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  • Not much, I just wrapped up after where the demo stops, I am at the park with the pain in the ass kid and just did the inkblot
    That is partially quality, but also the game itself

    I am playing it on the HDTV and am maybe two metres away and some of them can be tricky to read due to angle, movement etc. Granted it's only around 20-22 inch (diagonally) screen, but still
    Some of the options move to fast or at awkward angles, I have hit the wrong button twice which was irksome
    Ah I thought it was just certain games did not bother with them

    How many of your characters have died so far? I am really paranoid about my decisions already and I have barely started
    I will indeed, I can check it on my pal's PS3 tomorrow then if it doesn't work bring it back Sunday

    During the installation I thought the instructions on how to make the piece of origami from the box was cool, I am also surprised that I succeeded in making it

    It looks like it will be a lot of fun, I am surprised that there are trophies I did not expect them
    It will most likely be November my pal, hopefully by then I will have electricity in the cave and not have to use the national computer

    That is and odd thing to make a specific song for, well unusual rather than odd. I am listening to a lot of Elliott lately
    Specifically for the soundtrack, or one of their songs was featured on it?

    I will still be holding you to your agreement to play UC2 online whenever I get it
    The trophy system is weird, I kind of hate and like it simultaneously

    I will burn through it quickly then considering the second is a step up

    Have you played Portal 2?
    Ah that is good to hear, I will propagate many more trophies

    What about the first one? I do not know if she has the second
    A girl I know is lending me all her PS3 games, well to be more exact she is bringing them over and letting me take what I want. She does not have the Uncharteds but mentioned Mass Effect 2, I have not played the first one though.

    Is Assassin's Creed any good?
    Well my parents are out of town for a few days tomorrow so I will have that TV all to myself and intend to replay the demo. I'd imagine the text will be more easily read and the quality will be noticeably improved, but I think people vaunt HD too much
    They do not seem to be at all, though I have never played on a HDTV I do not think and doubt it will make much difference
    I was playing on an old 'fat' television and it did seem rather grainy and some prompts were difficult to read. That is the TV in my room though, I will purchase a HDMI cable and use the main TV for some games perhaps
    Ah I see, why have you not completed it?

    I will probably head into town to the game store some time this week for a look round, I want to see a film anyways
    Five oh?

    Even so you did not hammer the point home, merely commented in passing. The walking mechanism is really weird and clunky. Everything else was exceptional, does it give decent play time though?
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