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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Crap this ones close. Go Cloud!! If cloud doesn't make it past 2nd round ill be pissed.
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    Did you notice this...

    I think it was to appeal to the japanese consumers because guys with long hair back there is considered in style. I could be wrong though. And yes i think Laguna looks alot like Vayne
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    I don't like either but Kimahri
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    Hottest Character

    O man... Assuming Garnet was older it would be her hands down. Rikku and Tifa fit my age group better. Out of those two...Man that's tough. I'll have to give it to Tifa on this one. She's too hot.
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    Conspiracy! (FF Debate)

    Im not good at explaining but here's my conspiracy. Every FF game opens with a superior organization/company/school which is somehow always toppled over singlehandedly by resistance groups. In other words: Square wants us to fight against the man. Ill start from FF7 since that's the earliest...
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    Game Tifa vs. Tifa AC

    FF7 tifa if im looking for a freak type girl. FF7AC if im looking for a lady.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Vivi!! Why is he so awesome! Vivi for my vote.
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    What company/kingdom/force/orginzation of Final Fantasy would you work for ?

    Tantalus looks like it's the most fun place to be. Avalanche seems like it would be cool but then again going back to the slums would kinda be a downside.
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    which weapon would you rather use?

    If i see someone pull out a huge freaking sword and can use it really fast as if it were a katana or a really light be dead scared. Magic...hmmm not so much Gunarm. Hmmm i'd be more wierded out if anything.
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Cid is a veteran. Seifer is a punk kid who has problems in school. Cid Highwind gets my vote.
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    Which character would you date from FF?

    Wow i had no idea that there were so many girls on these forums. I'd probably take Tifa but not because of just her looks. I know hat she genuinely cares for Cloud and was there for him throughout all his troubles. Yuffie would be a pretty close one too though but i would have to make sure...
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    FF Awards!!!

    "Villians Awards!!!" Best Villian- Sephiroth Hottest Villian- Edea (when controlled by Edea) Coolest Villian- Sephiroth Worse Villian- Vayne Best Magic- villains usually have these unique magics. Marlboro's Bad Breath when you don't have ribbons is VERY nasty though. Best Limit- Sephiroth's 30...
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    Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

    Zell. He's pretty funny sometimes.
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    What happens if they reach Final Fantasy 30?

    I'm not gonna lie i hope FF series goes on forever. I dont' ever see myself not playing another FF game ever in my lifetime.
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    Aerith vs. Tifa

    If i remember correctly they made a promise a long time ago saying that Cloud would come for her when she was in trouble. Anyways that's what i considered sort of childhood. Teenager if you want to be specific i suppose. Yes i know Tifa has more than just boobs. Tifa helped Cloud alot. She...