The Gunblade

Sell Sword

Gunblade Swordsman
Jun 17, 2007
I personally believe that the gunblade was the best weapon creation ever in ANY game series. I've always enjoyed playing the game for that factor alone as well as customizing it to make it stronger and give it that different look. What did you think of it?
the gunblade is the greatest freaking weapon EVER. i hope to see it in more FF games
Actually, I liked the Gunblade alot, I do hate FFVIII but I gotta give them props for the whole Gunblade idea. It was the most orginal the game got.
The Gunblade was one of my favorites in this game.

Specifically the Lion Heart version of the blade. In my opinion, the look and design where cool and it has one of the best limit breaks of the series.
It was definately original. Honestly, I have wanted to use it in some of my own writings but haven't as I'm not sure how far the 'copyright' on such a thing could be pushed.
For a long time, I thought that Balthier's weapon would be a Gunblade due to early screenshots, but unfortunately that was not the case. It may very well be the greatest weapon ever.
Me too actually. Like when he first appears in the game at the palace, when I seen that movie I was like "omg no way!" lol :P
I was bored with it. I'm more for traditional swords and gloves. Lionheart was nice though.
It seemed to offer too much for my tastes. A sword should retain its normal function, not become a hybrid to make it excessively 'good.' I was disappointed with it really.
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It´s a nice looking sword but not my favorite of the series or FFVIII for that matter...

I prefer gloves anyday and i actually think that Irvines ultimate weapon the Exeter i believe to be the most well designed weapon of FFVIII.
It was a cool weapon but i wouldn't want to see it anywhere else cause its like a sign of FF VIII.
I sure don't want to see it in any more FF games ¬_¬ Along with the Buster Sword and Sephiroth's sword, it is one of the most impractical and worst designed weapons in FF. How could you honestly hold something like that with a handle so small? Can it actually be used as a gun?
Not entirely. The weapon switches between a gun and a sword, kinda of like the old school Power Ranger weapons :P