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  1. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Yet those standards still has limits depending on each game's similiarities and difference. I don't suppose you have this idea that I would use the exact same standard on different games now do you? What gave you the idea that we were discussing emotions and motivations? Such as? At least...
  2. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Ryushikaze Why would you use the same standard on all FF games? Aren't they different from one another? With differrent situations? No I never invoke the razor as an excuse not to inquire as to the why of Tifa's asking. I dismissed it simply because it complicates the situation(I.e bring more...
  3. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Lonestar47 That is really interesting seeing that I basically said the same thing, just made it longer. Here, let me brake it down for you: ========= Do you love me? == she's asking the same question we've all been asking. Answers that was supposed to have been established by you guys. “I also...
  4. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Lonestar You might want to try to fix your post. Hard to tell which part is mine and which part is yours. No one is "asking" me that yet... Oh so you guys just want me to change subject now? Why?( most of that list needs real quotes btw, not just propositions from those quotes)
  5. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Ryu Well you haven't been reading correctly. I said/implied no such thing. Alrighty then.... Bolded part: Where did I say that? Quotes? *sigh* And people say I don't tackle real arguments. One has to wonder why.... You called it anecdotal evidence, not me: "No, anecdotal evidence is fine...
  6. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Oh, I've seen that. I'm pretty sure that's under the premise that Cloud and Tifa had been a couple at all. I don't think Alantie believes that want me to ask her? I've been doing that for the past couple of pages now. What are you talking about? Eh? Where did I imply that you said...
  7. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    ^ I wholeheartedly agree, except for that whole magic of FF7. I'm starting to hate em for it. Lonestar47 Mind telling me who made that generalization first? Because I don't remember someone saying anything like that. I've seen those quotes, didn't really established anything. Again, I don't...
  8. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    I don't find both scenes romantic at all. Like I said, the story is not all about the LTD...
  9. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    I really wouldn't know, that is the mystery of that qoute that was suppose to prove that Cloud and Tifa are a couple. I also don't see it being love since Tifa asked Cloud this question: Do you love me? --- Cloud to Tifa Guess it's open to interpretation eh?
  10. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Stella Ryu also based it on anecdotal evidence. Ok, tell me why. Because you guys are so much better why? It never said romantic. It could familial or friendly. Take your pick. Let's just hope you're going to say something different this time. Yea, the evidence you've been posting in this board...
  11. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Ryushikaze Guess I'll say something similar to you then... Are we just relying on Ad Hominems now or can you actually back that up? Just want to make sure. Re-confirmation generally means something was confirmed before. What was confirmed before? It's fine as long as you "really" know what it...
  12. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Oh so we're talking about unaddressed points now? Alrite, just a suggestion here, before jumping on another argument, make sure to try to at least end the ones that came before and not leave the person you're arguing against wondering if you addressed his own points. Most of you guys have done...
  13. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Maybe you should tell the "blatantly obvious" thing to Tifa? Do you love me? --- Tifa to Cloud
  14. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Just stick to the official translation. Much less complicated that way in my opinion....That's just me though.
  15. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    I'm pretty sure you guys are way better than that site because? It also true that love can mean many things. From "familial" love and love that comes from a friend. Those feelings can match to Cloud since I'm pretty sure he'd feel the same way to her. What type of love are you talking about? You...
  16. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Stella Interesting, you got implications. I got a direct evidence of Tifa still wanting to know if Cloud loves her. You seriously want me to believe that they're a couple now over some implications? You want me to throw away direct evidence because of this? Most likely because I don't go...
  17. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    You guys need to understand that you have to prove they've been a couple in the first place before even spinning this intricate tale of em having difficulty in their romantic relationship. This is the love triangle debate. The main contention here is who Cloud loves, apparrantly Tifa also wants...
  18. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Oh wow, they have a romantic relationship? Completely missed that part in the story. You mind proving it? That might actually end this decade old LTD. Oh my bad, was replaying AC. Serene Yep, everybody is a critic. That's why I don't really listen to em. Just sayin....
  19. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    I'm really asking, what was established before? That was the whole basis of your reasoning, the so called motive behind Tifa's question I believe. I was confirming that Cloud wanting to go to the church is Occam's Razor. In short, I was agreeing with you. "Using Occam's Razor here is like...
  20. L

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    What was established before? He wanted to go there to die I believe, and yes wanting to go there is Occam's Razor.