a cruel arse hole :)

Ignoring the fact that Zorn and Thorn are bits of data, and have no real emotions? ;)

I was very indifferent about fighting those two, actually. It was a very meh boss, which suits their very 'meh' characters. They were just wastes of space, though. :)
I took a biased opinion on those two from the first disc. i SOOOOO looked forward to killing them. but like i said, it was a pyrric victory since you couldn't get any AP out of it.
Ohhh I loved killing Zorn and Thorn!

It felt sooo good seeing those things die..I enjoyed it thoroughly!
Man, I HATED them. What annoying little freaks. I actually saved before the fight and killed them about three times through before I was satisfied. Each time, I cackled evilly.
Man, I HATED them. What annoying little freaks. I actually saved before the fight and killed them about three times through before I was satisfied. Each time, I cackled evilly.

I did the same thing with Trance Kuja and Necron.
Zorn and Thorn were funny, Funny Zorn and Thorn were. Killing them was fun, Fun it was to kill them.
I loved every single moment of it. I hated those "twin" clowns from the beginning.
i hated them so much even their theme angers up the blood lol killing them was one of the highlights of the game for me
the question should be " who DIDNT enjoy killing zorn and thorn"

well actually stealing from them gave good equipment for that early in the game. otherwise i hate them.
I took a biased opinion on those two from the first disc. i SOOOOO looked forward to killing them. but like i said, it was a pyrric victory since you couldn't get any AP out of it.
That doesn't make it a pyrrhic victory, just less than useful. The virus is closer, but not exactly that bad. Now if he had cast virus when the party had yet to find a way to neutralize virus, sure.

If you want to sound smart, than at least use the phrases correctly.
LMAO, I wanted to kill them the first time I saw them. Just upset that I couldn't kill them earlier in the game :)
Those fuckers I hate them they think there self cute and funny what a taste Brhane have...Damn...I enjoed every moment While killing them..but I wished I'v seen some Blood and there brains.