Donald Trump
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  • Ah I see, because Pitchfork like them and I sought to strike you down with some hipster based insult
    Like Pullman's Regent, he seeks to cow the Authority and declare himself in its place

    Do you like Warpaint?
    That does not surprise me, you are relentlessly consistent if you are anything

    So this is how @CassinoChips gets away with his hate crimes
    Had you any of your infractions/suspensions back then? How mean were you exactly? I just find it weird that you were staff
    I like this, I like this a lot

    I find it difficult to imagine you being less blunt than you are now, what did you moderate?
    If they are a band I think someone asked me to go see them a while ago

    I hear you were a staff cat once
    Along with basket-weaving it is one of our traditional art forms

    B1 - Use spell-check, seriously
    B2 - Yoos spell-chek, sereeusly
    I do not understand how members can be so hypocritical and oblivious, perhaps a debate idea.

    They would shoot you in the arms
    I do not think any flaming will occur in debate r2-b2, it is not a sensitive issue

    I said maybe, they might set your personality alight
    It would beg us to end its life, nonetheless it's a pain in the ass

    Maybe they will only singe your legs so you wont notice
    Spell-check should be a requirement, sadly there is no coherency-check

    Cringed is when you singe a cripple
    Ah I see, hopefully I will be able to buy it soon

    They do not use google, they have FOX and pundits
    I did indeed garner an infraction for said behaviour

    I also accidentally saw a youtube link that said 'mouzone and omar take out stringer'

    Bad day to be Finn
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