Lulu or Paine

Who do you prefer?

  • Lulu

    Votes: 56 74.7%
  • Paine

    Votes: 19 25.3%

  • Total voters
A woman scorned I think you mean.

I do see Paine as a female Auron, sword user, has a darker past then ther other characters. And Lulu does eventually warm and open up to Tidus.
I'd choose Lulu. Calmer, wiser...I never really liked Paine all that much, although a new character was nice.
^ Aaaah, yes that's what I meant, well, almost right.

Wouldn't you say that Lulu could also qualify as having a dark past?

Im not sure really.
Having Chappu and her pervious summoner die
IMO doesnt quite count as a dark past. Lulu has more of a mysterious and depressing past I guess.
Lulu, has my vote, I actually think she is one of the best characters in the series, never mind just 10. Wonderfull dress sense too. I have no idea how long it would take to undo those belts but my god, I'd love to find out.
Lulu by a landslide. Excellent character design, huge tracts of land, and a frosty exterior concealing a softer side. Paine looks like she should be opening for Pat Benetar or Joan Jett.
Paine was just so angery and had no real depth plus she had the worst one liners ever second only to leon off resident evil 4. My vote goes to Lulu
I prefer Lulu by far, I just thought she was a really cool character. She was pretty useless when it came to battling but she had a unique personality. She took really good care of Yuna and helped her whenever she needed it. She seems really cold but I think she is quite the opposite. Her appearance is rather awesome as well, that dress of hers is quite.. bizarre but neat. :P

I'm not too fond of Paine, she's not as interesting as Lulu to me really. She's rather dull and I just never liked her from the beginning. She's alright I guess but definitely not the best character ever.
I like Paine more than Lulu. Sure Lulu is Calmer and maybe more mature but you can't say she's smarter than Paine. You don't know that and I don't either. Anyways I like Paine because she's cooler (both meanings) and uses a sword.
Paine just seemed to boring for me, dressed liked a emo but with no emotion.

Lulu just simply rules because shes a black mage.
Paine just seemed to boring for me, dressed liked a emo but with no emotion.

Lulu just simply rules because shes a black mage.

Define her being emo ... The fact that she was dressed in black? OMGZ! Seh is so emo god!!11!

Lulu must be emo then as shes dressed in black ... Theyre gothic, not emo.
Are you serious? Lulus clothing is cleary gothic! Black, beads, long black dress, looks like its satin material. What are they then if the arent emo or gothic? IMO they both clearly are gothic.
man paine would pwn lulu and paine is alot cooler to
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As a whole, I like Lulu better. Her character/personality was just cool. I felt bad for her after learning about her past; she was just someone you could really feel for. Hated her outfit, though.

Combat... gotta go with Paine. I love kicking the crap out of monsters with warrior skills. :monster:
Lulu was my favorite out of the two by a mile. Her personality and her back story made her a very interesting and enjoyable character. I absolutey loved her outfit and hairstyle as well and her black magic was kick-ass xD

Paine was just.. well a pain really. She didn't seem to fit into the world of FFX and was hard to relate to and understand at times. I wish Lulu had been in Yuna's party in X-2 and not her >_>