Will Graham
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  • omgosh :lew: I LOVED the part where Loki poked Tony's chest :lew: Tom Hiddleston's face at that part was soooo funny, it was priceless :ryan:

    and yes! I thought it was kinda endearing how Hulk punched thor though, I got a brother-vibe from it :ryan: it was so funny how Tony brought up the performance thing, too :lew:
    How much did you laugh during that? cuz everyone in the theater we went to couldnt stop laughing, including me :lew:
    Hahahah, omgosh, that brought a tear to my eye :lew: I will be showing my brother that one :lew:

    I'm starting your set now btw!
    Haha, I do that ALLLL the time :lew: and thank you. I wasn't sure about either of those sigs but seeing how I was being rushed off my work space, I either had to lose an entire day or start again today.

    and i seriously laughed at the Th'oreal :lew: I take it you liked the Avengers? :ohoho:
    I will definitely browse through this. Would you advise I do so before or after my CSS tut? :hmmm:
    Yes, that's a better way to word it. For the most part I do just... roll with it. But I figured since the thread was about homophobic behavior why not raise my question about the actual term itself. :lew: You're right though, it doesn't matter. It matters how they feel.

    I shall find you some tom hardy gifs!
    Haha :lew:

    I think whoever is actually afraid of gays needs to go get their heads checked up. :wacky:

    also, i don't mean to be debating with you, pal. I've just always had a sense of confusion with the label homophobe. its never made sense to me :wacky: I get what people are saying the word conveys but the actual phobe part makes it sound like people are actually fearful of gays. which i cant imagine why anyone would be. :wacky:

    nice hardy gif, btw.
    i need to see norton's. i've no doubt i'll love it, but i struggle to see me liking anyone more than ruffalo. i think he plays the detatched and distant banner really well.
    I am sorry my pal. I had a sudden urge in the library to check out the forum but it was on my phone and it was dying. How are things? It's been a while.
    hes even funny wtf ugh

    the gangster squad
    i thought it was out already and now i want to die because it's out in october fuck my life
    Believe it or not, I used to not like him (even if the Notebook is one of my fav love stories) it wasn't until I got to see how much of a gentleman he is that I started to like him as a person. :ryan: I wanted to see Drive because it's got cars in it... and I love fast cars :inlove:
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