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  1. Sell Sword

    Lulu or Paine

    I actually thought Paine was Lulu in the beginning but then I soon realized that well... she wasn't :P but if I had a choice I'd pick Lulu.
  2. Sell Sword

    Why do so many people dislike FFX?

    Honestly I don't know, I loved this game and would like to play it again... if I could find where my copy went ^^"
  3. Sell Sword

    Best weapon by looks?

    I never really got the chance to upgrade everyones weapons to see their final forms so I'll just have to go with the Lionheart :)
  4. Sell Sword

    Did you like Squall?

    Like the scene where he talks to Rinoa and explains everything by telling her he acts like a loner and a person who justs wants everyone away from him because he's afraid of losing them?
  5. Sell Sword

    Did you like Squall?

    because they both have gunblades right? :D lol
  6. Sell Sword

    The Gunblade

    What? really?:confused:
  7. Sell Sword

    FFVIII - Did it have the best summon system ever?

    I used to too, but then I realized that juncioning multiple GF that had upgraded abilities, and crafting a new weapon or two made the characters in your party power houses.
  8. Sell Sword

    The Gunblade

    That's true. I really do wonder if they ever will come back with it though :S
  9. Sell Sword

    Has anyone actually used cloud?

    Cloud is useful if you use his materia blade. I thought he was a cool addition to the game though
  10. Sell Sword

    Favorite Job/Class

    Dark Knight without a doubt :) I loved the abilities they were able to use, a.k.a. Night Sword.
  11. Sell Sword

    FFVIII - Did it have the best summon system ever?

    I liked the summoning system on 10 too, but I wished you could use it without having to be Yuna :\
  12. Sell Sword

    Did you like Squall?

    I thought that the characters in FF8 were more realistic as well. I enjoyed the whole 'problematic past' and school/army storyline.
  13. Sell Sword

    The Gunblade

    Me too actually. Like when he first appears in the game at the palace, when I seen that movie I was like "omg no way!" lol :P
  14. Sell Sword

    Here's something to scratch your heads over

    I'm really not sure of that myself all I know is that it really ticked me off when I was stuck in the game and thought that's where I had to go :P lol.
  15. Sell Sword

    The Gunblade

    Me too actually :) at one point I heard that it was in FF12 but... it wasn't :( :P
  16. Sell Sword

    Who is more terryfing?

    Any of them really because, they're not supposed to be in front of me on the street, they're supposed to be on my tv o.O"
  17. Sell Sword

    Why do FFFan's hate this game?

    I have no idea why some FF fans hated this game. I believe it to be the best in the whole series :P the thing I DON'T understand is why everyone made such a big deal over FF7... that game sucked =P
  18. Sell Sword

    Chocobo Forest

    I didn't like it either. I thought it was annoying, found them usefull for getting around though ^^
  19. Sell Sword

    Did you like Squall?

    What did you think of the stories main character? personally he's my favorite due to the way he dresses and way his personality is so similiar to mine ^^
  20. Sell Sword

    main series game

    Of course :) was best one in the whole series hehe.