Lulu or Paine

Who do you prefer?

  • Lulu

    Votes: 56 74.7%
  • Paine

    Votes: 19 25.3%

  • Total voters
Lulu, we know more about her and she's far nicer. i adore her Relationship with wakka and her gothic dress sense :D

Paine was just...there. like Denzel.
I'll vote for Paine she have a great personality and she's strong too.
Don't misunderstand me but If I'll have to vote for Lulu, I'll vote for her coz you can see her under wear and coz her breasts are almost pops out!
I actually thought Paine was Lulu in the beginning but then I soon realized that well... she wasn't :P but if I had a choice I'd pick Lulu.
Lulu! She's way cooler, and as AG said we know more about her, and Paine was just there, outta nowhere
Hmm... Sits and really thinks on this one... Actually, I really didn't care for either of them. I barely used Lulu in X and I really had no choice in X-2 with Paine.

So, If I where to judge them as warriors, I guess I'd go with Paine as the better choice.
Paine is a big dyke! She sucks along with the game that she was in. I hated Paine almost as much as i hate Sephiroth and thats alot Paine had no point in FF at all how did she get there in the first place? Why didnt they have somebody else Paine was just there to fill in the spot that Square couldnt find due to most likely not planning out FFX-2 as well as they should have. Lulu has more character, she was more important in the game she was in, although her sigil was the biggest pain in the ass to get.
i think Lulu is BY FAR better than Paine...
they both have "some what" of the same personality but Lulu just seems
a bit older and probably waaay wiser.
Auron and Paine have similar actions. The toughest in the party, feared, etc...

Yeah, I can see how people pair them sometimes.
I agree - Paine is nothing like Auron. I loved Auron where Paine is an average character.