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  1. soldjavii

    Le Coco Shop

    Hey Coco ^^; I was wondering if you could help me out with something. My friend asked me to make him a big myspace banner (like how you see on band pages) but my photoshop crashed completely and now i'm stuck. Could you help me, please?
  2. soldjavii

    Young Hero: A Denzel Fan Club

    Nah, they wouldn't hook up. They're too much of brother and sister and Marlene probably considers him her older brother. You can tell just by the way she treats him and how she clings to him.
  3. soldjavii

    Young Hero: A Denzel Fan Club

    Welcome to the club Nel! I know, Denzel is just too damn adorable. And he's a fiesty little one, ain't he? I'll add you guys now (:
  4. soldjavii

    Young Hero: A Denzel Fan Club

    Okay :D Wanna be my co-owner? And yes, people gotta give this widdle boy some more love<3
  5. soldjavii

    Hey guys

    Welcome, Joey! I hope you have a good time here!
  6. soldjavii

    Angelic Shinigami's Shoppe

    Aw, that's so adorable! Thank you sooo much! Widdle Clerith lego blocks, hehehe<3
  7. soldjavii

    What's your favourite band?

    My favorite band, forever and always, will be Linkin Park. Why? Because their music saw me through a lot. They do a really good job in making you feel like you're not alone--their music comes from personal experiences and what they feel and that's honestly the best kind. But more of my favorite...
  8. soldjavii

    Ped Egg

    Oh, yum.. siiiike.
  9. soldjavii

    Angelic Shinigami's Shoppe

    Should I find a different one of her burial scene for you? ^^
  10. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    They say she's a "damsel in distress" but quite frankly I don't ever once see her begging for help. She only asks Cloud to be her bodyguard because she was in danger. Tbh, I think Tifa was more of the damsel because she was always being asked to be saved.... But Aerith? Hell, that girl went to...
  11. soldjavii

    Angelic Shinigami's Shoppe

    Could I request another? :nudge: If so, could you use this picture: with the text, "Torn in misery" "In loving memory" hopefully next to each other? :333 Thanks! p.s., and if you could, could you leave the...
  12. soldjavii

    hi ppl

    Sorry about my outburst, truly. That word just.. is not too welcome with me, that's all. I don;t like being called it or when people are called it, that's all. I hope you make a lot of friends here and have fun ^^
  13. soldjavii

    Maiden of the Planet - An Aerith Fanclub

    Noo ;~;, but damn I wish I could make beautiful avatars like that. "Gainsborough, out." xDDD That avatar kills me.
  14. soldjavii

    Maiden of the Planet - An Aerith Fanclub

    Thanks so much! Some Aerith lovin': :ohshit:
  15. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    Thanks Cali. And Aerith's death was needed--whether Kuhn thinks she was stupid. Sorry, but if a 60 foot long sword was coming at me from behind without even a sound--i'm pretty sure i'd be dead, too. She didn't have eyes in the back of her head, thank you very much.
  16. soldjavii

    Soldja's Video Shop ;

    Sure, no problem :3
  17. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    Did you also know that the FF:Wiki is unreliable? Yeah, betcha didn't.
  18. soldjavii

    Soldja's Video Shop ;

    I've got the clips ^^ No problem!
  19. soldjavii

    Aerith Overrated?

    She wasn't stupid! She couldn't of moved out of the way from Sephiroth in time. Her death was needed, you're just being thick headed.